Warning! Major SPOILERS for Outer Banks ahead.

The mystery surrounding the fate of John B’s dad Big John was the driving force behind the events of season 1 of Netflix’s Outer Banks. He was lost at sea for months, so the authorities presumed him dead, but John B still had hope that his dad was alive. The Netflix teen thriller threw its audience for a loop when it was revealed that not only was Big John dead, but he was murdered by Ward – the father of John B’s girlfriend.

Big John was a history buff whose lifelong mission was to track down the shipwrecked Royal Merchant, as it had $400 million in gold on board when it sank. Before the events of the show, Big John informed his son that he made a breakthrough in the ship’s location and would likely be gone for a while – but he never returned. John B eventually decided to pick up where his dad left off and search for the treasure, with the help of his Pogue friends. That search led him to the shocking discovery that Ward actually killed his father.


Ward was briefly partners with John B’s dad in the search for the gold, and a heated dispute led to Big John’s death. With John B taking up his father’s search, Ward’s rage has moved on to Big John’s son. That rage will continue to boil over in Outer Banks season 2.

Why Did Ward Kill Big John?

Near the end of  Outer Banks‘ first season, audiences learn right along with John B what happened to his dad. Flashbacks reveal that the two men disagreed on how they’d split the treasure, should they find it. Since Big John had put in most the work, and Ward really just provided the funding to make it happen, Big John thought offering him 20% of the gold was fair. But Ward believed that he earned half.

Ward’s hot temper was teased earlier in the season, in a scenee that foreshadowed the truth about Big John’s fate. His daughter Sarah mentioned that he had a short fuse, and audiences got a taste when Ward got in Topper’s face when he thought the teen was threatening his daughter. So, with all of this in mind, it wasn’t a surprise to see Ward shove Big John out of anger in the flashbacks, causing John B’s dad to hit his head hard and immediately die on impact. As there were no witnesses, Ward decided to dump the body and pretend that Big John was simply lost at sea. Since Ward is a wealthy man and Big John was a member of the working class, this move was symbolic of the island’s Kooks vs. Pogues class war.

Before he found out about the murder, John B looked up to Ward as a father figure. But once he learned the truth, a hatred obviously bubbled up between the two. Ward’s temper and fear over getting caught pushed him to frame John B for the murder of the local sheriff. John B, along with Ward’s daughter Sarah, are now both presumed dead, which once again allows Ward to get by scot free. But it probably won’t take long for Ward to learn that Sarah and John B are alive and well and headed to the Bahamas in search of the treasure. His hot temper will undoubtedly push him to do whatever he can to make sure he remains in the clear. Whether it be going to the Bahamas himself or luring John B and Sarah back home, it’s clear that Ward will continue to be the antagonist of Outer Banks.

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