Warning: contains spoilers for One-Punch Man Chapter 149

As One-Punch Man has continued to delve into the background of Atomic Samurai and his fellow swordsmen, the purpose of their organization was only recently made known. The Council of Swordmasters was founded to protect a legendary sword called the Nichirin, but just why this blade was worth so much effort hasn’t been made clear–until the new chapter 149.

The swordmasters’ tale has slowly been unfolding, ever since Atomic Samurai sought out their help at the beginning of the Monster Association arc, way back in chapter 67. It seemed at first that he was merely gathering soldiers for the battle to come, turning to his own allies in much the same way the hero Silver Fang (Bang) was joined by his non-hero brother, Bomb. However, when they finally arrived to the fight in chapter 141, their members were picked off one by one, until the dying leader offered the organization’s secret treasure to Atomic Samurai–conveniently, too, as his usual sword had just been destroyed.


Atomic Samurai hadn’t attempted to use the sword, but he was familiar with it. The Nichirin, or Sun Blade, is just one of two swords needed to be deemed the Sword Saint. The Moon Blade Gachirin is the other, and Atomic Samurai was told to seek it out, but that goal would have to wait until the Monster Association was thoroughly defeated. When Atomic Samurai placed his hand on the sword’s grip, he discovered the Nichirin had a spirit of its own, which judges the user’s fitness to wield it. The hero was (perhaps unsurprisingly) found to be worthy, and was able to defuse Homeless Emperor’s sphere of energy and even slice off Golden Sperm’s hand with a single strike.

Wielding such power doesn’t come without a price, however; the sword seems to create an energy whip-like effect, and that energy is drawn directly from the user’s Ki, or life energy. Even a few seconds of battling with the Nichirin left Atomic Samurai absolutely exhausted. For the sword to have such a reputation, there must be a way to overcome this obvious weakness. It could be that the Gachirin is the solution, and that’s why owning both is so important. While the sword could hypothetically have some issue with Atomic Samurai’s emotions, this seems unlikely due to how dire the situation is. After all, Atomic Samurai is an S-class hero fighting for the survival of humanity, even if he is also seeking vengeance for his fallen comrades. If anything, it does at least offer a reason as to why the blade was so carefully sealed away: a good-hearted but physically weak person who attempted to draw the sword might die instantly.

Given current circumstances, mastering the Nichirin is going to be a tall order for Atomic Samurai. Its power would clearly be useful against the extremely strong Monster Association executives, and the heroes need every advantage they can get at this point. On the other hand, if Atomic Samurai pushes too hard, he could wind up leaving the group down a hero instead–something they can ill afford with Genos and Tatsumaki already wiped out. While the Nichirin is undoubtedly a blade worthy of legends, it may not be a big help for One-Punch Man‘s heroes in the short term.

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