The popular sitcom New Girl came to a close in 2018 after seven successful seasons. While the show as a whole focused on teacher Jess after she moves into a Los Angeles apartment with three male roommates, the final episode saw the gang facing eviction from the home in which they made so many memories.

The finale, “Engram Pattersky,” had a lot of heartwarming moments, but it also had some elements that didn’t make sense. This list will take a closer look at what the New Girl finale did right as well as what it did wrong.

10 Not Perfect: The Plot Is Ridiculous

New Girl has a quirky brand of humor, so not every detail of the plot had to make sense. After all, Jess is the girl who impersonated Elvis at the funeral of Nick’s father and tried to find a lost badger in the air ducts at Cece’s wedding. However, the plot points of the final episode seem a little too bizarre, even for New Girl.

As the gang ultimately discovers, Jess and Nick aren’t actually being evicted from the loft. Instead, Winston staged an elaborate prank to force them out. Though there’s some creativity in this, there’s no way Winston could have actually pulled it off. The montage recounting how he pranked the gang seems too far-fetched to be realistic.

9 Perfect: It Ends Where It Starts

Though the legitimacy of the plot has a few issues, it was great to see the series come full-circle.

The first episode of New Girl has the guys interviewing Jess to figure out whether or not she would be a good roommate. It’s cool that as the show closes, so does her time in the loft. The series begins with Jess moving in, and it ends with her moving out.


8 Not Perfect: It’s Rushed

Many series finales tend to be longer than the standard 21-minute episode, but this isn’t the case for New Girl. The last episode is brief and seems to go by at a breakneck pace.

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In fact, when Winston reveals that he pranked the gang into leaving outside of the moving truck, the credits are already rolling. This gives fans no time to process what’s happening or grieve the end of the era.

7 Perfect: Past Jokes And Characterizations Reemerge

The New Girl finale does a good job of keeping the quirks of every character alive. Nick is still stubborn about doing things his way (hence the reason he glues the packing boxes together when he runs out of tape), Schmidt still struggles to pronounce words, and Winston pulls his final big prank.

It’s great to see many of the characters’ defining traits shine through, but the way in which they came out didn’t always work…

6 Not Perfect: The Callbacks Feel Forced

Jess forces the gang to remember all the good times they had in the loft once more before leaving. This is why they take a last look at objects, including Schmidt’s penis cast and lionfish hat.

Though it’s funny to see these items and more make a comeback, the way in which they appear isn’t organic. The callbacks to the past seem like a weak attempt to feel nostalgic.

5 Perfect: Everyone Grows Up

While the characters aren’t fully mature by the end, it’s refreshing to see how they’ve grown and changed.

Winston and Aly have a baby, Schmidt and Cece are raising Ruth, and Jess and Nick are enjoying life as newlyweds. Viewers even get a glimpse into the future in which the crew’s children are playing a kid-friendly version of True American.

4 Not Perfect: The Character Development Is Uneven

As mentioned, at the beginning of the episode, Jess holds her friends hostage to relive the memories of the loft one more time. This seems extreme considering that she’s in her late-thrities and had the entire series to mature.

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Additionally, Nick and Schmidt have a forced ending. While Nick has always struggled with showing a sensitive side, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, he admits to Schmidt that he loves him. This personality shift isn’t developed over multiple episodes and is instead crammed into the finale.

3 Perfect: It Closed The Chapter

It’s important that final episodes feel like final episodes, and thankfully, New Girl accomplished this. By maturing the gang up and sending them away from the loft, there is no more story to be followed.

Any events that happened after New Girl wouldn’t be about the gang living in the loft together, and therefore, it wouldn’t fit into the show. The series found a conclusive end.

2 Not Perfect: It Left No Sense Of Mystery

While the series found its finish, it didn’t leave much for viewers to ponder after the credits rolled.

At the end of The Office, for example, it’s revealed that Pam and Jim are moving to Texas even though this is never shown. In Parks and Recreation, it’s hinted (but never confirmed) that Leslie’s becomes president. In How I Met Your Mother, Ted shows Robin the blue horn but what happens next happens off-screen.

The problem with New Girl’s finale is that while we know the place Jess and Nick are leaving, we don’t know where they’re going. What’s next? What can viewers be left to wonder about? Though it’s revealed that Jess and Nick will have kids, there is little else to hang onto.

1 Perfect: It’s Nostalgic

For all that’s wrong with the New Girl finale, there is a lot right. Yes, it finale forces the nostalgia, but even if it hadn’t called back the past jokes, it would have been sentimental in its own right.

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The truth is, the gang hanging out together in the loft one last time is nostalgic enough. Everyone ends up where they’re supposed to be, but it’s time for them to move on. New Girl finds its end and gives the audience a final victory lap.

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