No More Heroes 3 loves to throw gimmick bosses and gameplay at the player, and few are as gimmicky as Sonic Juice. This boss forces the player to go through a Final Fantasy-style boss fight, before engaging Travis in battle. Luckily, the turn-based part of the battle ends quickly, so long as the player knows what they’re doing.

In No More Heroes 3, the Earth is under threat from aliens. Travis Touchdown has taken up his Beam Katana once more, as he carves his way through the Galactic Rankings so that he can get a shot at the alien’s leader. Like the older No More Heroes games, this means that Travis has to engage in a number of boss fights with higher-ranked enemies, all of which intend to cut him down first.


The first phase of the Sonic Juice battle plays out like a turn-based JRPG, with a number of allusions to the Final Fantasy series. Travis is given a number of commands, but these are mainly played for laughs, with jokey references to the Final Fantasy summons. In order to complete this stage of the battle, the player needs to select the Attack command and strike the Command window and the Status window several times each. This will cause the windows to disappear, allowing the true battle to start.

No More Heroes 3: Sonic Juice Boss Fight

Once this boss battle begins in No More Heroes 3, Travis will be thrown into an arena. Sonic Juice lingers at the edge of the arena and he can be hit with Beam Katana strikes and special moves, but he isn’t affected by throws. In his first phase, he will cycle through several attacks. Sonic Juice will step back and fire a volley of black arrows, which can be blocked, dodged, or slowed down with Travis’ Death Claw. If Sonic Punch uses a side slam with his arm, then it can be blocked or dodged, while a strike to the center of the arena needs to be dodged.

Sonic Punch can create a water wheel that deals a lot of damage, but Travis can avoid harm by looking for a gap and diving through. He can also create a wheel on the floor, where the player needs to keep up with the movement and not touch the water. If Sonic Punch mentions his Legendary Water, then he’s about to throw a ball of water at Travis. Wait till it starts homing in and then run away.

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Once Sonic Juice enters the red stage of his health bar, he will start using new attacks. The nastiest of these is a tidal wave that deals a ton of damage. In order to avoid any damage, just stick to the side of the arena and look for a gap. Travis can run through to the other side. Sonic Juice will also create a water spout in the center of the stage which will fan outward. Just dive into its direction and wait for it to subside. Just keep piling on hits with the Beam Katana and Death Claw while dodging, and Sonic Juice should go down easy enough.

No More Heroes 3 is available on the Nintendo Switch.

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