Last week we got word of a new raunchy comedy in the works from The Hangover director Todd Phillips and producer Joel Silver. The plot of the $12 million Warner Bros. comedy is being kept closely under wraps and it only has a working title of Project X for the time being.

One detail we do know about Project X is the fact that it will star (at least in the lead roles) completely unknown actors. That’s right, no Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp to be found here. The project is so secretive that any actors that are auditioned will not be getting full scripts, but rather “watermarked pages.” Talk about not wanting to let the cat out of the bag!


Today we have an update on Project X that gives YOU the chance to star in the movie. Not as a non-speaking extra, but as one of the fresh new faces headlining the movie. Exciting, eh? AICN points us in the direction of a website called which gives detailed instructions on what you need to do. But to save you a bit of time we have the list here for you:

1. When taping yourself, frame the picture just above your head to the bottom of the chest so we can see the face clearly.

2. Next you will ‘SLATE’. Please write your name boldly on a piece of paper and hold it in front of you — make sure the letters are big enough for us to see the spelling of your name and how to contact you. Shoot a few seconds of video back enough so you can see yourself head to toe. Next, zoom in and tell us your name, age, and height. Please say these clearly, looking into the camera.



• Tell us your most embarrassing story

• Tell us your craziest party story.

• Tell us about the riskiest or most daring thing you’ve ever done

• If you wanted to impress someone at a club, show us how you would


• Show us the one thing that you do that makes your friends laugh?

4. You are now ready to digitize and compress your video for uploading to ActorCast.

Please download and follow the instructions for uploading your video and go to when you are ready to submit.

There’s also some hints and tips as to how you should film yourself which you can check out in the PDF over at Projectx Online Open Call. Unfortunately for international readers you won’t be able to enter, as it’s only open to residents of the U.S. And you have to be 18 years old – i.e. allowed to do (or portraying yourself doing) what I imagine will be some strong stuff, considering the movie is aiming to push the boundaries of the R-Rating.

I am very intrigued to find out just what this Project X really is mainly because we don’t really know anything about it (all we know of the plot is that it has an “outrageous high concept”). The fact that it’s from the director of The Hangover, Todd Phillips, is also encouraging news, even if he won’t be directing it. Directing duties will go to first-time feature director Nima Nourizadeh, but Phillips will be a hands-on producer during the shoot and will no doubt have a lot of creative input.

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And lastly, I’m looking forward to seeing some fresh comedy talent emerge instead of seeing yet another comedy with Seth Rogen or Steve Carell in it (not that there’s anything wrong with them, of course!).

Will you be putting yourself up for the Project X open casting call? If so, what interests you about the project?

Once again, head over to to submit your video and good luck!

Project X is aimed to start shooting on June 14th, 2010 with a release date TBA.

Sources: Project X Open Call and AICN

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