Netflix’s Outer Banks wrapped up its second season this past July, giving fans a desire for their own treasure hunt. After the Pogues go on an exciting chase for gold, they find themselves in a war with other gold-hunters who are willing to kill for the prize.

For now, the storylines between the Kooks, the Pogues, and an epic treasure hunt will have to wait until Netflix agrees to give Outer Banks a third season. Until then, fans are rewatching the series and catching things they missed during their first viewing.  From John B. doodling sweet messages about “Val” in his notebook at school to a small glitch with the camerawork, Reddit fans don’t miss a thing when rewatching this mystery-thriller.

10 Vlad & Val Forever

Before John B. and Sarah became one of the biggest ships in the series, they were civil acquaintances. It wasn’t until Sarah agreed to take John B. on an adventure to Chapel Hill to the school’s archives when their friendship turned romantic.

While in Chapel Hill, the two agreed they should have fake names to call each other. They chose the names Vlad and Val and gave each other long backstories and spoke with accents. It was a quirky inside joke that the two only shared with each other. Adorably, Anneliese_DaNeer spotted a sweet moment of John B. doodling Vlad + Val in his notebook that fans may have missed.

9 The Moment Sarah Realized She Liked John B.

There were a handful of villains throughout Outer Banks, Topper being one of them. Topper was Sarah’s boyfriend who hated the fact that Sarah was a wild child with a mind of her own. Even though they were dating, he never felt secure.

There came a time where they both felt like they were ready to sleep with one another, but right before they were about to, Sarah changed her mind. In return, Topper became aggravated. However, Zdub134 pointed out a small moment that fans may have missed. When Topper asks Sarah what it is that she actually wants, she whispered “sh*t.” Fans believe this was the moment that Sarah realized she had feelings for John B. instead of her boyfriend Topper and she now had a tough choice to make.


8 “Eat The Rich”

One of the biggest wars throughout Outer Banks is between the Kooks and the Pogues. The Kooks were considered the wealthy and the privileged while the Pogues were the working class. In the series, the two classes had issues with one another and often went head-to-head. It’s assumed the battle between the Pogues and the Kooks had been going on for decades but it was never dissected.

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Considering the Pogues’ disdain for the wealthy, SpicySushi noticed an “‘Eat the Rich’ sticker on the Twinkie.” This brought attention to the other humorous bumper stickers that the Pogues found valuable.

7 The Pogues & Synchronicity

After Ward Cameron framed John B. for the murder of Sherrif Peterkin, John B. had no choice but to go on the run. Sarah joined him as the two headed out to sea to escape and find the gold in Nassau. After a storm hit the area, Sarah and John B. landed in Nassau and later, Charleston.

Some way or another, JJ, Kiara, and Pope all found their way to Charleston to assist with the treasure hunt while John B. and Sarah were supposedly in the Bahamas. Funny enough, they were actually all in Charleston and bumped into each other while they were on the run. But that wasn’t the only time they found each other through synchronicity. Trent60 noted that “John B knew exactly where to find his comrades after getting out of prison” and “John and Sarah hitting Cleo by accident in the Bahamas” — all without cell phones!

6 Did John B. Forget About His Broken Arm?

After Topper pushed John B. off the tower out of anger for his relationship with Sarah, Sarah did what she could to get him help. When he woke up in the hospital bed, he had a cast on his wrist and was dazed.

Sarah told him that he had a concussion and a broken wrist. However, hehehehehbe told Reddit that this didn’t make much sense. If his wrist was broken, “Why is [he] going down a well and going into putrid water so soon after?” they asked. They continued, “This bugs me because I’ve had a broken arm and I couldn’t do [anything] with it for weeks, even when the cast was taken off I still couldn’t use it properly.” With that being said, how was John B. able to use it so freely without pain?

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5 The Pogues Barely Use Their Phones For Evidence

Throughout the mysteries of Outer Banks, cell phones are rarely seen. This could be because the main characters are always on the run and don’t have time to look at their phones, but it’s still an oddity in modern times. And while Pope is seen as one of the best characters in the series, Misanthropeint had an issue with the fact that he never used his cell phone to film heinous crimes.

The Redditor noted that after Pope sees Rafe throwing dead bodies to the alligators, Pope does nothing. “He doesn’t pull out his phone to record it… he just watches him do something incredibly incriminating,” they said.” They continued writing, “[Pope] literally pulls out his cellphone later in that same scene but he didn’t pull it out to record something that could put a psychopath away?” It’ll be interesting if this changes in season 3.

4 A Subtle Camera Glitch

As beautifully filmed as Outer Banks is, zipzapzuppuzpazpiz found a rather funny moment that went unnoticed in the Netflix showAttached to a video of Sarah Cameron talking, they wrote, “Episode 7 around 28:30, [I] noticed a glitch…watch her right eye.”

In the video her eye slightly enlarges, changing the size of her pupils. It’s obvious that it’s not the actress, Madelyn Cline’s real eyes that are changing so rapidly, so it can only be chalked up to an error with the camera in the editing room.

3 Sarah Is More Important Than The Pogues Realize

Fans were hoping the friendship between Kiara and Sarah would be explored in season 2, and that’s exactly what happened. In season 1, Kiara had a problem with Sarah Cameron because she was a Kook who treated the Pogues differently, but there was more to the story. The two were best friends growing up until one day, Sarah dropped Kiara and moved on to a different friend group. When they were at their best, Kiara noted that she had the best summer of her life with Sarah before they lost touch.

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Ironically, it wasn’t just Kiara that Sarah affected, it was John B. too. LoudOutlandishness95 noticed, “John B says [he spent the best day of his life with her] to Sarah after they get back from Chapel Hill after going to the archives, and Kie says it to Pope when she explains what happened between her and Sarah.” With both Pogues having inspiring days with Sarah, it proves that she’s a better person than they thought.

2 The Characters Didn’t Do All Their Own Stunts

The Pogues find themselves making dangerous decisions in order to find the gold. These decisions often lead them to jumping off boats, escaping villains, and dodging bullets. And for any fan who didn’t research the making of Outer Banks, Glitterandrum realized that the Pogues used stunt doubles to do their dangerous work. With a few pictures of the stunt doubles, they wrote “Here’s the cast stunt doubles for the season 2 finale.” The stunt doubles were so realistic that viewers can hardly tell the difference.

1 JJ’s Dad & Barry

Barry was the town’s drug dealer. He became close friends with Rafe Ward the more Rafe became dependent on other substances. And in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment, there’s a scene where Rafe enters Barry’s house and a man leaves at the same time. As Merg00n pointed out, “When Rafe went to Barry’s house, JJ’s dad was walking out of it.” This small moment was incredibly telling because one of the saddest things about JJ was that his dad had his demons and treated JJ poorly. And now it’s clear that he was in cahoots with Barry.

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