While you can easily argue that none of the main characters in Orange Is The New Black are smart, after all, they all ended up in prison somehow, once inside they do show plenty of intelligence. Whether it is scheming to kill enemies or to smuggle and sell drugs, the inmates show they have real brains during their stay behind bars. Due to how long they all have to spend in prison, the inmates quickly have to develop their intelligence past the traditional sense.

All of the inmates are forced to be creative, fast-thinkers due to the situation they’re in. Whether it’s being intelligent enough to save their own lives or to stay out of trouble to get out, the prisoners show different kinds of intelligence and in this article, we will rank them on that intelligence.

10 Suzanne Warren

It is in social settings where she really struggles, but as the series develops she certainly learns to adapt to that. She might struggle with certain issues, but she does have a very kind heart and always wants the best for her friends. Often looking out for others over herself, Suzanne is one of the best characters on the show.

9 Lorna Morello

Much like Suzanne, Lorna Morello suffers from mental illness as well, only hers is less recognizable until later on in the show. Throughout the entire series, Lorna likes to believe she is in certain situations when she really isn’t, as she does when she believes her baby is still alive.

While Lorna’s thoughts don’t become quite as muddled as Suzanne’s, she does still struggle at times making decisions. Often panicking and making snap judgments throughout the series, it is clear that she isn’t the smartest of the bunch.


8 Tiffany Doggett

While Tiffany Doggett doesn’t have any mental illnesses, she has suffered from a lack of education in her life. As we learn throughout the series, she struggles with reading and that isn’t picked up as dyslexia until very late on in the series.

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Because it wasn’t identified while she was at school though, it means that Doggett didn’t get the fundamental education that others in the prison did. This leads to her clearly being one of the least intelligent people in the prison, which is something she is bullied about throughout the series.

7 Nicky Nichols

In-terms of social situations, Nicky Nichols seems to always have an answer for everything, but that doesn’t make her the smartest character on the show. She often finds herself in bad situations due to the decisions she makes and seeing Nicky annoy or upset other characters isn’t uncommon.

Due to her drug addiction, Nicky doesn’t get the opportunity to show her intelligence to its full potential until later on in the series when she gets clean. Often making bad choices due to how her mindset is, Nicky might be a loveable character, but sadly she’s not the smartest.

6 Dayanara Diaz

Orange Is The New Black’s resident drug queen, Dayanara Diaz goes from the prison sweetheart who gets knocked up by the guard to the ultimate kingpin inside the system. While it isn’t intelligence in the traditional sense, you can’t say she’s not smart.

Daya knows how to make the most of the situation and when she gets her life sentence she quickly begins to take matters into her own hands. Turning the prison into her own criminal enterprise, Daya quickly uses her brains to smuggle and sell drugs, and while it is an odd business to have, she is the owner of it.

5 Piper Chapman

The main character of the show is supposed to be portrayed as someone who is too good for prison and was just in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong crowd. However, as the show transpires it quickly becomes clear she belongs just as much as her bunkmates.

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However, Piper Chapman is smarter than most of her fellow inmates, and she is happy to let them all know it. Not one to shy away from showcasing her brains, Piper often thinks she is smarter than she actually is, which normally lands her in trouble. On the other hand, she does come up with some fantastic ideas during her time in prison and is smart enough to not do anything to extend her sentence.

4 Poussey Washington

Due to the sheer amount of time Poussey Washington spends in the library, you would expect her to be one of the smartest characters on the show. Poussey tries to keep herself to herself and get on with her sentence, clearly trying to prepare for life on the outside.

She loves engaging in debate and complex conversations and is one of the nicest people in the prison. While it is against the rules, she makes her own hooch, which is the most in-demand drink inside the entire prison, with every inmate wanting to get a taste of her concoction.

3 Alex Vause

Alex Vause is in a similar position to her prison wife, Piper Chapman in the sense that she is one of the smarter inmates before she gets caught and sent to prison. However, unlike Piper, she knows how to work the system in prison and is a little smarter in a criminal sense.

While Vause does still get into some sticky situations throughout the show, for the most part, Vause is on top of the situation. She knows how to work different groups to her advantage in order to be in the best position possible, and even though she does let her aggression overtake her, she is a smart character.

2 Galina Reznikov

While her memory starts to fade as the show drew to a close, that doesn’t mean that Galina ‘Red’ Reznikov isn’t one of the smartest characters on the show. When the show first begins, Red is already in a position of power inside the kitchen, and it is clear that she knows how to play the game.

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Red is the leader of a group of inmates and everything she does is with the girls in mind. She is a veteran of the prison system, having been inside for plenty of time in comparison to many of the others. Because of her age, Red is certainly wiser than the majority of other characters and even though she occasionally gets her judgment wrong, for the most part, she knows what she’s doing.

1 Tasha Jefferson

Tasha Jefferson is perhaps the most beloved character in Orange Is The New Black and the difficult circumstances she finds herself in are heartbreaking. However, she eventually makes the most of her life sentence to help prisoners develop their skills, setting them up for life later down the line. But it isn’t just her tutoring skills later on in the series that allow her to be one of the smartest characters in the series.

Long before she teaches math to people, Tasha shows her brains as she tries to constantly improve herself and the rest of her group. Sometimes Tasha lets her anger and frustrations get the best of her, but that is something most people inside the prison suffer from. She is level headed and clearly ready to be an upstanding member of society on the outside world, which is more than can be said for most.

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