Fans of FromSoftware’s games have a great appreciation for the lore and story the developers include in every aspect of their titles. Players read and interpret everything from item descriptions to character dialogue, and in the Demon’s Souls Remake for PlayStation 5, even the trophies are hiding relevant plot information.

Usually Souls lore is limited to just in-game items and characters. Much of the information one can glean about the events and characters within the world of FromSoftware games comes from items and the stories passed on by non-playable characters. Oftentimes the information these things deliver is verbose or symbolic, and so understanding the exact events of the game’s story takes a fair bit of deduction. It’s always entertaining, however, when the developers encourage learning the lore through means outside of the game itself. In particular, the trophy “Fists of Legend” for the new Demon’s Souls remake pertain heavily to the game’s lore.


The popular Souls YouTuber VaatiVidya mentions this trophy briefly during his breakdown of Demon’s Souls remake’s new features. To obtain the trophy, the player has to defeat the Dragon God boss using the Hands of God, a weapon item found on a body guarded by Rockworms in The Tunnel City. The Hands of God are a weapon in Demon’s Souls that is made for builds with high strength and faith, so a player should take precaution and make sure they have the right stats before they go charging into the Dragon God fight with a weapon they cannot use.

How Bluepoint Encourages Players To Study Demon’s Souls Lore

The Fists of Legend trophy is important to the lore solely because of the description associated with the Hands of God, a particularly unique Demon’s Souls weapon. The description tells the story of a warrior with the title “Legendary Big M.” who slayed dragons with nothing but his bare hands. It’s one of the few ways Bluepoint chose to encourage the player to pay attention to lore outside of studying it for its own sake, because the only way players can get this trophy is by following in Big M.’s footsteps.

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Assuming the player hasn’t invested much time in exploring the smaller bits of lore scattered throughout Demon’s Souls, a trophy like this could encourage players who are more concerned with completion to take the time to invest time in studying the game’s story. As dense as FromSoftware’s lore can be, it also isn’t typically shoved in the players face aside from a few cutscenes (usually at the beginning and end of games like Demon’s Souls) and obscure lines of NPC dialogue. A player could make their way through the entire game, kill every boss, and obtain every item, and still not know everything about the game’s story. Thankfully, this trophy urges these kinds of players to begin appreciating something they have perhaps yet to consider.

Demon’s Souls is available now on PS5.

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