DC’s Nightwing has been in a love triangle with Starfire and Oracle for years. Now, a new cover for Nightwing #88 has been revealed, and it seems to hint at the rekindling of an old flame and a potentially terrible decision that has been building up for a while.

Nightwing is predominantly starring in two different ongoing series, both of which are dealing with his relationships with Koriand’r and Barbara. Teen Titans Academy and Nightwing – by two separate creative teams – feature Dick Grayson as he balances major changes in his life with his responsibilities as a hero. He works at Teen Titans Academy and he’s trying to help clean up Blüdhaven, working with Starfire and Oracle on each respective mission.


The cover for Nightwing #88 is illustrated by Jamal Campbell. The issue has the creative team of Tom Taylor (who Tweeted the image to fans), Bruno Redondo, and Jamal Campbell. In the cover, Nightwing is lifting Barbara and holding her rather close. There definitely seems to be some heat between them. But back in Teen Titans #2, Dick and Koriand’r were back together, with him assuring her that Barbara being in Blüdhaven wouldn’t be a problem. She knows they have history, but he’s convinced they’re done. Thus far, this hasn’t actually seemed to be the case and with this cover, it seems even more likely Nightwing and Starfire could be over sooner rather than later.

In Nightwing #80, Barbara and Dick label their relationship as complicated during a confrontation with police. Then in Nightwing #83, released in August, Barbara kissed him before his big announcement of the Alfred Pennyworth Foundation. This kiss was a long time coming for fans of this particular ship, but it definitely complicates the love triangle further. Dick didn’t push away Barbara or oppose the kiss in anyway. In fact, he was all smiles. Starfire is definitely not going to be as happy, particularly since she already brought up her concerns long before this. A lot can happen between now and January when Nightwing #88 releases, but this definitely appears to be a major betrayal that has to come to a head.

The new cover is stunning and beautiful. Many readers have been hoping Barbara and Dick would get back together for years, and they may finally be getting their wish. The ultimate question is will Nightwing handle this properly in the months to come, or will he turn into the cheater he’s seemingly being set up as?

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Nightwing is known for being a playboy, but he’s a charmer who has managed to handle his past separations relatively masterfully (apart from the one ex who ended up on the Suicide Squad.) His luck in that arena certainly could run out now that he’s closer than ever to being back with Barbara at the expense of losing Starfire. He still has time to stay on a heroic path, if he is honest with Koriand’r and potentially ends things before pursuing Oracle any further. Nonetheless, Nightwing is certainly walking a precarious line that could damage many of the relationships he has built. Fans can see if Oracle and Nightwing are truly back together – and what is happening with Starfire – when Nightwing #88 releases January 18.

Source: Tom Taylor

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