It doesn’t take long for viewers to pick up on a connection between Max and Helen in New Amsterdam. Despite not getting off on the best foot, the medical director and world-famous doctor develop a profound bond after Max is diagnosed with cancer. With marital issues and a baby on the way, Max leans on Helen for comfort during a difficult time in his life.

The two become best friends, co-leaders, and confidantes, and the slow-burn romance between them is teased for several seasons. Although it’s a valid concern, the couple doesn’t fall prey to the Moonlighting curse and their relationship is well worth the wait. Max and Helen complement each other in every way, and their compatibility is showcased by their words and actions.

9 Max Has Unconditional Faith In Helen

There’s a huge difference between claiming to trust a person and actually doing it. True faith needs to be tested, and when it comes to Helen, Max passes with flying colors. When he tells her he’d put his life in her hands, Max is being completely transparent.

But as viewers know, Max sees himself as expendable and his safety is always his last priority. The biggest testament to Max’s unconditional faith in Helen is when his daughter’s life is in jeopardy during a Code Silver. Trusting Helen appears effortless and Max follows her without hesitation or question.

8 Max And Helen Share Each Other’s Burdens

Max and Helen have several quotes that display how emotionally intimate their relationship is. The line, “I’ll burden you if you burden me,” stands out among them due to the accuracy in which it describes the pair’s dynamic. Neither characters are good at asking for help and take pride in being self-sufficient.

In Max’s case especially, he’s adverse to let others share his suffering. Max and Helen are desperate to help each other in whatever they can, but it requires a give and take. Because they share burdens, Max and Helen lighten their own load without making the other’s heavier.


7 Helen Gives Max His Future Back

After his wife dies in the second season opener, Max is at the lowest point in his life. Viewers spend the entirety of New Amsterdam Season 1 watching Max battle a deadly form of cancer while continuing to work full time as the hospital’s medical director. Yet, nothing can compare to the pain he feels when Georgia succumbs to her injuries shortly after giving birth to their first child.

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Max becomes so detached from reality that he neglects everyone to indulge in hallucinations of his dead wife. It’s hard to imagine him finding contentment, yet Helen makes Max happier than he’s ever been. Not only does she give him his future back, but it’s a brighter one than he thought was possible.

6 Max And Helen Are A Team

No matter what form their relationship takes, Max and Helen have always been equals. Max chooses to make Helen the deputy director of the hospital due to her knowledge and insight. He values her opinion more than anyone else’s, and despite being Helen’s boss, any semblance of a power struggle between them is nonexistent.

This translates into all aspects of their lives, including Max and Helen’s new romance. Whether it’s regarding work or a personal matter, the couple makes decisions together and comes across as a united front.

5 Helen Cares About Max More Than Herself

Helen always prioritizes Max’s well-being over her own and shows up for him when he needs her most. While he’s easily the most likable character in New Amsterdam, Max is reckless in the way he approaches situations. He tries to fix everything alone and doesn’t hesitate to put himself in danger.

Max almost dies using his body to haphazardly contain a chemical spill, displaying little to no regard for his safety. Thankfully, Helen knows how Max operates and knows where to find him during the crisis. She refuses to leave Max, despite the deadly risks, and showers him off in a heartbreaking scene.

4 Max And Helen Are Both Willing To Make Sacrifices

A healthy relationship requires equal effort from each person involved. It’s impossible for everyone to get what they want all the time, which is why couples need to be willing to compromise and make choices that benefit their partner.

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For seasons, it appears as though New Amsterdam is Max’s heart. His refusal to step down as medical director is what causes problems between Max and Georgia during the earlier episodes. However, by volunteering to move to London, it becomes clear that Max’s heart is Helen. It’s not a small sacrifice, but Helen makes plenty for Max in return.

3 Helen Is The Reason Max Takes Off His Wedding Ring

Removing his wedding ring means moving on, and while there are fans who enjoy the relationship between Max and Alice in New Amsterdam, he’s never able to take that final step with her. The show gives off the impression that Max isn’t ready to let go of Georgia, but a charged moment with Helen throws this into question.

He fiddles with his wedding ring on his own accord, implying that there’s one specific person who makes Max want to open up his heart again. Taking it off is a symbolic moment for the character, and he immediately races across town to kiss Helen.

2 Max And Helen Are Each Other’s Joy

There are an endless amount of ways to justify why Max and Helen are the best couple in New Amsterdam, but the most significant one is simple. As Max says himself on the night he decides to follow Helen to London, she is his joy.

He’s undoubtedly Helen’s in return, and the elation they radiate when they’re together is contagious. All along, Max and Helen have been the key to each other’s happiness. The two find peace by simply being in each other’s presence, and the love they share is what others can only hope to achieve.

1 Max And Helen Are Best Friends

Max and Helen are friends long before anything else happens between them. It’s implied that Helen develops feelings for Max early on, but his devotion to his wife keeps their relationship strictly platonic. While fans start shipping the duo as early as New Amsterdam Season 1, Max’s marriage has a positive impact on their romance in the long run.

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Max and Helen are able to connect on a level that surpasses any form of physical or sexual intimacy. They fall in love with their best friend after getting to know them in all the ways that matter most.

NextThe Big Bang Theory: 9 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Sheldon Cooper

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