Claire Fraser is not just the central protagonist, but also one of the most empowering characters in the romantic fantasy Outlander. Claire has traveled across the world with her handsome Highlander husband after mysteriously passing through a circle of stones and landing up in 18th century Scotland.

Claire might have experienced the most fantastic adventures, but she has also been through severe trauma. She has seen blood, gore, and guts spilling out of people she couldn’t save. She has also lost a baby in a painful miscarriage and lived twenty years of her life in an unhappy marriage away from the man she loved. Here are ten such heartwrenching things about the feisty Claire Fraser.

10 Claire Has Seen The Horrors Of War

Claire served as a combat nurse during the Second World War, and, as a result, she is no stranger to the horrors of war—the blood bath, and the death associated with the battlefield.

Surviving the war only made her stronger, and she became even more adept at healing people,an asset that would be her mainstay in the 18th century. However, being hands-on during a war as bloody and relentless as this one left scars on her. There were deaths she regretted and moments that would haunt her forever.

9 She Had To Sell Herself To The King Of France

Remember when Jamie ended up in the Bastille after that disastrous duel with the notorious Black Jack Randall in season 2? Not only did the duel trigger Claire’s miscarriage out of pure stress, but her suffering continued even afterward.

Claire had to offer her body to King Louis XV to secure her husband’s release from the Bastille. She also had to go through the ordeal of acting as judge, jury, and executioner to Master Raymond and the Comte St. Germain. Her friend, Master Raymond, managed to escape unharmed but the Comte died, although that wasn’t Claire’s fault. However, the whole experience must have been far from pleasant.


8 She Had To Settle For A Man She No Longer Loved

One of the biggest tragedies in Claire’s life was her unhappy marriage to Frank Randall. Claire had been in love with Frank before she encountered the dashing Highlander, but that meeting changed her life, and she was unable to care for Frank quite as much ever again.

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Claire, however, continued the charade of her marriage to Frank, mainly for Brianna’s sake. They did agree to an open marriage where Frank could see other women if he wanted. But, to live a lie where neither party was happy must have been quite a painful proposition.

7 Claire Brought Up Brianna Away From Jamie

Not only did Claire have to settle for a man she no longer cared for as such, but she also had to bring up little Bree away from Jamie, which must have been heartbreaking.

Claire had one great love in Jamie Fraser, but she had then to bring up his daughter in a different century 200 years into the future, without the love of the biological father who would have done anything for his child. Although Frank proved to be a devoted father to Bree, Claire must have deeply regretted Jamie’s absence during Brianna’s childhood.

6 She Believed Jamie Was Dead For 20 Years

Claire was under the impression that Jamie had died in the Battle of Culloden right after she had passed back through the stones into 20th century Inverness.

Accepting that the man she desperately loved was dead would have been devastating for her. Claire did try to find out what had happened to Jamie after she came back but history didn’t mention him at all, which led her to eventually believe that he had died after all.

5 Claire Lost A Daughter

Claire suffered a terrible miscarriage in Paris. Her pregnancy was already being aggravated by the constant physical stress she undertook at the L’hôpital des Anges, but the miscarriage happened when she went all the way in that condition to the spot where Jamie was dueling Black Jack Randall. The anxiety, coupled with the physical strain, proved to be too much.

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Claire gave birth to a stillborn baby, a girl whom the gentle Mother Hildegarde had baptized nonetheless and named Faith. The extended scene where Claire is cradling her dead baby in her arms, unable to let go, is difficult to watch indeed.

4 She Almost Died Herself

Not only did Claire lose her child, but she would have most likely died herself had it not been Master Raymond’s miracle. Claire diagnosed herself as suffering from puerperal fever caused after childbirth; the tragedy of the miscarriage coupled with the fever had brought her to the brink of death.

The fact that Claire survived that devastating ordeal is one of the things that makes her one of the strongest characters in the show. Yet, while it lasted, it seemed like it could be the end of Claire Fraser.

3 She Had A Strained Relationship With Her Daughter

Claire gave birth to Jamie’s daughter, Brianna, when she went back to her own time in the 20th century. However, she had a rather strained relationship with her daughter in the years she was growing up. In anything, Bree was much closer to her adoptive dad, Frank, than to Claire.

Brianna would have been a constant reminder to Claire of the past she had left behind, even more so because she resembled Jamie so closely with her flaming red hair. This would have made Claire distance herself emotionally from her daughter, perhaps unconsciously, to keep herself from delving into the past.

2 She Is An Anachronism

Being a time traveler might sound like a fascinating prospect, but it might not be quite so amazing for the traveler herself. Claire with a modern woman even in her own time; she was the only female student in medical school in her batch and became a successful surgeon. She also followed world politics and was a smart, efficient woman at an equal footing with the men in her own century.

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Claire was already a massive anachronism in the 18th century, as she simply didn’t belong to that historic time period. But, on top of that, her progressive ideas always put her at loggerheads with the people and the society 200 years in the past.

1 Claire Has Been Abused

Claire Fraser suffered another major trauma in the season five finale when she was sexually abused by a gang of miscreants who had taken her captive. In fact, Claire’s gang rape was a direct fallout of her being ahead of her time, as mentioned in the previous point. She had published pamphlets under an assumed name detailing useful information on how unwanted pregnancies could be prevented at a time when contraceptives didn’t exist.

But, she ended up being identified as the author despite the pseudonym she had used. Claire was then kidnapped and assaulted by a depraved lot of men who couldn’t bear the thought that women could gain control over their own bodies. The assault left her severely traumatized, and it remains to be seen how the upcoming season handles the way she overcomes it.

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