Few games have gone through as many expansions and upgrades since launching as No Man’s Sky. What initially was a promising yet somewhat lackluster space exploration game has since grown into one of the most impressive space operas in gaming. One thing that has been a fact from day one, though, is that No Man’s Sky is big.

That should come as no surprise. As Douglas Adams so aptly told, “Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is.” That assessment holds wonderfully in No Man’s Sky because the vast and mysterious expanse of space players can explore is what makes the game so appealing. It also gives the game its major setback still; running out of fuel while hopping from planet to planet.


Fuel management is an essential feature of the game. While No Man’s Sky is known for its gorgeous planets and near-infinite exploration, but resource management is a key aspect of the gameplay that can’t be overlooked. Players are constantly planet-hopping, searching for materials to craft a new upgrade for their mining laser or new thrusters for their ship, and chasing these upgrades is part of the game’s wonder. The constant need to stop that endless hunt to mine for more materials just to get back to said hunt impedes the game’s pacing.

How Hello Games Can Fix Fuel Issues In No Man’s Sky

Problems require solutions, and No Man’s Sky is nothing if not a game with endless problem-solving. Solving the game’s fuel issue, however, is a manageable fix. There are a couple of ways Hello Games could make it easier for players to travel throughout the galaxy. The most straightforward approach would be to simply reduce the rate at which fuel is used. The issue with that would be that No Man’s Sky is intentionally built so players have to work their way up to dashing around the galaxy. Reducing the fuel requirements with No Man’s Sky‘s continual updates would thus negate a core function.

A better solution would be to introduce certain upgrades that significantly reduce the amount of fuel necessary for travel. So much has been added, and is still being added, to No Man’s Sky since its launch, but at its core, the game is built on the constant quest to upgrade, improve, and build. Thus, the ideal solution for its fuel management issue would be introducing more ship upgrades or even unique ship modifiers for higher classes of ships. Improving the equipment on current gear and acquiring near gear are some of the most enjoyable parts of the game.

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The plethora of ships available in No Man’s Sky is arguably the greatest quest in the game. Having a great vessel to call home is the defining aspect of any nomadic journey. Every great space opera is only as good as the ship the characters inhabit, and for No Man’s Skythat is no exception. Within one of its greatest successes also lies the solution to one of the game’s major setbacks. Implementing a solution for the fuel inefficiency in player’s starships would even further improve an already stellar game.

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