A video game tournament featuring Super Smash Bros. Brawl mod Project+ was partially shut down by Nintendo shortly before its upcoming start. The 2008 installment in the fighting game series was quite divisive, so many modders have sought to improve the game by tweaking mechanics and adding new content over the years. While many of these mods are for strictly competitive purposes, some are for pure entertainment, such as a recently created Among Us X Super Smash Bros. mod that brought the former game’s Impostor character to the fight.

Video game tournaments’ popularity has endured since their inception, especially for titles within the fighting game genre. A professional tournament allows players to test their mettle against those of similar skill and dedication, serving as a testament to the players’ love for the game. While fighting game franchises like Super Smash Bros. are perhaps the most common subjects of gaming tournaments, almost any game can be played competitively. Racing games are highly viable for esports, and shooters are also a prime subject for tournaments. Even more bizarre tournaments are known to exist, as developer Eric Barone recently unveiled an upcoming tournament for farming sim Stardew Valley with a grand prize of $40,000.


Super Smash Bros. tournament Riptide announced the cancellation of all events related to the Super Smash Bros. Brawl mod Project+ on Friday. The mod is itself a patch for Project M, a fanmade mod which was created in order to improve upon Brawl‘s divisive mechanics. Project+ adds numerous balance changes to the game’s roster, as well as including an additional fighter, Sonic the Hedgehog character Knuckles. While some fans felt that Project+ would make Super Smash Bros. Brawl more fit for competitive tournament play, Nintendo apparently reached out to Riptide organizers, resulting in their decision to not host any Project+ matches. Riptide fans appear very frustrated with the development, as many planned to travel to partake in the event September 10 and 12. Riptide will be offering further information and refunds to potential Project+ competitors.

While tournaments are a fantastic way to strengthen a game’s community, these events can all-too-easily be disrupted. While Riptide has been unfortunately affected by direct publisher interference, a recent Call of Duty: Warzone tournament was ruined by hackers. The Twitch Rivals EU Warzone Tournament was held in June, with a grand prize of $75,000 for whoever came out on top in the popular battle royal shooter. Unfortunately, the game’s large community of hackers managed to infiltrate the tournament, as one player was clearly observed cheating in order to gain an edge in the tournament. Organizers were forced to reset the event in order to ensure a fair opportunity for all competitors.

Riptide’s Super Smash Bros. tournament was set to be a great opportunity for players to express their love for the fighting game series. Nintendo‘s unwarranted interference in the event has now tainted the competition, leaving many Project+ players unable to compete. The use of an unsanctioned mod likely drew the corporation’s attention, but now the video game juggernaut has once again earned itself the ire of the competitive Super Smash Bros. community.

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Source: Riptide/Twitter

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