The sitcom New Girl is a comedic show that has touched many fans. While there are numerous funny moments and memorable quotes, there are some underrated inspirational lines that deserve to be remembered. New Girl does show the more comical situations in the characters’ lives, but they still go through hard times, and these inspirational quotes stand out because of it.

These iconic lines offer helpful tips for characters and fans as they deal with the struggles of life.

10 “Life Sucks! And Then It Gets Better, And Then It Sucks Again.” -Nick

In an emotional scene when Jess is crying to Nick, she says that it all sucks. Nick agrees with her statement, but then he gives a little hope. Life can suck, but Nick reminds her of the good things in life and how things do get better with time.

It only takes this reassuring sentence to help make Jess feel better. This has remained one of Nick’s most popular quotes from the show. It shows a lot about Nick’s character and acts as an inspirational line.

9 “You Know What Happens To People Who Keep It All Inside. They Get Old And They Get Sad And They Get Weird.” -Jess

Jess offers some good advice when her friends only want to keep everything in and admit that they’re fine. Jess drops this quote, and it is relatable for lots of viewers.

If an issue is kept inside it will never be solved, and it will only grow bigger as time goes on. Letting it out to friends or trusted friends is a helpful tool. While it may be a vulnerable and difficult thing to do, sharing problems and feelings is a good thing and can refresh the mind.


8 “You Got Hurt. That Doesn’t Mean You Stop Trying.” -Cece

Cece walks into the room to see Jess sprawled out on the floor. She is preparing for her date, but she tells Cece that it might be horrible and she’ll have nothing to talk about. Then Jess admits that maybe she shouldn’t go at all.

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Cece gives her some encouraging words and helps her to her feet, reassuring her that she will be there for her. Cece can be someone that gets straight to the point, but she has always been a good friend to Jess and wants what is best for her and see her succeed.

7 “When You Care About Somebody You Do What’s Best For Them, Even If It Sucks For You.” -Schmidt

After a tough time trying to come to terms with Cece and her career, Schmidt decides to walk away from her and call it quits. He doesn’t think he will be able to handle it and did not want to let the resentment build over time.

While this time was rough, Schmidt wanted what was best for Cece, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to give her his all. With so many emotions flying around, this quote from Schmidt is mature and admirable.

6 “You Can Run Away From Your Problems, But You’re Just Gonna Find New Ones That Pop Up.” -Jess

As funny as Jess is with her words, she speaks truth. Running away from problems won’t solve them. They will only grow bigger and plant new issues in the future. It’s easier to push the problems aside at the moment, but they come back later on.

Jess has plenty of experience with facing problems, and her advice can be helpful to many. For how immature Jess can act, she offers a lot of helpful words to her friends coming from experience.

5 “If Something Doesn’t Work Out, What Do You Do? You Make An Adjustment, You Give It One More Shot.” -Winston

Winston is always there to help out his friends and offer advice. He is one of the most least confident of the bunch, but he is considerate and caring for others, especially his close friends.

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Winston offers Nick some advice while things don’t seem to be working out. He encourages him to made adjustments and give it another go. Sometimes, that is all the boost that a friend needs. Winston has gone through one of the most unique journeys on the show, and he has lots of wisdom to give.

4 “I Have Your Back No Matter What, No Matter How Stupid It Gets.” -Jess

Nick’s family puts a lot of pressure on him to plan his father’s funeral, and Jess notices just how much they dump on him. While trying to plan the funeral, but also being overwhelmed and full of grief, Jess tells him that she will have his back no matter what.

This proves to be true as she dresses up as Elvis for the funeral since his father loved him. Jess proves herself to be a good friend for Nick during a time of need. A simple sentence and promise can go a long way in relationships, and Jess is a great example of this.

3 “Before You Say No, Don’t Say No.” -Jess

Jess and Nick are hitting a rough patch in their relationship, and while Nick wants to call it quits, Jess says that she doesn’t want to give up on them. She drops this quote, and while the wording may be simple, it holds a lot of meaning.

They both know that there is something between the two of them that is special, and Jess clings to it. If either of them had said no and moved on, they wouldn’t have been where they are in their relationship. This quote can be taken in any circumstance, and it’s one that viewers should remember.

2 “The Thought That Any Ordinary Day Could Be The Day I Look Back On When I’m Much Older As Being The Best Day Of My Life.” -Ryan

While Ryan and Jess are on a retreat, they are assigned to answer some questions. The whole ordeal may seem silly, but Jess asks the question, “What gets you out of bed in the morning?” and this is Ryan’s response.

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It is an out of the blue line, but it’s an underrated line that can be used for everyday life. Ryan speaks the truth about living every day like it may be the last and how important it is to hold onto the good memories in life, even when it feels like any other ordinary day.

1 “You Are Good Enough To Be Everything You Want To Be.” -Winston

Nick is trying to write a book about his life, but he loses his motivation. However, Nick confesses to Winston that his procrastination comes out of fear and that he doesn’t think he is good enough for the job.

Winston reassures him that he can do whatever he believes in, and that he is good enough. Winston has always been there for his friends, and this reassurance is enough to make Nick feel a bit better about himself and his writing abilities.

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