One of the rarest encounters in No Man’s Sky is the Dyson Lens, an object that has a spherical appearance akin to anomaly starships in material design. A Dyson Lens is completely unresponsive when players first encounter it in No Man’s Sky, but each one can be looted for 500 Nanites or more. Nanites are used to purchase multiple ship and equipment upgrades throughout No Man’s Sky, and 500 Nanites goes a long way toward the costs of a few different upgrades.

On very rare occasions, a Dyson Lens can award an upgrade module for a Living Ship in No Man’s Sky. Living Ships are among the rarest types of ships to obtain in No Man’s Sky, and finding any sort of upgrade module for them is just as difficult of a task as getting the Living Ship itself. Unlike all other types of ships, Living Ships can only be improved through specific upgrades that cannot be applied to any other ships. Likewise, no ship upgrades that are available in Space Stations are usable on Living Ships, making the Dyson Lens that much more valuable to discover.


Although the Dyson Lens can be found in any system throughout No Man’s Sky, they are rarely seen, and the encounter is completely random. A Dyson Lens is quite large, and can only be found through space encounters like the Derelict Freighters in No Man’s Sky. Additionally, it appears that an Anomaly Detector, the device used to find Derelict Freighters, has no use when it comes to finding a Dyson Lens. The best way to find a Dyson Lens in No Man’s Sky is to use the Pulse Drive in a system, stop when something has been detected, and, if the detected object isn’t a Dyson Lens, then hop over to the next available system and try again.

No Man’s Sky: How To Loot A Dyson Lens

Since Dyson Lenses are static objects in space, they become targets to shoot so players can loot the rewards. Attacking the Dyson Lens is the only way to receive the potential Living Ship upgrade modules and Nanites in No Man’s Sky, but this comes at a cost. Whenever a Dyson Lens is attacked or destroyed, a player’s wanted level automatically increases to five and triggers an immediate response by System Authority Combat Ships.

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The System Authority Combat Ships are the space version of the Sentinel security forces players encounter on many planets throughout No Man’s Sky after causing some sort of trouble. While the ships aren’t necessarily difficult to destroy, evading a five-star wanted level is difficult in space because the ships scan for the player’s ship before they enter the area. Once a five-star wanted level is acquired, the best thing to do is either hide on a planet, seek the nearest Space Station, or jump to another system quickly before the authorities arrive. Otherwise, players will be forced to fight in space combat in No Man’s Sky.

No Man’s Sky is available on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.

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