Fans have bittersweet feelings about the events of the fourth season of New Amsterdam. While the romantic relationship between Max and Helen is on in full force, which many fans had been hoping would eventually happen, the pair have also left New Amsterdam public hospital.

Things haven’t been smooth sailing, however, with Helen having to readjust to not only life with a child, but also Max’s habits, which include being messy and disorganized versus her very orderly fashion. Then, there was upending their lives to relocate to the U.K. Nonetheless, the pair persist. Whether the relationship will last or not, however, and if fans even want it to, remains to be seen.


Good Couple:

The Chemistry

There’s no denying the chemistry between Max and Helen, which was evident even when they were simply friends and co-workers. They have deep mutual admiration for one another, and electric chemistry is a key requirement in a good relationship.

They balance one another out, which is a good quality to have in a partner. Max seems to make Helen a better person and she does the same for him. The chemistry keeps things fresh and exciting between them and helps make Max and Helen from New Amsterdam relationship goals.

Madly In Love

Physical chemistry is one thing, but deep love is a completely different thing. And they both demonstrate this towards one another in spades. From small gestures like bringing coffee to work for the other person, to big ones like compromising about the way they live, they have shown that this isn’t a fling.

They show affection at every turn, and when they look into one another’s eyes, it’s obvious there’s a connection there that goes beyond chemistry. When Max was sick, the lengths Helen went to save him proved even more how they feel about one another. Their deep feelings make them one of the best couples in New Amsterdam.

Understand Each Other’s Careers

It’s difficult in a relationship sometimes when each person doesn’t understand the other’s job, especially if one (or both) of the jobs are very demanding. Fully grasping everything that’s involved can provide a level of tolerance for late nights, weekend phone calls, or emergency meetings.

Max and Helen worked together in the same hospital for many years, and both are highly skilled doctors. They know the pressures of the job and never judge the other for going above and beyond. It’s partly why both are among the most likable characters on New Amsterdam.

Feed Off One Another’s Energy

Max and Helen feed off one another’s energy in a way that isn’t common with two people. In fact, it was Helen’s energy and determination that helped Max battle cancer. She was also his shoulder to cry on, confidante, and the person who stepped in for him at the hospital any time he needed her.

They make a great team professionally, so it makes sense that they would also be great together personally. Max inspires hope in everyone he crosses paths with, and his upbeat attitude is in part what helped give Helen the courage to make a move to help her old community.

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Have Been Through A Lot Together

They have gone through more than most people have experienced together, even before they decided to take their relationship to the next level. Max went through rigorous cancer treatment, which Helen spearheaded, including getting him into clinical trials. She also saved his life when he was poisoned.

Meanwhile, Helen has dealt with the fractured relationship with her mother, the death of her half-brother, and the complications with her niece. And all the while, Max was by her side.

Aren’t A Good Couple:

She Hasn’t Dealt With Her Family Issues

Helen has a lot going on with her family, including her strained relationship with her mother. While she moved to the U.K., in part, to help that relationship, she still harbors a lot of anger towards her childhood and missed relationship with her father.

Part of this was because of details she finally remembered that suggest her mother was lying to her all along. Already fighting with Max about the situation, chances are Helen will be dealing with the trauma for a while, which will consume all of her emotional time.

Reluctant Move

While Max seems to be adjusting to the U.K. as well as he can, it’s obvious he only moved for the sake of Helen, who wanted to head up the clinic there. It was a one-sided decision even if he went along with it. Despite his best efforts, it’s likely that his heart is still with New Amsterdam, even if he tries to deny it.

Chances are, if given the choice, Max would have preferred to stay at New Amsterdam. While he might be okay with the sacrifice for a short period, he could begin to resent Helen if he isn’t able to find his footing there.

Max Left His Passion Project Behind

Max put everything aside, even risking his marriage to Georgia, to head up New Amsterdam, vowing to turn things around at the hospital and make its focus on what it should be: helping people. Just when he hit his stride, however, he let it all go for the sake of love.

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While it’s a sweet thing to do, Max, at his core, needs to feel like he’s doing meaningful work. Abandoning the hospital when they needed him the most, especially after seeing so many of his old colleagues get laid off (though he did what he could to save his closest friends) isn’t something the real Max would ever do.

Both Too Ambitious

With that said, both are also highly ambitious. While it isn’t necessarily professional heights they want to reach – both are at the pinnacles of their careers – they have an inherent need to foster change. While admirable, that also requires a lot of hard work and dedication.

It will be difficult for them to maintain a solid relationship when they are both trying to find that professional and moral fulfillment. And with them working in different places, they could easily begin to grow apart, with neither willing to give up their goals for the other.

Betrayed Georgia

Many might disagree since Max waited years after Georgia’s death to finally act on his feelings for Helen. He grieved heavily after she passed away following the tragic accident, which occurred in the best ranked episode of New Amsterdam, according to IMDb. So, there was no question that he was madly in love with his wife.

With that said, he and Helen getting together begs the question of whether they had romantic feelings for one another while Georgia was still alive. Various scenes and interactions would suggest that they might have. And that doesn’t sit well with some fans, feeling like a betrayal even though Georgia is now long gone.

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