A lot of different relationships come and go in New Girl. It’s clear from early in the series that Schmidt and Cece have something between them, even if it takes them a little while to get there. It’s also clear that Nick and Jess do as well, which leaves Winston as the odd man out amongst his roommates. For all the drama that goes down in the loft though, Winston actually ends up in one of the most stable – and possibly the best – relationships in the show.

When Aly is introduced as Winston’s new partner on the police force, she is a little standoffish with him, not wanting to mix her personal and professional lives. Winston, however, falls for her hard, and it turns out Aly feels the same. She loosens up over the course of her time on the show, and she and Winston truly make for a perfect pair.

9 Winston And Aly Approach Their Relationship With Caution

When they first meet, Aly makes it clear to Winston that their relationship is strictly professional. She’s already lost one partner on the force because he developed feelings for her and she didn’t feel the same. Aly cares about her job and doesn’t want to risk messing it up for something that doesn’t work out.

Winston respects her wishes. Even when he knows that he’s already developing feelings for her, he does his best to be a supportive partner. It’s not until Aly’s existing relationship goes south that she admits she has more than professional feelings for him as well. They take things slow instead of hooking up the way that Winston’s roommates do, which allows them to keep the drama minimal.

8 Winston Is Supportive Of Aly’s Family

While Winston’s family lives in Illinois, members of Aly’s family live a little closer in California. In fact, her sister tries her hand at selling real estate there. Winston tries his best to be supportive of Aly’s little sister. He doesn’t want to admit that she’s bad at her job, so he tries to steer her in the right direction until he has to admit she’s just terrible.

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Winston also, however, plans a party that involves inviting all of Aly’s family for a visit. While the party gets a little bigger than he imagined, and Aly warns him that her family members are intense, but Winston takes it all in stride. When Aly worries he’ll leave her because of how she interacts with her family, Winston assures her he’s in the relationship for the long haul.


7 Aly Doesn’t Judge Winston And Ferguson

Some fans might term Winston’s relationship with his cat obsessive. He might even spend more time with Ferguson than with his roommates. That’s largely because Ferguson becomes a bright spot in Winston’s life after Daisy cheats and leaves the cat with him.

Aly doesn’t judge his love for taking photos of Ferguson or sharing his dinner with him, or Winston planning an entire memorial service for him a year after his death. In fact, Aly is completely on board for the memorial service as Ferguson becomes like family for her too.

6 They Have A Dramatic Process For Naming A Godparent

While Winston can get up to some pretty eccentric shenanigans during the show, it’s not often that Aly gets the chance to join in. When she does, she goes just as dramatic as Winston, demonstrating they do really complement one another.

That’s proven when they decide to name a godparent for their first child. Aly even does her best Godfather impression as she speaks to the group, eventually naming Jess. It’s a fun touch to see her and Winston decide to be so dramatic since the group, presumably, went through the same thing when Cece and Schmidt made Jess Ruth’s godmother. It’s got to make the audience wonder if Nick feels like he’s the godfather of Winston’s children by extension as well.

5 Winston Gives Aly Space

One of the things that allows Winston and Aly to grow is that Winston doesn’t constantly insert himself into Aly’s life. He gives her space to either love him or hate him. There’s no pressure from him outside of wanting them to get to know one another when they first become partners.

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This is a big contrast to Schmidt, who relentlessly pursues Cece long before she’s ready to admit that she even likes him. It’s also in contrast to Jess and Nick who frequently insert themselves into the middle of each other’s relationships, whether it’s Jess trying to befriend Nick’s girlfriends or Nick becoming the third wheel when Jess brings someone to the apartment.

4 They Rarely Argue

Aly might just be the voice of reason when she joins the cast. She is, after all, one of the few people Nick decides to wake up from a nap to get advice about his own life. That might be why she and Winston don’t have the same kind of explosive arguments that everyone else in Winston’s life has.

Nick and Jess can yell at one another for entire episodes in the loft, though they always find a way to compromise or make up in the end. Aly and Winston might not agree on everything, but they work around it or address it directly, instead of yelling about it. Even when they’re first partners and Aly doesn’t want to give Winston any personal information, she has to admit that they need to really know one another to do their job effectively, so she offers him bits and pieces of information as they work.

3 Aly Doesn’t Care About An Elaborate Proposal

As the roommates get older, proposals become a large part of the show. There’s a lot of pressure placed on some of the characters to have a perfect proposal. Jess becomes someone at the center of nearly all of them as she helps the men in her life propose to their significant others.

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Aly doesn’t care about how elaborate a proposal is, which should relieve some of the pressure from Winston. In fact, while sitting in her living room with him, she blurts out that they should just get married since they’re so happy together. It might not be the most romantic of proposals, and Winston does still try to plan one out that echoes their first police call together, but it’s perfectly indicative of how Aly feels.

2 Winston Remembers Her Police Anniversary

Winston doesn’t get a lot of credit for paying attention to the people he cares about. He is, however, incredibly detail-oriented when it comes to the lives of the people around him. Winston remembers the anniversary of the day Aly officially became a police officer, despite them not talking about it much.

At the time, Aly is still dating someone else – someone who doesn’t remember the date. Winston offering up his congratulations is the moment she decides to stop pretending she doesn’t care about him.

1 They Understand One Another’s Quirks Instead Of Making Fun Of Them

There’s a lot of good-natured teasing that goes on amongst the loft inhabitants and their significant others. Amongst that, there’s also a lot of indications that the group makes fun of one another’s interests. Who could forget Winston reading Nick’s first nonsensical zombie novel to everyone?

Winston and Aly might tease each other once in a while, but they don’t outright make fun of one another. Instead, they embrace their quirks. That might be Winston’s love for cats, or it might be Aly’s love of Japanese game shows.

NextThe Originals Characters, Ranked From Lowest To Highest Kill Count

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