Baldur’s Gate 3 has several of its planned playable classes already available in its Early Access release, with several more yet to be added. Larian Studios have laid out which classes it plans on being in the final release – but which should it add first in Baldur’s Gate 3’s next update? The developers would do well to focus on a classic, on something that would enhance the content already available, and on something that would be a little bit different than what players have experienced so far.

At its core, the Baldur’s Gate series is a Dungeons & Dragons story. The latest iteration is built upon the fifth edition ruleset for D&D, with a few tweaks here and there. All of the standards of the popular tabletop game are present in Baldur’s Gate 3. Armor Classes, magic missiles, and twenty-sided die are found in abundance. And yet, there is not a paladin in sight. The classic goodly and godly Paladin class is still missing from Baldur’s Gate 3, an oversight that needs to be corrected as soon as possible. There is nothing that screams ‘Classic RPG’ more than a hammer-wielding dwarf setting out on a righteous crusade. Adding in the paladin class is sure to satisfy fans of both the series and the genre.


The current portion of Baldur’s Gate 3 available in Early Access includes a rather large section that deals with a group of druids attempting to perform a rather serious and consequential ritual. While players of any class are able to interact with this sect of shapeshifters, their nature remains a tantalizing mystery. Their motivations are shrouded by druidic-lore. They can be a little tight-lipped. If the player were a fellow druid, however, they may be more willing to share their secrets. A players’ background can lead to unique dialogue choices within conversations, and adding a druid class could introduce some very interesting options into those dealings with the secretive group. Plus, being able to turn into a bear would be real cool.

Other Classes Baldur’s Gate 3 Needs Next

Currently, each class within Baldur’s Gate 3 has a very obvious combat role. Each is capable of, and encouraged to, commit acts of violence. Larian Studios have recently been talking about how they wish to reward players for finding creative ways to solve quests within the game, including pacifist solutions (something players on Larian’s message boards clearly want). What better way to encourage this kind of thinking than to add in a class not based around swinging swords?

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Adding in the Bard would be the perfect way to show their commitment to this line of thinking. Bards in Dungeons & Dragons games are all about singing songs to boost their companions abilities – usually in the name of violence, but still – and using their charisma to talk their way out of conflict. There are already a few loot-able lutes in the game, and the Bard class shouldn’t be far behind.

As Baldur’s Gate 3 continues to work its way through its Early Access period, it will change dramatically. There will be additions, subtractions, and corrections. It will be a long road to walk from here to full release. Larian Studios could give players a little help along that road by quickly adding the Paladin, Druid, and Bard classes to the game in the next update.

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