Netflix’s Never Have I Ever focuses on the life of Devi, an Indian American teenager living in California with her mother and her cousin. The main source of conflict Devi goes through besides coping with the loss of her father is her massive crush on Paxton Yoshida-Hall.

However, a surprising love triangle is put in place when things start to evolve with her childhood rival, Ben Gross. The real question is, who should she end up with? Paxton or Ben? Here are 5 reasons Devi should end up with Paxton, and 5 she should end up with Ben.

10 Paxton: He’s A Good Guy

Despite the crowd he hangs around with, Paxton actually seems like a pretty good guy who’s just hiding behind a popular guy personality.

In the moments that really matter, Paxton is there as a friend to Devi, even though that’s not truly what she wants. It’s better than nothing. Saying that, he still acts like a jerk to her when he’s with his friends so he probably needs to work on that.

9 Ben: They Have More In Common

Devi hardly knows Paxton, whereas Ben has been her rival for almost her entire academic career. While they’re rivals, this does mean that they actually have a lot in common with each other, when you think about the fact that they’re trying to outdo each other in everything they’re good at.


8 Paxton: He Likes Her Despite Everything

Paxton doesn’t hang out with a particularly likeable crowd, which is why it comes as a surprise when he genuinely wants to be friends with Devi.

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Despite the fact that she randomly asked him to have sex with her, or that she constantly lies about the rumours surrounding their relationship, he still seems interested in her after all that, which is really sweet.

7 Ben: He’s A Good Guy

Despite the fact Devi and Ben have had a rivalry for most of their lives, Ben actually comes across as a really good person who is just very lonely.

While yes, he does insult her a lot from time to time, his best moments are when he shows who he actually is rather than having to throw insults at her all the time. Things improve once he actually realises that she’s his friend.

6 Paxton: He Keeps Helping Her

While Paxton is pretty oblivious to Devi’s feelings at the start of the show, they soon become friends and he consistently helps her out when no one else will.

For example, he takes her to the hospital when she gets bitten by the coyote and he takes her home after the huge fight with her friends.

5 Ben: They’ve Known Each Other Longer

Devi doesn’t really know Paxton all that well, but she has a long history with Ben. They’ve been trying to beat each other at everything for most of their lives.

While that’s not the most constructive foundation for a friendship, it’s clear that they know enough about each other than Devi knows about Paxton and vice versa.

4 Paxton: He Clearly Cares About Her

Paxton might seem like one of those arrogant guys who doesn’t care about anything except himself, his looks and his friends, but clearly Devi means something to him because of the way he acts around her when he actually wants to be nice.

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If this wasn’t the case, he wouldn’t have taken her to the hospital when he got attacked by the coyote, and he wouldn’t have taken her home after her fight with Fabiola and Eleanor.

3 Ben: He Went Out Of His Way To Make Sure She Was Okay

After Ben drives Devi to Malibu to be with her mother and Kamala before they spread her fathers ashes, Ben waits in the car the entire time she’s gone.

When she comes back and asks what he’s still doing here, he said he wanted to make sure she was okay, which is by far the sweetest things that he has done for her to date. To make things even more memorable, Devi realizes how good Ben has been to her while she’s struggled and she kisses him in response to that, leaving Paxton to wonder what is going on.

2 Paxton: He Opened Up To Her

Paxton is generally quiet about his personal life, and only trusts Devi enough to let her in when he sees how she interacts with his sister Rebecca, who she sort of becomes friends with.

This is a softer side of Paxton that no one really sees, and it must mean something if he opens up to Devi which is really sweet and shows their relationship could actually go somewhere in season 2.

1 Ben: He Let Devi Stay At His House

When Devi has a huge fight with her mother about what happened on the night of her father’s death, she runs away from home and needs somewhere to stay, Ben is kind enough to let her move in with him. It’s nice to see their growing friendship over the course of the series.

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