Warning: Contains spoilers for Future State: Teen Titans #1

It’s no understatement to say that Nightwing’s biggest fear is becoming Batman. While their relationship varies wildly from comic to comic, Dick usually has the clarity to see how trauma has twisted his mentor into a cold person. It’s this that makes Deathstroke the perfect foil for Nightwing. The DC Universe’s most famous mercenary is similar to Batman in so many ways, the big difference being Slade Wilson uses his wealth and peak physicality for evil rather than good. These similarities must have been lost on Nightwing, because in Future State: Teen Titans #1 his worst nightmare comes true as he takes up the mantle of Deathstroke.


The new comic from writer Tim Sheridan and artist Rafa Sandoval sees the Teen Titans’ bleakest future yet. An unknown disaster has knocked the world into a post-apocalypse, taking a great deal of Titans with it. Readers are shown that the apocalypse was somehow caused by the Titans nearly killing one of their students, much to the objection of the mysterious Red X. In the present, the Titans are working towards some plan to undo the damage they caused to the world. As Dick and Red Arrow pay their respects to all the fallen Titans, Batman’s first sidekick bickers with Starfire over what their next step is. In contrast to their romantic past, Starfire just hangs up when Dick ignores her concerns.

Back at the new Titans headquarters, Starfire is leading an all-new team. Dick berates his former fiancé for not telling the team about his plan to fix things, and for referring to him as Nightwing. Clearly done with him, Starfire coldly responds that they’re not considering his plan and that she doesn’t take orders from him. Something snaps in Dick as he realizes that he has lost touch with his former team. In frustration, Nightwing comes to Red X, who says that he became Red X for the same reason Dick first did. Dick responds that he’s done trying to rebuild the Titans, and done playing by everyone else’s rules. Dick breaks Red X out and puts on Deathstroke’s mask, finally becoming his archnemesis.

This is a huge moment for Dick Grayson. While DC has explored Nightwing’s inner darkness with Deathwing, that character was later revealed to be a completely different person. This isn’t Nightwing turning dark because he was forced into it, or because he was mind-controlled, this is him turning because of the choices he’s made. It’s depressing that all of his attempts to not become Batman have only turned him into something much worse.

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As for what exactly Dick is planning and what this all means, it’s still unclear. Without the proper context for what’s happening and why, readers have no idea whether Dick is justified in turning or whether he’s making a mistake. Even if he is justified though, why would he specifically choose to take up Deathstroke’s mantle? Deathstroke is a monster who has personally ruined the lives of several Titans. Readers will just have to wait for future issues to answer the question of why Nightwing would become his own nemesis.

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