Publisher Viz Media has just announced a new collection from revered horror mangaka Junji Ito, with four stories published in English for the first time in The Liminal Zone.

Junji Ito is one of the most recognizable names in horror manga, with works such as Uzumaki and The Enigma of Amigara Fault having become modern classics due to their surreal body horror art and uniquely surreal but relatable premises. His latest work, Liminal Zone, had a localization announced at New York Comic Con this weekend, set for a Summer 2022 release. The manga was first released in print in Japan back in March of 2021, and contains four separate stories packed with creepy imagery and terrifying concepts. Some of these stories were first published digitally for the LINE social media app’s manga section in 2020, but none have previously seen official translations, and their position on the LINE app made it quite difficult for Junji Ito’s fans outside of Japan to read.


The title had been unofficially translated as Phantom Zone, but this official title poses a very different sort of idea. Rather than carrying a ghostly connotation, “liminal” refers to things which are in a state of transition and inherently temporary. The book’s stories do have this in common – one revolves around a Catholic school in Japan which is completely isolated from the outside world, while another deals with a mysterious, elusive village hidden away upon a hill in the woods with few yet frightening residents. VIZ Media’s announcement includes haunting artwork of the collection’s cover, which presents a melded face feeling multiple emotions, again hinting at themes of transition and temporal uncertainty.

The concept of “liminal spaces” is one that has caught on in some online circles over the course of COVID-19, as everyday places of transition such as waiting rooms, parking lots, and airports have been rendered conspicuously empty. The eeriness of liminal spaces comes from these often busy areas going unused, something normally rare but which became uncomfortably common during pandemic lockdowns. Since one of the reasons people engage in horror stories like Ito’s is to help process their real life fears, Liminal Zone is a collection which seems uniquely suited for the current moment, despite the stories presumably being written prior to the pandemic.

Fans of Junji Ito certainly have a lot to look forward to next year, as a black-and-white anime adaptation of Uzumaki is also due out in 2022 on Adult Swim. At least one Junji Ito story published on LINE in September 2021 is not included in this collection, so a second volume of Liminal Zone may eventually be compiled as well. The English release of Junji Ito‘s Liminal Zone is currently scheduled for Summer 2022, from VIZ Media, although it has no firm date as of yet.

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