Winston Bishop is one of the quirkiest characters portrayed on New Girl. He’s a man of many nicknames, wearer of bird shirts, and is the ultimate prankster. Throughout the series his persona brings the ultimate funny moments, making him many viewers’ favorite.

His personality grew on people the longer the show went on, and Lamorne Morris didn’t hold back at making Winnie the Bish the most authentic and genuine member of the loft. Some of his best moments feature his adorable second-hand cat, Furguson, which the actor recently revealed he was allergic to, adding to the humor behind the duo.


“Menzies” (Season 2, Episode 7)

Although the moment with Nick and Tran is a New Girl scene fans love to re-watch, Winston reveals something so absurd that it makes for a comedic sideshow. Winston confides with Schmidt that he thinks he’s getting his period, and shares that he looked it up and learned about “sympathy PMS.” He tells him that he has “the menstruation inside me,” and somehow got on Jess’ menstruation cycle.

Jess becomes defensive, saying that “menzies” were the one thing she had, but later bonds on the couch with Winston when they curl up together in their pajamas and eat candy. At the end of the episode, it’s revealed that Winston just wanted an excuse to be emotional over his breakup with Shelby, making his dedication to PMSing even funnier.

“Eggs” (Season 2, Episode 9)

While Winston isn’t the main focus of this episode, he provides one of the best narratives of a zombie novel a sitcom has ever seen. Nick interrupts Winston’s adjusted sleeping schedule to find inspiration for his book by bringing him to the zoo with him. This episode shows a special look at how close the two friends are when Winston is brutally honest to Nick about him never being able to finish things.

The next day, Nick comes in with his finished book “Z is for Zombie.” Winston reads it and tells him that although it’s terrible, he finished it, and he was proud of him. He then narrates the novel in a hilarious monologue where he uses different voices and hand gestures to enhance the story.

“All In” (Season 3, Episode 1)

As Nick and Jess focus on their budding relationship, Schmidt turns to Winston to become best friends with him instead. Hilariously, Winston is more concerned about spending his day working on a puzzle. The friends all say how weird he gets when doing a puzzle, which is demonstrated as Winston sits at the table alone, singing to the box and taking off his pants in preparation.

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After working on the puzzle for the entire day and making no progress, Schmidt gets frustrated with him and makes the discovery that Winston is actually color blind. The realization is a shock to Winston, going through life assuming most of the world, including Kermit the Frog, were different shades of brown.

“Nerd” (Season 3, Episode 2)

Winston tries committing cat murder in this hilarious episode where he babysits his girlfriend’s cat and discovers she’s cheating on him. When Nick tells Winston to break up with her he replies, “That’s an option. I was thinking, like, I’ll kill her cat.” Throughout the episode we then see him holding numerous murder weapons over Ferguson, including a noose, a baseball bat, a shovel, and a hammer.

The commitment Lamorne Morris gives to Winston’s character throughout the humorous cat versus human debacle is exquisite. At the end of the episode, he confronts Daisy, telling her that he (and Furguson) deserved better and that he would be keeping her pet, one of the best decisions Winston has ever made.

“The Captain” (Season 3, Episode 4)

Winston takes Furguson to the vet and is told the cat needs to be neutered, prompting Winston to throw a “cat bachelor party” before the big day. The unexpected friendship Winston develops with his cat is a delightful plotline. He goes to the pet store and finds a woman there with a girl cat, and tells her he’s looking for a date for his boy cat. The girl hilariously thinks he’s trying to hit on her and agrees to bring her cat to his apartment.

He attempts to set the mood for the two cats and gets mad when the other roommates distract them by being loud. His attitude at trying to “fulfill” Furguson’s sexual needs and the misunderstanding with the girl makes for a hilarious episode.

“Longest Night Ever” (Season 3, Episode 9)

Nick is asked to cat-sit for Winston so he can go out to meet women at the bar. When he gets back after numerous failed attempts because he’s notoriously bad at starting normal conversations, he discovers Furguson is missing.

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An odd woman finds Furguson and when they go pick him up, Winston finds himself strangely attracted to the woman who says she’d rather hang out with her hamster than go out and meet guys. The two then talk to each other, each thing coming out of their mouth weirder and more bizarre than the next. The exchange the two have is uncomfortable, but the chemistry and way they bounce back and forth make for a comedic moment.

“Big News” (Season 3, Episode 21)

Winston learns he gets into the police academy, and Nick and Jess don’t want to ruin his big moment by telling the gang they broke up. In celebration of his big day, Winston decides they should throw a “honey roast” for him, which is a roast where, instead of mean things, they shower him with love and compliments. Winston dresses for the occasion in a white tuxedo and even has a throne made for him to sit on.

When he learns of the break up he says that the honey roast will have to be postponed and that everyone will need to be in white. The idea that he would rather spend the day being complimented than go out to celebrate is just another example of Winston and his funny views on life.

“Helmet” (Season 5, Episode 16)

Winston takes his beloved cat to his work partner’s boyfriend who is an animal agent. When he gets to the office he introduces Furguson as “Furguson Michael Jordan Bishop, ” and is humiliated when his cat is rejected. They distract the other cats by dousing Schmidt in concentrated catnip, and Winston brings Furguson into the audition room where he is introduced with a dramatic flourish.

Everyone’s amused as the cat saunters out of his kennel and falls directly into a trash can. They laugh harder when Winston begins singing to him to soothe his “performance anxiety.” It’s revealed that Winston was using the determination for Furguson going to the audition as a metaphor for himself pursuing his work partner.

“Where The Road Goes” (Season 7, Episode 4)

This episode starts out with an elaborate funeral gathering and the song “Only Time” by Enya plays in the background. It’s not quite clear who has died until pamphlets for Furguson are handed out, and Winston gives a touching speech about all of his favorite pet’s quirks. Winston is notorious for weird moments so it’s not surprising he makes everyone talk about his cat for twenty minutes.

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Nick reveals that Jess killed Furguson while at the memorial service and Winston tells them they’re mistaken and that the coroner told him he passed of a heart attack. After avoiding crying over the death of his pet, he finally lets the tears flow and has a sweet bonding moment with Aly before they find a new cat in the booth they’re sitting in and Winston names him Nafta.

“Godparents” (Season 7, Episode 5)

Aly and Winston have a meeting to bestow a baby rattle and the name of godmother to Jess in the event they die. The rest of the episode follows Winston preparing to be a dad, and he takes Jess to Lamaze class where he screams with the women and acts like he’s the one who’s going to give birth – ultimately getting them kicked out.

Winston confides in Jess that he’s worried he’s not ready to be a father due to his own dad not being in his life, and Jess decides to find Van Bishop. As the two are reunited and bond over their animal print shirts, Aly tells Jess that the man is actually a stranger. The episode is humorous as the entire time Winston was laughing and hugging the man, calling him “Pop,” fully convinced he was related to him.

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