Warning: spoilers for Nightwing #75, out in stores now!

Although Dick Grayson officially wore his old Nightwing suit as he helped Batman and the Bat Family take back Gotham in Batman #100, the former Ric Grayson wasn’t completely sure that he was prepared to be Nightwing again. In Nightwing #75, Dick remains indecisive, and neither Batgirl or his mentor Batman are able to push him any closer to putting on the ol’ black and blue. Haunted by the memories of his life after his near-death experience and amnesia, Dick finds his moment of clarity coming from talking to Alfred Pennyworth, the beloved (though deceased) Bat-Family confidant and butler.


Dick Grayson’s life has never been easy, but surviving an assassination attempt from Russian assassin KGBeast saw him lose his memories of the last 15 years of his life. Although he did his best to make a new life for himself, his skills and abilities slowly began to creep back into his life, as he found his destiny as a hero was impossible to ignore. Making himself a new costume and finding a new love in Bludhaven, Dick dealt with a gauntlet of challenges, ranging from new villains to others trying to manipulate his blank slate to fit their own agendas. The last straw was the Joker manipulating Dick’s memories to turn him into a villain, which was thankfully temporary, ending with Grayson returning to his Nightwing costume to retake Gotham; a move which appeared to cost him the love of his faithful Beatrice.

In this issue by Dan Jurgens with art by Travis Moore and Ronan Cliquet, Dick tries to find answers as to what to do next by meeting with his old teammates from Teen Titans and eventually rounding up the lingering remains of Joker’s forces. When Batman’s attempt to manipulate the situation into Dick continuing as Nightwing fails, Grayson claims that he has the life he already wants – something Bruce doesn’t believe, since neither of their lives have Alfred. Dick recalls his first time visiting Alfred’s grave, where he apologizes for not being there when Alfred was killed. He apologizes for any of the hurt he brought Alfred, who was just as much of a parent to him as Bruce. As Dick continues to struggle with his decision, Alfred returns from the grave to give advice and help Dick find peace.

Just like when Bruce met with Alfred in his subconscious – in the pages of Batman #97 – this moment is both powerful and sincere considering their history together. The last time Dick and Alfred crossed paths was in Nightwing #51, in which Richard recognized Alfred but didn’t really understand the depth of their relationship. When Alfred subtly offered to help Grayson, gauging if he wanted to return to Gotham, Dick blew him off, wanting to live his new life on his own terms instead of in the past, a decision Dick would later regret. Alfred assures him, just like he did countless times in his life, that while Dick and Bruce had similar pasts, Dick’s life was, and is, his own to make and that he only ever cared about Dick’s happiness.

With the memory of Alfred forgiving him and encouraging him to be happy, Dick Grayson ditches his current costume and suits up as Nightwing, returning as the protector of Bludhaven. His attempt to reconcile with Bea starts off well, but the two are interrupted by the unexpected appearance of KGBeast, back to finish the job. Although Dick still has some loose ends to tie up, Alfred Pennyworth remains the same voice of inspiration and assurance in death that he was in life, and thanks to him, Nightwing is back.

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