Outer Banks is a recent Netflix original that became the most streamed program on the platform within weeks. The story centers around the Pogues, four working-class friends who are fiercely loyal to one another. They embark on a treasure hunt after John B’s father goes missing at sea.

Their hunt leads them on a quest for gold, but they end up discovering a lot more about their friendships and families. They’re constantly on the run from cops or Kooks – the island’s richer population. But even in the darkest moments, the Pogues find something to laugh at, and they’re always armed with a whole arsenal of one-liners. Here are the 10 funniest moments in Outer Banks, ranked.

10 Topper Confesses His Love To… Wheezie?

Sarah Cameron’s sister, Wheezie (real name: Louisa), is known to sneak around and hide in all sorts of strange places. Sarah takes advantage of this and asks her to sleep in her bed when she’s secretly meeting John B.

Topper shows up in the middle of the night, drunk, ready to confess his love to Sarah. He knows she’s been slipping away from him, so he’s determined to make his case. He tells her he loves her while Wheezie tries not to laugh in the dark. But when she doesn’t reply, Topper asks her why she isn’t saying anything back. Wheezie finally rolls over and innocently says, “Hi, Top” while he falls off the bed.

9 The Call Of The Pogue

The Pogues don’t take anything more seriously than their Pogue code. The first time we see how much Pogues mean to each other is when John B and JJ get Pope to ditch work for a fishing trip. JJ says the day after a hurricane is an off day, to which Heyward replies, “Who the hell made that up?” JJ says the Pentagon as Pope takes a leap of faith onto the Pogue.

At Midsummers, the Pogues cause quite the scene as they reunite. Beaten and bruised, JJ calls for an emergency Pogue meeting. John B stands at attention in the middle of the Kook crowd while Pope and Kiara slip away from their angered parents. Everyone stares at this display of unbreakable friendship, including Sarah, who admires their carelessness and free-spiritedness.


8 Pope’s Pants Rip

After a hectic visit to the graveyard, the Pogues uncover a crucial piece of evidence in their hunt for the gold. In typical Pogue style, security shows up before they can safely escape. They make a very conspicuous run for it, climbing over the tall gates deftly – until it’s Pope’s turn.

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His shorts get caught on the pointed bars, and he’s so worried about ripping them that he won’t come down. His friends forcefully pull him off the gate, leaving his shorts hanging there as they run back to the van. Pope covers himself while JJ teases him (“little Tootsie roll!”). After they flee, the guards contemplate the shorts and say, “Kids are getting weirder every year.”

7 Sarah Cleans John B’s Wounds

Sarah rescues John B from yet another police chase after he falls from a stolen bike and injures himself. She takes him home and tries to clean his wounds with rubbing alcohol, but he emits a very loud cry.

She slaps a hand over his mouth and says she’s never heard anyone whine like that. Cautiously, she goes back to cleaning the wound, but he grimaces and slaps her hand. “Excuse you,” she says, staring incredulously.

6 JJ & Pope Place Bets

Kiara doesn’t want Sarah to be a part of their quest for the gold – or have anything to do with her at all. When John B brings her to his house, Kiara gets upset and refuses to let her be a part of their group. Sarah feels offended, especially after John B told her it’ll be fine.

JJ and Pope are quietly enjoying the whole exchange, particularly John B’s discomfort. He calls Sarah his girlfriend, which the boys say is “new” and “corny”. When Kiara calls Sarah a liar, she retaliates with an even worse insult. Shocked, JJ and Pope pull cash out of their pockets. JJ says, “My money’s on Kie”.

5 Sarah & Kiara Get Stranded On A Boat

After John B’s unsuccessful attempt to introduce Sarah as a Pogue, he comes up with a new plan. The next morning, Pope tells Kiara that the others need her to fix something on the Pogue. Blissfully unaware, she goes along with it – until they dive off the edge and join Pope on his rig. She hears a strange noise from below deck and finds Sarah. They realize what’s happened as the boys make their getaway.

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As much as they don’t like being tricked, John B’s plan works, and they reconcile – but they’re not giving the boys the satisfaction of believing it worked. Turns out the grudge Kiara was holding was a result of watching Sarah’s birthday party from Instagram. Later that night, she admits she alerted the cops about her party and the two laugh about it.

4 Kiara & John B’s Catfight

An unspoken awkwardness hangs between John B and Kiara after he kisses her in episode 2. When they find Parcel 9, the Pogues don’t notice the underground well. Kiara assumes they didn’t find the water they were looking for because of “bad karma” after John B ropes Sarah into the group.

John B doesn’t get her problem and says, “Is it because I kissed you?” Kiara slaps the smug grin right off his face. But then she holds her palm up and shows him the mosquito. She tells him to stop treating her like a girl who’s obsessed with him, but he slaps her, too, and shows her his palm. “Skeeter,” he says. This continues for a few minutes, but they’re laughing by the time JJ and Pope discover the well.

3 The Pogues Learn About John B & Sarah

After Midsummers, John B reveals the location of the gold to his friends, which means he also has to reveal how he solved the puzzle. Kiara gets riled up when she learns that John B spent the day with Sarah Cameron out of town. “This is gonna be good,” JJ says.

“What about Pogue life? What about the T-shirt company, bro?” Flustered, John B stutters that he’s just using Sarah for information and access. “There was access, all right,” JJ offers. Pope says nothing until John B asks whether they really think he’s the type of person to fall for Sarah Cameron. Kiara proceeds to compare Sarah to “a spitting cobra”, which Pope calls a bad analogy.

2 Pope & JJ Tease John B (Again)

After Sarah and Kiara set their differences aside, the Pogues (plus Sarah) decide to venture into the Crain House (aka Parcel 9), where the gold is hidden. The house also happens to be the home of an ax murderer. It also happens to be equipped with motion sensor lights, which Sarah thinks she can disarm. Kiara offers to go with her, which involves approaching the front of the house. John B tells them to be safe, where previously Kiara would be the one to tell him to be careful. Early in the season JJ teases John B about Kiara, massaging his shoulders and mocking her: “Just be so careful.”

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After the girls leave to disarm the light, JJ takes Pope’s face in his hands and whispers, “Be safe.” Pope returns his loving look: “I’ll be so safe … for you.” John B threatens to kill them, to which Pope says, “But how would that keep us safe?”

1 Pope Starts Rapping

JJ has been offering Pope to smoke all season long, while Pope keeps telling him to “keep the signal clear.” But by the penultimate episode, Pope changes his mind. Kiara is worried that he won’t be able to execute their plan, he tells her not to worry.

“I’m Plan Guy,” he says. “I’m Mister Plan-o-Matic” then breaks out into a rap about thinking of a master plan. Kiara slaps a hand over his mouth and physically restrains him. “This is a quiet plan!,” she hisses. He looks apologetic as she moves her hand, but then confesses his love – which Kiara thinks is even worse.

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