When looking at New Girl, it is clear that the friendship between Nick and Schmidt is especially strong. But fans should also pay close attention to the wonderful bond between Schmidt and Winston. Although the beginning stages of the series show that Winston becomes agitated by Schmidt’s antics often, they form some fantastic moments together. This, in turn, allows them to become the best of friends, too.

They each grow and evolve, yet still manage to stay close over the years. In later seasons, the audience is able to fully grasp just how much these two care for one another, as they each play massive roles in the best occurrences of their lives, too.

Normally two completely different people living together results in constant turmoil and conflict, but these two manage to become closer. Thus, it is a truly special friendship.

10 Winston Backs Schmidt Up After The Infamous Cookie Conflict

After Schmidt buys Nick a cookie at the market, the latter criticizes the kind gesture. This understandably upsets Schmidt, and Winston immediately backs him up.

This is important for Winston to do, as it does play a role in Nick understanding that he is in the wrong. After Nick buys Schmidt a cookie and cries about them being mad, they all hug. It is a very beautiful moment in the series.

9 Winston Cuts Schmidt’s Toenails

When Schmidt finds out that the group makes fun of his long toenails, he is upset.

In a very random sequence of events, Nick and Jess walk in on Winston cutting Schmidt’s toenails. This is certainly a task that not many people would do for their friends, especially for those who have self-described “clickity-clacks.”


8 Winston Helps Schmidt Find Lionfish

Schmidt is having a very hard time getting over Cece, so he focuses his efforts on a rather peculiar task. After going to the aquarium with Winston, Schmidt makes it his primary goal to obtain a lionfish.

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Although Winston understands that Schmidt is doing this as a way to cope with his breakup, he does help him in his efforts. This shows just how far Winston is willing to go to help his friends, even if they ask for way too much.

7 Winston Helps Schmidt Sabotage Cece’s Wedding

Although the wedding between Shivrang and Cece comes totally out of left field, that is not enough of a reason for Schmidt to try to sabotage it. Even after Jess and Nick tell him not to, he forges ahead. Also, Winston jumps on board right behind him.

Although Winston sees it as an opportunity to partake in his favorite hobby, pranking, it does show that he also has Schmidt’s back when he is sad. Although Winston’s contributions lead to pure chaos with the badger escaping, it’s the thought that counts.

6 Winston Helps Schmidt Accept Death

One of the saddest moments of the series is when Nick’s dad suddenly passes away. Schmidt wants to be there for his best friend, but he makes it known that he is absolutely petrified of death.

Thus, Winston aims to help Schmidt accept mortality. Schmidt is specifically afraid to walk up to the open casket, so Winston helps him practice with him pretending to be Nick’s dad. Although Schmidt still gets scared, it is nice of Winston to try to help him, regardless.

5 Winston Tries To Save Schmidt’s Dance

Once Schmidt and Cece are engaged, he spends a lot of time trying to get her mother’s approval. At the wedding shower, he orchestrates a Bollywood dance in an attempt to do this.

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At first, the dance is going quite smoothly, as Schmidt and even Nick are nailing the dance moves. However, an uninvited guest jumps into the dance, which leads to Winston quickly trying to get her out of it. He does not succeed, but he does make a final pose on the spot.

4 Winston Is One Of Schmidt’s Groomsmen

When it comes to Schmidt’s wedding, Winston has not one, but two important jobs to attend to. He is not only one of Schmidt’s groomsmen, but also one of Cece’s bridesmaids, too.

This shows just how important Winston is to the married couple. He even plays a huge role in preparing for the surprise wedding in the loft. As always, Winston sticks to the plan.

3 Schmidt Asks Winston For His Name Back

Throughout the entire series, Schmidt’s first name is not known to the audience. However, after trying to rebrand himself professionally, he asks Winston for his name back. At first, fans are confused, but then he slides his name tag across the desk. This shows them that his name is Winston, too.

It is a fantastic twist in the series. Winston even allows Schmidt to take the name back, but this does not last long, as Cece feels extremely weird calling Schmidt by his first name.

2 Their Roast Of Nick

Nick does a very kind gesture making both Winston and Schmidt his best men. They certainly deserve it, as they are clearly both his best friends in the series. At the shower, Schmidt and Winston elect to make their toast for Nick a good ol’ roast.

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They poke fun at Nick throughout it, but the audience does not find their material that funny. However, the chemistry between the two is very evident, and they have an excellent time in the process.

1 They Sing Ruth To Sleep

When Schmidt and Cece have Ruth, Winston becomes a big part of her life. A perfect example of this is when Winston, along with Schmidt and Nick, tries to sing Ruth to sleep.

Ruth is quite an energetic little girl, so she naturally has been keeping Schmidt up all hours of the day and night. Although they do not succeed in their efforts, it is still a great friendship moment between them all.

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