The two major relationships in Outer Banks are the complete opposite of each other. Sarah and John B got together so quickly that they’re considered “insta-love,” while JJ and Kiara’s scenes didn’t even begin to border on romantic until late in the second season of the show.

No couple’s journey is the same, and the juxtaposition that the show created between Jarah and Jiara showcases it. Because the pairings are made up of different people in different situations, there are ways that they could each be considered the best ship in Outer Banks.

8 John B And Sarah: They Had Their Own Marriage Ceremony

In most cases, two fictional teenagers having their own marriage ceremony would be hard to take seriously. But John B and Sarah have been through so much together that a wedding – legal or not – felt earned.

Circumstances have forced them to grow up fast, and at this point, they have more life experience than most adults. They’ve formed such an unbreakable bond that being husband and wife feels like too normal of a name for them. What they have is too deep to properly convey with words.

7 JJ And Kiara: They Give Each Other Strength

The Pogues have been in so many life or death situations that it’s easy to forget they have no combat training. They’re just a group of teens who hung out in the Outer Banks and would occasionally get themselves in troubling situations. Kiara and JJ are a sturdy presence for one another, but the strength they inspire isn’t just emotional.

After taking a hit to the head during a fight with one of the crew members, JJ was left visibly stunned. As soon as he registers that Kiara is in trouble, he manages to attack their opponent before being knocked out and thrown into the water. Kiara is so determined to get to JJ that she immediately takes down the crew member and jumps into the ocean after him. Not many teens would be able to do what JJ and Kiara did for each other.


6 John B And Sarah: They’re Forbidden Love

The “forbidden love” trope continues to be entertaining when it’s done well. Rather than having problems that stem from a lack of love or incompatibility, Sarah and John B are often kept apart by external forces. Ward doesn’t just disapprove of John B’s relationship with his daughter because he’s a concerned parent. In fact, Ward never appears to be very concerned about Sarah’s well-being.

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Obtaining the gold has always been his first priority, and John B is one of his biggest obstacles. Sarah and John B were forced to sneak around behind her father’s back, and Ward even kidnapped his daughter in the Outer Banks Season 2 finale. But no matter what they were up against, John B and Sarah continued to fight for their love.

5 JJ And Kiara: Their Romance Is Rooted In Friendship

Relationships that are rooted in friendship always seem to have an edge over those that aren’t. Kiara and JJ have known each other their whole lives, and they’ve never felt pressured to act a certain way or hide who they are from each other.

JJ’s best quotes in Outer Banks are usually due to his lack of a filter, and he and Kiara aren’t afraid to share their opinions – good or bad. Because they’ve been friends for so long, there’s already a strong semblance of trust and love between them. JJ and Kiara know and accept each other’s strengths and weaknesses, so there would be no surprises.

4 John B And Sarah: They Make Each Other Better

Sarah wasn’t one of the most likeable characters in Outer Banks when the show first started. It wasn’t until she started dating John B that she realized just how toxic her family was. While Sarah chose to become better, her relationship with John B was the catalyst of her character development.

In turn, Sarah helps John B realizes that he doesn’t always know what’s best. His impulsiveness often gets the Pogues in trouble, and only Sarah can help him think with a level head.

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3 JJ And Kiara: They Gravitate Together Naturally

Kiara and JJ are drawn to each other more than they are to anyone else. It was something that even Pope seemed to take notice of during Outer Banks season 2, as the two of them fit together in a way that he and Kiara never did.

They stick together when they can and their relationship feels completely natural. While the two were never supposed to have a romance, the characters had other plans. JJ and Kiara weren’t forced, and their chemistry was an unexpected development.

2 John B And Sarah: They Refuse To Leave Each Other Behind

There were two moments, in particular, in which John B and Sarah would’ve been better off if they let the other go. The first was when Sarah decided to sail with John B into a storm, knowing that they probably wouldn’t come out of it alive.

The second was when John B snuck onto Ward’s ship to rescue Sarah, even though Ward was still itching for the chance to kill him. They continue to prioritize one another over their own lives and trust that they’ll always have someone to count on.

1 JJ And Kiara: Their Relationship Is More Fleshed Out

Out of all the things that need to happen in Season 3 of Outer Banks, a JJ and Kiara romance is what fans are hoping to see most. More care has been put into Kiara and JJ’s relationship than any other couple, even if it wasn’t always obvious.

Rather than simply throwing them together, they’ve been built up slowly and crafted for success. JJ and Kiara’s bond is especially deep because of how fleshed-out it is and the wait only makes it more rewarding when they finally get together.

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