Netflix’s The Letter For King follows the journey of a young novice named Tiuri and his journey to find his true purpose. Along the way, he meets Lavinia, a young girl who proves to be a vital part of accomplishing his mission. During the last step of his knightly training, he gets caught up in a mission to deliver an important letter to the king of Unawen.

This letter is a matter of peace and war amongst all the lands. At every turn,  obstacles of betrayal and evil block the path to the king. From his fellow band of novices chasing him to the Red Riders wanting to snatch the letter, Tiuri has a lot to work through. Here are 10 pivotal moments that shed light on season 1.

10 When Tiuri Was Aglow

As Lavinia watches Tiuri recover from his near-death in the ancient cave, she’s worried that he may not be able to continue with her on the journey. But ultimately, it seems like there isn’t much she can do other than wait for him to wake up. While she waits, she attempts to caress his face but she notices that he glows a warm golden color every time she tries to touch him.

It isn’t clear whether she believes that it’s him glowing from his abilities or some other reason, but she quickly stops and then leaves the room. This moment is one of the first times that she shows concern about the possibility that the power isn’t what she thought it was.

9 “I Can Make This Whole Ship Disappear”

When Tiuri and Lavinia needed to get on a ship as part of their journey to getting the letter to the king of Unawen, they had to be separated. While Lavinia was laying down, a little girl named Milou appeared in the corner of her room saying that she was capable of magic.

In a short amount of time, Milou mentions magic four times. She said that she could make the entire ship that they were on disappear. The purpose of this scene becomes more clear as time passes, but at that moment it seemed pointless. Once more information comes out about Lavinia, this scene is one that suggests the magical ability of her character.


8 Foldo’s Scary Story

All of the novices are around the fire, and Foldo begins telling a scary story about a little girl. The story warns of magic and how it can sneak up on you, especially when you least expect it. In the story, a little girl comes home to hear her mother in the cellar and she cautiously goes down there, only to hear her mother calling for her upstairs.

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She is never found again, as whatever is down there has already captured her. Coincidentally, at this point, Lavinia has always dreamt of leaving home to look for her mother. In later episodes, the power reveal suggests alignment with the girl in the scary story as well. It could also speak of villainous power that later shows in Queen Alianor.

7 Last Thing Before You Die

After their unsuccessful attempt at trying to find Tiuri, Jussipo and Foldo are sitting around the fire talking about the strong possibility that they’ll die the next day. The journey to Unawen’s king is getting more dangerous by the hour and they know that any one or all of them dying isn’t that unlikely.

Jussipo asks Foldo about the things he wants to do before he dies, which sets up an obvious implication that it will be one of them, Jussipo or Foldo, to perish at some point on their journey. The romance just adds to the unfortunate foreshadowing.

6 Jussipo’s Reassurance

Jussipo and Foldo had time to talk about the contents of the letter and what it means for both them and their families. Foldo is understandably worried about his family and Jussipo reassures him that his family is in capable hands with him protecting them. Jussipo makes a self-deprecating joke that all his family has is him and his “pipsqueak” of a little brother to guard them.

Foldo laughs along and says that his little brother isn’t half bad at being their protector, but made no mention of Jussipo. Although Foldo was only joking, it set up another sad moment of foreshadowing, this time suggesting who was going to die.

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5 Eavesdropping In The Monastery

While on their long journey, Tiuri and Lavinia find themselves in a tall, dark, A Series Of Unfortunate Events-like monastery. In the middle of the night, Tiuri ventures out of their shared room and runs right into the Abbot. He helps Tiuri gather his confidence and guides him on his journey of personal growth and identity.

All the while, Lavinia is watching from the shadows. She’s present for all of the “you have to dig deep to find your power” talk, and her face is marred with a scoff and rampant disbelief that Tiuri would be any sort of hero from a prophecy. The fact that she was present during that turning point for Tiuri establishes her growing importance in the story.

4 Lavinia Questions Tiuri

Tiuri is trying to control his newfound powers, much like a first-year wizard at Hogwarts, but he’s having a hard time. He continuously tries to summon them, but he can’t figure out why his attempts aren’t successful. Lavinia asks him about the other times that his magical abilities showed up, and he said that each time he was being attacked.

However, that wasn’t the only thing that each of those times had in common. A main common denominator amongst them was Lavinia’s presence. Perhaps it was because he kept hearing the whispers and seeing faces in nature that he figured that the power was solely coming from him.

3 The Fight In The Snow

After the avalanche covers them all, Iona is the first to break through the snow. Jaro, one of the Red Riders chasing them, is waiting for her when she wakes up. He realized that she was able to steal his knife earlier on, and came to ask for it back. When they begin scuffling in the ice, he sees that her fighting skills aren’t ones that you learn anywhere other than the streets.

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This scene set up Iona’s character as one that is mainly loyal to herself (so far) since she’s been on her own longer than the others. From the scene, the following paths that her character takes makes a lot of sense as she continues to look out for herself. When she ends up fighting against “the danger knights,” as Arman so comically put it, it isn’t that surprising.

2 “You & Me, Tiuri”

Ardanwen finally leads Tiuri and Lavinia to the road that will possibly lead her to her mother. Lavinia changes her mind and instead chooses to go with Tiuri all the way to give the letter to the king of Unawen. She asks Tiuri whether or not he thinks the king will offer a reward in exchange for the hard work and says that together they will be unstoppable.

In upcoming episodes, the power reveal suggests this very thing. Whether only one of them has powers or both of them, together seems to be the best way to defeat prince Viridian and any other villain.

1 The Royal Prison Visit

When Tiuri’s mother Darya is captured and thrown into prison, Queen Alianor comes to talk to her.  She tries to offer Darya reassurance that she will protect her but she rejects it and says that she doesn’t need protection. Darya warns Queen Alianor that she won’t even be able to protect herself against the darkness that is coming, and that her power means nothing.

Her final words to Queen Alianor at that moment are for her to stay out of the way of those who can comprehend and control the impending darkness. In later episodes, the blackening of Queen Alianor’s eyes suggests that her power will have a great impact on whatever is coming.

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