Comic-Con@Home 2021 is well underway, giving Nightwing writer Tom Taylor a chance to share his belief that Dick Grayson is a major A-list DC hero and should be treated as such. Dick Grayson has been enjoying a brand new era under the creative team of Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo, and Taylor confirmed that he intends to elevate Dick Grayson to new heights as their run continues. Taylor’s comments came during a panel with several others writers sharing information about the upcoming Fear State event, in which nearly all of DC’s Batman-adjacent titles will be involved in Scarecrow’s campaign to flood the city with pure terror, backed by the new organization known as the Magistrate, who are intent on eradicating vigilantes from Gotham once and for all.


While Dick Grayson had taken a hiatus of sorts from being Nightwing after being shot in the head and suffering from amnesia, he’s since recovered and is back in action under Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo, fresh from their dynamic run on DC’s Suicide Squad. In recent issues, Dick Grayson has returned to his adopted city of Blüdhaven, doing all that he can to protect the innocent. Additionally, he’s surprisingly inherited a fortune from the late Alfred Pennyworth, the Bat-Family’s butler who also served as their surrogate father figure. Now, Dick Grayson is determined to use his newfound funds to serve as a safety net for the least fortunate in his city, all while his own personal life has gone crazy with the major reveal of a previously unknown half-sister.

While it’s already been apparent in the issues released thus far, Taylor confirmed his perspective on Nightwing in the Batman: Fear State Comic-Con@Home panel, and it’s pretty cool to see how passionate he is about the character of Dick Grayson overall:

I’m a huge Nightwing fan. I have been for a very, very long time, and so I said in that first email that I want everyone to see Nightwing how I see Nightwing. I want people to realize that he is, as far as I’m concerned, he’s another A-lister at the company. He’s as big as Batman, and Superman, and Wonder Woman, and I wanted to show that. He’s also just this incredibly positive, pure force of good, and I wanted to show that to the world as well.

Thanks to Taylor and Redondo, Nightwing is definitely getting the spotlight he deserves, and it’s hard to argue with Taylor’s assessment of Dick Grayson being an A-list hero. In the current DC era, fans would be hard-pressed to say that Batman has been doing a better job with Gotham than Nightwing has with Blüdhaven. Nightwing is on fire right now, with stunning art and perfectly-paced writing liable to turn even first-time readers into instant fans. The creative team’s fire for the first Robin is clear to see, and the series has done a great job at establishing a new status quo for Dick Grayson that nevertheless embraces his history and everything that has traditionally made him great.

Taylor’s comments seem to indicate that the fun, dynamic adventures of Nightwing – which Screen Rant’s advanced review called “one of the best superhero comics in years” – aren’t stopping anytime soon, and Batman’s Fear State event coming to Gotham will apparently serve as a great example of “what not to do” for Nightwing and his own city. Be that as it may, here’s hoping Nightwing will be able to help the Dark Knight save Gotham all the same in future issues, taking on greater responsibilities befitting of Taylor’s A-list aspirations for Dick Grayson.

Source: Batman: Fear State

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