Ever since Netflix’s The Witcher came out, fans have fallen deeper and deeper in love with the world and the characters in it. While everyone loves the titular Witcher, another character that’s captured tons of heart is Jaskier, his bard best friend. He follows Geralt over the years, writes songs about their adventures, and charms everyone he meets. Well, most everyone. He and Yennefer aren’t the greatest friends.

One thing weird about Jaskier, though, is that despite knowing Geralt for over two decades in the show, he didn’t age a day. Even in the video games, his character in the third game is supposed to be in his 50’s, but he only looks like he’s in his 30s, at best. So, it’s spurned a lot of fan theories that Jaskier/Dandelion is more than just a typical mortal.

10 His Physical Appearance (Proves)




Despite the fact that Netflix’s Witcher happens over a few decades, and Jaskier and Geralt’s friendship lasted over twenty years, Jaskier never looked like he aged a day. While that makes sense for Geralt and Yen, two people who age much slower than other humans, Jaskier is supposed to be a normal mortal. Why hasn’t he gotten some wrinkles or a few gray hairs over the years?

By the dragon mission, the man should be in his forties. Even in The Witcher 3, he’s supposed to be in 50’s. He definitely doesn’t look it.

This would totally support the idea that Jaskier is immortal, just like Yen.

9 Knowledge of The World (Destroys)

Unlike Yen or Geralt, Jaskier’s knowledge of the world is limited. He doesn’t know much about various monsters, curses, lands, etc. If he was immortal, he’d probably know a bit more, especially because he’s a traveling bard. Unless he’s lying and playing dumb for some reason, there’s no excuse for an immortal to know as little as he does.

He would’ve at least run into a proper monster or three by then that he could accurately describe.

Granted, if he knew more about monsters, he and Geralt might not have ended up traveling buddies. And honestly, that would be the real tragedy of it all.


8 Fascination With Geralt (Proves)

In an immortal life, a lot of mundane things can become quite boring. That includes average people. While it could just be the inquisitive creative in Jaskier, his fascination with Geralt could help prove his immortality. Picture it: being an immortal, going from town to town, trying to find unique inspiration, something more compelling than just romance and love. Then, comes in this cranky, burly white-haired man who meets creatures that are only nightmares or dreams to the average person.

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Anyone would be mesmerized or intimidated, and for an immortal Jaskier, he’s just absolutely irresistible. He has to dedicate some of his life to just following him around, writing songs (Quite a lot of it, actually).

7 Bad Decisions With Romance (Destroys)

One would assume that an immortal would be a little more intelligent about seducing the ladies he pursues. Maybe, at the very least, be smart enough not to get caught. However, not only does Jaskier bed way too many married women, but he also has husbands walk in on him an alarming amount of times.

Immortals can be just as horny (look at Geralt), but Geralt doesn’t cause chaos whenever he ends up in bed with a woman.

With age comes wisdom, and no matter how much fans love Jaskier, he doesn’t have too much of that. Other than perhaps some under-appreciated emotional maturity that Geralt always brushes off.

6 Acceptance of a Witcher (Proves)

Most everyone in the great continent is absolutely terrified of Witcher, especially before Jaskier spreads his songs about them. The only people that seem to accept him, really, are other immortals and mutants and monsters. That is, until Jaskier comes along. Supposedly a perfectly normal human, he even approaches Geralt first.

Then, he doesn’t listen to Geralt warding him off, instead following the scary Witcher on a mission. Sure, that could be attributed to Jaskier’s unshakable naivety and determination, but he never seems scared of Geralt. That could be a sign of his own, unique immortality.

5 Terrible In Battle (Destroys)

Not all people are meant for battle. There are bards and farmers and the like that never need pick up a sword in their life. However, if one happens to live a very long time, they probably should know how to fight, at least a little. There’s a lot of danger on the continent and, particularly for someone who travels a lot like Jaskier, it probably would eventually come up.

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But nope, he’s not good in a fight at all. He just turns to Geralt to fight any monster they come across. Just look at his reaction when he ran into the starved Hirikka.

4 Musical Abilities (Proves)

For all the people that make fun of Jaskier, he has some pretty impressive musical talents. He’s able to come up with new songs and tunes at a moment’s notice. The same day they free themselves from the elf ordeal, Jaskier already has the main tune for his absolute banger “Toss A Coin to Your Witcher”. That’s amazing.

While he could just be naturally talented, it makes more sense that he really has a long time to practice his craft. That doesn’t take away his skill, but explains the ability to pull things together so quickly. He’s been doing it for decades, maybe more.

3 General Enthusiasm (Destroys)

While this isn’t true for all immortals, Geralt and Yen have both proved that living a long time takes a sort of enthusiasm out of life. Not that they are never enthusiastic, but they’ve seen people make mistakes over and over again, watched kings betray their people, had love ones hurt them over and over; it wears on a person.

Jaskier just has a pure, unadulterated enthusiasm that would be hard to reconcile with immortality. He finds life a riveting joy that he plans to juice every goodness out of. That doesn’t line up with the cynicism or weariness of old age or immortality.

Though maybe he’ll be a little more bitter after that tragic break-up.

2 The Timeline (Proves)

This point ties closely with his appearance. The entire Netflix series takes place over a couple of decades, and throughout Jaskier’s time there, he doesn’t change appearance, style, personality, lifestyle. Nothing. While any wandering bard could stick to the bachelor life just because he wants to, Jaskier does it in a way that implies timelessness. Even in the games, Dandelion’s style and haircuts change with some of the times. In the Netflix series, they don’t.

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He remains the same Jaskier fans met in the tavern for over twenty years.

If he wasn’t immortal, something would’ve irrevocably changed about him by now. At the very least fashion, but at best his clothes look a little fancier just because he’s more popular. Not different, just gold-trimmed or brighter-colored.

1 The Creators Said So (Destroys)

The biggest nail in the coffin for the “Immortal Jaskier” theory is that the creators themselves insist the sincerely forgot to age up Jaskier. Since none of the other characters needed any aging up, because most of them were immortal, Jaskier slipped their mind.

That, or they’re just deliberately misdirecting fans. Who knows?

However, producers and writers walking in and saying they never meant for Jaskier to be immortal does throw a wrench in the whole theory. It doesn’t completely invalidate all the fun clues, but it does mean that the fan-favorite is in fact aging, despite the fact everyone would love to keep that sassy cinnamon roll around forever.

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