Warning! Spoilers ahead for Nighting #85

In DC Comics’ Nightwing, Barbara Gordon’s Batgirl proves she’s the next Batman (in the worst way) thanks to her power as Oracle. As the Bat-Family’s resident tech-wizard and “person in the chair” providing them with valuable intel, Oracle comes with a level of access that Barbara confirms is morally questionable, especially now that her systems have fallen into the wrong hands. Now, Barbara is suiting up as Batgirl and joins Nightwing on a mission to take down the new Anti-Oracle known as Seer.

Set during the Batman crossover event Fear State, Scarecrow has taken over Gotham with plans to push the city into greater levels of fear than it’s ever seen before. In order to do that, Scarecrow has seemingly teamed up with the new villain known as the Seer who’s taken over all of Barbara Gordon’s systems as Oracle, using them to spread misinformation throughout all of Gotham to increase the terror even more. Furthermore, Seer also lured Nightwing to Gotham by pretending to be Oracle asking for help, intending to kill the former Boy Wonder as a means to hurt Barbara. However, Nightwing and Barbara are now on a mission to take down Seer before she makes things even worse.


Batgirl also confirms how much access she actually has as Oracle in Nightwing #85 from writer Tom Taylor and artist Robbi Rodriquez. According to Barbara, her systems allowed her access to every public security camera in Gotham, including several private cameras in case of a major emergency. Even Seer notes in this issue that this is too much power for any one person to have and that it communicates a blatant disregard for privacy, a fact that Batgirl had rationalized away because she was helping people. This also falls in line with similar actions Batman himself has taken such as with Brother Eye, while also bringing to mind the sonar technology that hacked into every phone in Gotham, which Batman used to track down the Joker in Christopher’s Nolan’s The Dark Knight.

While Batgirl is now realizing that her rationalization was wrong and that she was wielding too much power, is it only because her systems are now being used against her? Just like Batman, it stands to reason that she probably would have kept her systems and invasive facial recognition software as is had it never been compromised. Batman’s paranoia and struggle to trust anyone has resulted in the formation of all sorts of morally questionable contingency plans over the years, and Oracle’s insane level of access threatens to make Batgirl a natural successor to that legacy (which isn’t a good thing).

While Batgirl and Nightwing are trying to get to Oracle 2 (a separate system Babara could use to fight back), it turns out that it is a trap set by Seer, who’s now threatening Barbara’s fellow Batgirls Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain. As a result, Barbara’s legacy as Oracle has been corrupted and is now threatening her legacy as Batgirl. Here’s hoping she and Nightwing can find a way to save and restore both especially as Oracle runs the risk of becoming a part of Batman’s legacy in the worst way possible.

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