During the course of Nioh 2 players will come in to contact with several different kinds of enemies both monsters and humans. The human enemies usually won’t cause many issues if they don’t gang up on the player, but the monstrous Yokai can be difficult to handle. This becomes even more difficult because there are several different types of Yokai and each one comes with its own set of abilities.

Most of the bosses in the game are Yokai, but their abilities are much more complicated and it understanding how to beat them takes a much more in-depth explanation. During the course of this guide, only Yokai that are not bosses will be covered. Each enemy will be broken down into which of their abilities should be avoided and how best to take them out. This will also only cover some of the more common varieties of Yokai in the game.


How to beat the Gaki in Nioh 2

The Gaki is one of the first Yokai that players will encounter and is also the easiest to defeat as quickly as possible. The Gaki is small and isn’t capable of doing a lot of damage, but the creature is fast with a few tricks ups its sleeves. There are several abilities that this creature has access to that players will want to keep an eye out for.

Players should try not to stay too far away from any Gaki that they encounter as the creatures will throw rocks at the player from afar. Players should also make sure to avoid Gaki when they glow gray as the Yokai will grab the player and drain a massive amount of health. After this, the creature will then increase in size and drastically grow in power. This also happens if players manage to knock down a Gaki while another one of the creatures is in the area.

The strategy here is to try to kill the Gaki before the creature even realizes the player is there. If players have ammo for their bow or gun its best to shoot the creature from afar. A couple of shots to the head will bring the creature down quickly. If players have no ammo then they should rush in and hit the Gaki as hard as possible. They have very little health so the object is to kill it before it can respond. This goes double if there are multiple Gaki in the area. If a Gaki gets knocked to the ground, players should finish it off before another one can devour it and transform it.

How to Defeat Dwellers in Nioh 2

Dwellers are another pretty common form of Yokai that players will encounter. Luckily they don’t have many abilities players should be too worried about. This is particularly evident when Dwellers are carrying a pickax. In this form, they are very slow, so their attacks are very easily avoided. If the Yokai is weaponless it will be able to move faster.

When players are fighting an ax-wielding Dweller it is easy enough to dodge and attack them from behind. Doing this a few times will finish the creature off relatively quickly. Players should try to move around the weaponless version in a circle. Dodge when it strikes and attack it from behind. Avoiding its grab attack is most important as it can cause massive damage.

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How to Defeat Enki in Nioh 2

Enki are by far one of the first and more complicated Yokai that players will encounter on their journey through Nioh 2. The monkey-like creatures are capable of causing a massive amount of damage to players. These Yokai are fast and incredibly strong and must be fought with an abundance of caution.

There are several abilities that players should keep an eye out for when facing an Enki. The Yokai carries a large spear that has a very long reach. Players should dodge backward or circle around the Enki in order to avoid its spear attacks. If the player does not avoid these attacks they can get caught up in a massive combo that is likely to kill under-leveled players.

There are two special abilities that players should do their best to avoid as well. If Enki plants its spear in the ground and jumps, the player should quickly dodge out of the way. This will avoid a thrown spear, and will also set Enki up for an attack from the player. If Enki glows red then the player should try to hit it with a Burst Counter or dodge backward as fast as possible. If the Burst Counter works then players will be able to stun the Enki and get off several kick hits.

How to Defeat Yoki in Nioh 2

The Yoki is one of the few Yokai creatures that is carried over from the first game, and they feel much more difficult to take out than they used to. This horned monster can is a little bit slower than the Enki, but can cause more damage with its longer combos. Out of the larger Yokai this is most likely the one that players will encounter most often.

Luckily for players, the Yoki tend to have a shorter range than Yokai like Enki, but the creature makes up for it with its long combos and high damage output. Players should dodge backward and try to stay out of the way of its sword swings. At the end of combos, there will be a slight window where the player can get a few swings in. If Yoki glows white players should run away as fast as possible to avoid its grab attack. If it glows red players should prepare to hit it with a Burst Counter.

The best way to take care of Yoki is to circle around it and attacking it from behind as often as possible. By using the Burst Counter when possible, players can eventually drain their Ki bar and set the monster up for a massive attack. This will also stun the Yoki and get a few combos in before it regains its stamina.

How to Defeat Ippon-Datara in Nioh 2

When players encounter Ippon-Datara they may initially think that the fight won’t be terribly difficult. These odd-looking creatures carry around a large hammer but only have one leg. One would assume that this would limit the creature’s mobility, but the Ippon-Datara is deceptively fast and is capable of dealing damage with both the leg and hammer.

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The Ippon-Datara doesn’t have a wide range of skills, but its movements can be erratic so players may find it difficult to see what skills it is about to use. One of these highly unpredictable skills is the Ippon-Datara’s hopping ability. The creature will jump around and try to land on the player’s head. An Ippon-Datara will also swing its large hammer for a several hit combo. The biggest attack in its arsenal though is its Burst Attack. When it glows red, the hammer will be swung down to cause massive damage, while also causing fiery area of effect damage.

The strategy here is to keep moving and only dodge the Ippon-Datara attacks. If the creature tries to hop on the player the best bet is to run away or attempt to roll under it. If the Ippon-Datara swings its hammer players should not try to attack because the Yokai will almost immediately follow it up with a second strike. If the Burst Attack is attempted players should try their best to Burst Counter it. Having to avoid the strike and its area of effect attack is extremely difficult. This is the kind of fight where players should only attack once or twice and then rush away to look for another opening to cause damage.

How to Defeat the Nure-Onna in Nioh 2

The Nure-Onna can cause a lot of heartache for players who don’t know what they are doing. These snake creatures are lightning-fast and have a very small hitbox. Players should be prepared for a very long fight anytime that they encounter one of the Nure-Onna.

The Nure-Onna has several attacks that players will need to avoid. Most of its tail attacks can be avoided or blocked, so those shouldn’t concern players too much. The two most important attacks to watch out for are its grab and its unblockable Burst Attack. The grab is telegraphed by its white glow, and players should quickly dodge left or right when they see it. Getting caught in this attack will most likely kill players immediately. If players aren’t comfortable Burst Counter then they should dodge the red attack as well. If this attack makes contact then players will be paralyzed and be wide open to attack.

The trick to this fight is to remain incredibly patient. Players should keep their guard up around Nure-Onna and only attack when they see an opening. If the player is able to dodge its grab or unblockable attack, then Nure-Onna will be wide open for attacks. Don’t get greedy though. Do a short combo then quickly run away.

How to Defeat Karasu Tengu in Nioh 2

Karasu Tengu are one of the most difficult creatures that players will face off against in Nioh 2 outside of its bosses. There are actually several bosses in the game that don’t instill the same amount of frustration or fear as this massive crow creature. The Karasu Tengu is capable of incredible bouts of speed and strength and even possesses the ability to fly.

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Karasu Tengu will use a quick two-hit combo at any player that comes close to it. There are also two very deadly air attacks that the bird monster will use to its advantage. One throws an airwave at the player, while with the other the Tengu flies at the player with its weapon drawn. The final major attack that it uses is its Burst Attack which is telegraphed by its red glow. This attack lets the Tengu do several spin attacks in a row while it moves towards the player.

Every single attack except for the Burst Attack should be dodged. This creature is so strong that blocking attacks is a sure-fire way to deplete Ki and get killed. Players should move in a circle around the Tengu and try to bait out its combo attack as often as possible. There will be a short time frame to quick a heavy attack off on it before it counter-attacks. Additionally, if it jumps in the air and rushes at the player, they should dodge left or right and follow up with a quick combo. Using the Burst Counter for this fight is integral as it will ensure that the Tengu’s Ki gauge is depleted.

General Tips for Fighting Yokai in Nioh 2

There are a few simple strategies that players can keep in mind to make fighting Yokai a lot simpler. It is always best to circle the Yokai instead of standing still as it makes dodging attacks more effective. Additionally dodging should be the priority to avoiding damage, and blocks should be used as a last resort as it will conserve Ki. With the exception of the smaller Yokai, the best bet is to be patient rather than aggressive. The more aggressive the player is the more likely they are to die. It is also very smart to switch out gear often in order to see if certain gear can give the player an advantage over different enemies.

Players who are having problems with these beasts shouldn’t be afraid to liberally use their Yokai Skills or Yokai Shift form if they have to. These abilities can quickly turn the tide of the battle and will most likely be regenerated by the next time the player needs it. The biggest piece of advice though is to not stress too much. If an enemy is to difficult then the player should try backing away and level up a little more. A little extra damage or health may be exactly what a player needs to finish a fight.

Nioh 2 can be played on PlayStation 4.

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