Netflix’s Manifest appeals to many fans because of the series’ unpredictable twists and turns. With each new revelation, viewers learn more about the nature of the enigmatic Montego Air Flight 828 and its passengers.

There’s no shortage of shocking moments in the show, from Vance faking his death to Cal’s sudden transformation — each one is more surprising than the last. The most astounding twists are ones that fans often don’t see coming and have significant effects on the passengers’ lives. These events usually provide answers about the plane’s disappearance but also bring up more questions about the mysterious Callings.


The Return Of The Three Shadows

The three shadows, Jace, Pete, and Kory, are the main villains in season 3 of Manifest. When Mick fails to follow a Calling about letting them go, they manage to avoid an explosion in their drug den that was meant to kill them. Chaos ensues after they kidnap Cal, but they thankfully fall and drown in a frozen lake.

When spring comes around, it’s revealed that the gripping storyline involving the three criminals isn’t over yet. An overhead shot of a lake confirms the audiences’ worst fears. Because their bodies were never found, some may have seen this twist coming, but that doesn’t take away from how terrifying it is to watch them float up and walk out of that lake alive.

Major Kathryn Fitz Playing Therapist

The Major has always been an insidious antagonist who works undetected in the background. With the technology and manpower of the NSA behind her, she’s able to track, surveil, and even kidnap passengers whenever she wants.

One of the more jarring scenes that emphasize her deviousness is an upsetting situation. When Saanvi finally decides to seek help for her PTSD, she walks into a room and is greeted by none other than the Major. It’s a frustrating moment to watch since the audience is aware of who the therapist actually is, but Saanvi sits there with no idea that she’s about to expose the passengers’ secrets to the enemy.

Robert Vance’s Fake Death

Although the director of the NSA starts out as an antagonist, he quickly turns into one of the most likable characters on Manifest when he switches sides. He’s proven himself to be reasonable, as he always tries to do the right thing. This is why it was so devastating to learn that he supposedly died in the explosion at the Singularity’s hideout.

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A few episodes later, however, Vance is unable to avoid Ben’s snooping and is forced to reveal that he’s alive after the passenger approaches his white van. He’s been working nonstop on the sidelines to steer clear of the Major and her spies. It’s a happy reunion that Ben and probably most viewers did not expect.

Dr. Aria Gupta’s Sign

Fans can’t be blamed for thinking that Dr. Gupta is one of the worst characters on Manifest, as she insists on solely using science to solve the mystery of Flight 828. She scoffs at Ben and Saanvi’s ideas and constantly makes snide remarks about relying too much on faith.

She’s proven wrong by Cal towards the end of season 3, however, when she receives a sign after his disappearance. She’s dumbfounded when she realizes that Cal’s drawing of a green dragon and some stars is actually a reference to her own childhood and her long-lost faith. It’s a poignant scene that implies the scientist will be more open to trusting the passengers’ intuitions and visions.

The Discovery Of The Tailfin

Season 2 ended with a massive cliffhanger that undoubtedly left fans stunned and wanting to know what happens next. After an episode full of shocking events that involve Zeke’s resurrection, the Major’s death, and the disappearance of the three criminals’ bodies, the show gives audiences a snippet of an even more astounding moment.

Fans are brought all the way to the waters of Cuba for the scene, where two fishermen are having some trouble lifting their net out of the sea. They fish out something massive, which turns out to be the tailfin from Flight 828. It’s a seemingly impossible find since the last time the plane was seen was in an explosion in a New York airport.

Jared Vasquez’s Undercover Operation

Jared’s acting was so convincing in season 2 that he had everyone fooled about his true intentions when joining an anti-828 hate group. He gets romantically involved with Tamara, a bartender and sister of an aggressive anti-828er, Billy. He also makes friends with Billy and finds his way to the top of the organization, learning about their motives and dangerous plans every step of the way.

Mick and the audience are clueless the whole time, up until Jared has to explain the undercover operation to Mick when she gets too close to foiling it. It’s a brilliant storyline that has a pleasantly surprising twist, as most fans were likely worried that Jared was truly turning evil.

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Zeke Landon’s Resurrection

One of the show’s most heartbreaking story arcs is Zeke’s, as both Mick and the viewers believe for a while that his Death Date is approaching. Zeke makes amends with his ex-wife and his estranged parents in an attempt to get closure before his death.

There’s a moving scene of Zeke and Mick’s wedding the day before his death and at this point, the frostbite has progressed so much that audiences see his ears turn black. On his last day, Cal gets kidnapped and despite knowing the cold could kill him, Zeke plunges into a lake to save the boy. There’s a tear-jerking moment where he lays in Mick’s arms and seemingly dies, only to be revived a few seconds later. Zeke has redeemed himself in the eyes of the Callings and he definitely deserves his second chance.

TJ Morisson’s Rescue

TJ has proven himself to be one of the best Flight 828 passengers, thanks to his efforts in helping Ben and, of course, his budding relationship with Olive. His supposed death in the nightclub fire is an especially tragic one, as he sacrifices himself to make sure that Olive gets out alive.

When Ben and Olive struggle to cope with his loss, they find themselves drawn to a meditation center. The chanting doesn’t cease even after they hold a DIY service for him, so Ben invites Olive to follow the sound with him. They end up walking through a series of dark tunnels that lead them directly below the nightclub where they find TJ alive. It’s an amazing moment that brings tears to Olive’s (and fans’) eyes.

Captain Bill Daly’s Brief Return

Most fans likely can’t help but feel bad for Captain Daly at first, especially when he explains how he’s being blamed for the disappearance of Flight 828. He’s spent most of his days since the plane’s return trying to recreate the exact conditions with a flight simulator.

Things take a dark turn when he decides to steal a real plane and fly straight into an electric storm with Fiona Clarke. The disastrous events seem to end when they’re allegedly shot down by the Air National Guard, that is until he reappears in the cockpit of the remains of Flight 828 housed in Eureka. He shares a panicked stare with an equally confused Dr. Gupta, then suddenly vanishes into thin air, taking the entire plane with him.

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Cal Stone’s Transformation

The biggest surprise of the series is another cliffhanger that happens during the last few minutes of season 3. Before the shocking scene, fans may remember how Cal disappeared after touching the tailfin in order to help others “understand.” Ben desperately tries to return the tailfin to the ocean, believing that’s what the Callings want from him in exchange for Cal.

Ben, Saanvi, and Mick totally miss out on what’s happening back at the Stone’s home, though. Angelina’s irrational belief that she and Eden have a special connection has convinced her to abduct the baby, fatally stabbing Grace along the way. As Grace lays on the floor bleeding out, a teenager appears out of nowhere and tells her that “it’s okay” because he knows what they “need to do now.” There’s a touching moment of recognition as Grace holds her son who’s inexplicably several years older now. There’s no telling exactly where Cal has been or what he knows — fans will have to wait for season 4 to find out.

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