Fans of New Girl know that Jessica Day was an amazing character who, as the main character, brought so much life to this iconic series. This character, who befriended three strangers after moving in with them, introduced viewers to the world of this show and was such a funny lead. Jess was a hilarious, unique, and kind character who fans fell in love with immediately.

Known for her nerdy interests and love story with Nick Miller, this character had some pretty amazing and memeable moments on this series. Keep reading to see 10 Jessica Day memes that any devoted fan of New Girl will absolutely love!

10 Mama Like

This funny meme is one that any fan of Jessica Day’s will love, as it uses one of her funniest lines. Jess was almost always using some sort of interesting phrase, or wording things in unique ways, which was definitely part of her overall charm, and why she was so hilarious so often!

This meme nods to those types of commonly used phrases of hers perfectly, with the classic, “Intrigue. Mama like.”

9 Swearing

The meme shown here is actually quite comical considering Jessica Day’s history with the word shown. Jess was definitely not a character that was prone to swearing, and she has an especially funny relationship to the word she chose to replace a swear word in this scene.

Devoted fans will remember the time she had a hard time using this word and had a nickname for it instead. Seriously, this meme is too good!


8 Hide My Crazy

Jessica Day was many things, and a relatable person was one of them. This character never shied away from exposing her vulnerabilities and showing her true feelings, which usually led to some sort of relatable revelation from this character.

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This meme is a perfect example of a time she didn’t try to hide how she was feeling, and how funny and relatable the moment shown here actually turned out to be!

7 Everyone Loves Jess

One thing that fans of this show can agree on, is how easy it was to fall in love with Jessica Day. This character showed fans right off the bat how funny, odd, and unique she was, and it was impossible not to fall for her personality.

This character continued to prove what an amazing addition she was to this series, and this meme funnily points out how much-devoted fans loved her!

6 Soft Pretzels

An incredibly relatable episode of this series was when Jess blamed a lot of her problems on her period, which she later accepted as a front for her real sadness, losing her job. Many people could relate to this episode, and the comments this character made about periods and the struggles that come along with it were definitely iconic.

This quote from Jess Day was only one of the many relatable and laughable quotes from this episode.

5 Do It

One of Jessica Day’s funniest personality traits was the fact that she was always so predictable. This character was known for her levelheadedness and responsible habits.

These personality traits made it incredibly funny when she would surprise fans with behavior that was different from what was usually expected from her, which is flawlessly shown in this meme. Jess surprised her friends when she was interested in risky behavior, and this meme depicts that perfectly.

4 Merry Christmas

Jessica Day’s love life took many turns throughout this series, and the times that this character was heartbroken or recovering from a breakup often led to some of the funniest scenarios and quotes of the show.

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This meme shows one of those relatable quotes that any single person will definitely relate to in some way! This meme sums up Jess’s love life, or lack thereof, during many episodes of this comedy.

3 Hung Over Jess

Jess was always getting into some sort of complicated situation with her best friends and roommates, but the episode featured in this meme shows a time that she partied with some people who weren’t quite her closest friends.

During the episode shown in this meme, Jess got quite drunk trying to impress her new co-workers, and her hungover work attire the next day was too relatable. Some of the funniest moments came from this character’s hangovers.

2 Bread Roll

This meme is one that showcases one of Jess’s best lines. This moment came from an episode during which, Jess found out that women are able to take a test to find out how many eggs they have left.

After hearing statistics about her age, she quickly became stressed about her life and where she stood, pointing out her lack of readiness for children, using the line in this meme to prove that.

1 When She Got Fired

A huge part of Jessica Day’s life revolved around her career as a school teacher. Jess was incredibly passionate about her job, and loved being a teacher wholeheartedly.

When Jess was let go from one of her positions, she had a hard time coping, which is perfectly represented in this meme that compares her reaction to losing her job to finishing the New Girl series and the sadness that came along with the series finale.

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