Furniture can serve many different purposes in New World. While many of the furniture options in the game are purely cosmetic, there is also storage furniture, and trophies that can improve the odds of getting quality loot while performing certain tasks throughout the game. Even the cosmetics have a purpose, as some players are willing to buy hard-to-craft cosmetics for their New World house with a hefty bit of gold.

While buying furniture for a home in New World is certainly a viable option, players can also craft it for themselves and members of their New World faction or company. Doing so can provide them and their cohorts with ample storage and useful luck bonuses when gathering certain raw materials. There are certainly some unique perks to be gained from high-end trophies and storage furniture.


Making furniture in New World, also known as “Furnishing” in the crafting skill list, is as simple as crafting something at a Workshop in a settlement. The lead-up is what makes Furnishing, like its Crafting skill counterparts, a more complicated experience. In order to create high-level furniture, players should do the following first:

  • Level up a few Gathering skills
  • Level up a Refining skill
  • Grind the Furnishing skill after reaching max level

How to Craft Furniture in New World

Level Up Gathering Skills

The Gathering skills, like Mining, Logging, and Harvesting, are vital to Furnishing, as that trade is highly material-reliant. Leveling up Gathering skills is pretty easy to do while progressing through New World as usual and is arguably a necessity to provide a source of gold income while leveling up. Players should level up at least one Gathering skill to make the rest of the game easier, and provide themselves with some of the materials most needed for Furnishing.

Level Up a Refining Skill

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Refining skills, like Woodworking, Leatherworking, and Smelting, are helpful for creating refined materials that are required to craft better furniture. While players can purchase refined materials at the trading post to save time, leveling up at least one refining skill can help reduce the cost of Furnishing and improve income so there is more gold available to purchase resources.

Grind Out Furnishing After Reaching Max Level

Like most other Crafting skills, Furnishing takes a hefty time investment before players can craft anything useful. Spending time leveling up this specific skill earlier in the game can take away from the experience, and it is largely a waste of time since everything will be harder to accomplish at lower levels. Instead, players should wait until the endgame to start grinding out Furnishing, as the bonuses will still be just as useful at the level cap.

New World is available on PC.

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