An iconic fan favorite, Nick Miller could be considered the central character in New Girl. A huge reason behind this is the fact that he never fails to bring the laughs with his unique personality and mannerisms. Although Nick does grow immensely in the series, he never seems to lose this element to his character. Because of this, following his story is always a pleasure.

In fact, the audience could argue that Nick is the funniest character in the loft at times. There are an array of examples that back up this claim very well, too, as many of his scenes are among the most memorable. Also, what helps enhance the overall comedy of them is the fact that he never seems to actively try to be funny. Thus, it comes naturally to him, which ultimately makes him more lovable in the show.

At the end of the day, Nick helps carry the show through these specific scenes, so they deserve more time in the spotlight.

10 His Reaction To Caroline Breaking Up With Him

Although Nick’s relationship with Caroline is very unhealthy, it takes time for him to truly process that. In fact, when Caroline originally breaks up with him, he is so against the idea that he covers his ears and screams that he can’t hear her.

He believes by doing this, it means that they are not actually breaking up. Although it is hard on him, this scene from the first episode paints a picture of how funny Nick is, as sometimes his logic just does not make any sense.

9 When He Meets Schmidt

Throughout the series, it is apparent that Nick and Schmidt have a truly beautiful friendship. Their story begins when they are in college, as Schmidt just randomly appears in Nick’s dorm room, whilst eating his ramen noodles dry.

Nick’s reaction to this is especially humorous, as he is completely taken aback and cold towards Schmidt at first. However, he immediately warms up to him and prepares to throw things at him. However, Schmidt then body-slams him, while Nick laughs in a peculiar way. Overall, it is just great comedy.


8 When He Refuses To Wash Towels

Speaking of Schmidt, he becomes irate when people use his shower towel. It gets to the point where he builds a towel rack so everyone uses their own. Yet, it becomes known that Schmidt actually has been using Nick’s towel.

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That already is funny enough, but things take a darker turn for Schmidt, as Nick tells him that he never washes his towel. His reasoning for this that a towel washes him, so it does not need to be washed. Of course, this is ludicrous, as towels absolutely need to be cleaned.

7 When He Flirts With Jess’ Mom

In an attempt to get her parents back together, Jess purposely has them both come for Thanksgiving dinner. Bob is not too happy to be around Joan, so Jess gets Nick to flirt with her to try to get Bob jealous.

From there, Nick follows through with Jess’ wishes, but does it in such an awkwardly charming manner that Joan does find him to be entertaining and they even sing a song together. However, Bob catches on and Jess calls the plan off. Nick continues, though, as he begins to become interested in Joan, which leads to his famous line, “Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.”

6 His Hang-Outs With Tran

Similar to his first interaction with Schmidt, Nick is cold towards Tran when they meet at the park. However, this quickly changes, as Nick finds Tran to be quite pleasant and particularly is a fan of his plain blue hat.

The two begin to spend more time together, and this is where Nick starts goofing around a lot. For example, he keeps jumping for Tran’s amusement, and routinely does all the talking, yet follows Tran trustingly and considers him a friend. Also, the icing on the cake is when Tran gives him a water massage and Nick’s awkwardness and eventual enjoyment is hilarious.

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5 When He Tries To Push A Pull Door

A common theme with Nick’s character is that he is quick to anger. This is the case from the very beginning of the series and it never goes away. However, it seems as though he is not very aware of it, as he gives Jess grief for being in a bad mood.

From there, Jess points out that he is always unreasonably angry and a fantastic flashback plays after. In it, Nick tries to push open a pull door and becomes irate when he is not successful in his efforts. He screams that he will push if he wants to and continues to try to open it that way.

4 When He Creates Yolanda Winston

Nick’s creation of Yolanda Winston is to hide to everyone that he is starting to date Jess. It starts off when he asks Schmidt for fashion advice to impress Jess on their first date, and the latter and Winston ask who he is seeing.

However, it becomes an even funnier gag when he uses the name to Bob after he asks if he is seeing anybody. From there, he describes her as possessing the exact opposite qualities of Jess in every way. However, the storyline does end when he admits to Bob that Yolanda is actually Jess. Bob becomes livid from here and chases him around the loft.

3 His Inability To Lie Because Of Sweat-Back

Ah, Nick’s infamous sweat-back. No matter how hard Nick tries to lie, it never works out in his favor, as this unpleasant occurrence never fails to present itself when he does. It actually is responsible for some pretty hilarious scenes, too.

For example, when Winston tells him that Schmidt and Cece are romantically involved, he immediately panics when Jess comes around. From there, she knows to check his back to see if he is hiding something, which leads to him telling the truth. However, sweat-back does have its perks, as it is how Jess finds out Nick is proposing, which he does immediately after.

2 When He Becomes Julius Pepperwood

When Jess starts teaching creative writing to adults, it seems like a pretty cool gig. She finds it to be rewarding, but her students are not showing much interest at times. However, this changes with Edgar, as his writing is fantastic, but extremely dark.

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This raises red flags with Nick. however, as he believes that Jess is in danger. From there, he creates the Julius Pepperwood character and sneaks into Jess’ class. Jess is angry with Nick doing this, but his thick Chicago accent and fake mustache make for some hilarious moments in the episode. Also, this character ends up being the jumpstart to his writing career later in the show.

1 His Reaction To Seeing Prince

After being invited to attend a party at the late Prince’s house, Nick tells Jess that he loves her. She ends up giving finger guns to him as a response, which prompts Nick and the guys to sneak into the party.

It ends up being a great move on his end, as while talking to Jess, Prince just randomly appears. When this occurs, Nick screams in an extremely high-pitched voice, as he is a huge fan of Prince. In fact, he even faints from his excitement, which does enhance the overall comedy of the scene.

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