The second season of Outlander aired back in 2016 and it managed to maintain the high standards that had been set by the first season. Plenty happened but in a nutshell, the subplots stemmed from Claire and Jamie’s trip to Paris. The two were trying to stop the Prince Charles Stuart’s Jacobite rebellion.

Most of the things that fans had loved about the show in the first season were retained too. The cool costumes were still there and so were the themes of love and glory.  Here are the best episodes of the second season, according to IMDb.

10 La Dame Blanche (8.7)

Claire pulled through after being poisoned in the fourth episode. Her instincts told her that Germain was responsible but her friend Monsieur Raymond was unable to find out who really bought the poison. Claire then told Jamie about Black Jack Randall and he didn’t take the news so well.

The episode also saw Mary Hawkins getting saved by Claire from bandits who were sexually assaulting her. In another scheme, Claire and Jamie planned a dinner but where they’d dissuade the Duke from supporting Charles and his idea of invasion.

9 Untimely Resurrection (8.7)

Jamie and Claire’s plan had succeeded by the fifth episode. Those who initially supported Charles had now changed their minds but the prince managed to find another investor. This time it was one of Jamie’s biggest foes, St. Germain.

Claire showed her evil side once again. In order to keep Frank’s lineage going, Claire did her best to ruin the love budding between Mary Hawkins and Alex. In Versailles, Jamie provoked Randall in order to to trigger a duel. To protect her plan, Claire made Jamie swear that he won’t kill Randall until he had sired a baby with Mary.


8 Je Suis Prest (8.7)

Since she was from the future and knew plenty of history, Claire told Jamie what Scotland’s fate in the uprising would be but Jamie still preferred to do things his own way. He brought his army to meet Dougal so that they could be trained for battle. Dougal also reminded Claire of his marriage offer in case Jamie got killed.

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Jamie came off as a ruthless commander who punished anyone who dared to neglect his duty. Claire, on the other hand, was totally against the war as she still had fresh memories of the brutal World War II. Later, Jamie’s men captured an English teen who gave out crucial information that enabled them to attack a camp.

7 Through a Glass, Darkly (8.9)

In the first episode of the season, Claire found herself back in 1948. She believed Jamie had died in battle so she was engulfed in grief. On a more positive note, she got to reunite with her husband Frank, who couldn’t understand how she had reappeared.

Still, Frank was desperate to get back with Claire. Surprisingly, he even agreed to help her raise Jamie’s child when she revealed that she was pregnant. They thus agreed to reboot their married life. In the episode, Claire also remembered how she went to France with Jamie to France and had a falling out with the Comte St. Germain.

6 Best Laid Schemes (8.9)

Jamie finally told Murtagh about Claire’s past in the sixth episode. Claire and Jamie had more cunning tricks up their sleeves as well. She made good use of her medical skills as she caused St. Germain’s men to develop symptoms that were similar to those of the killer disease smallpox.

With the men weakened, Jamie and Murtagh stole the wine stock. Jamie and Randall ended up having a deadly fight too before Claire arrived. Jamie managed to stab Randall before he was arrested. To add to the misery, Claire collapsed and began bleeding, meaning there had been damage to her pregnancy.

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5 The Hail Mary (9.0)

Jamie tried his best to avoid the Battle of Culloden in Episode 12 by attacking the English troops as they had their guards down during the Duke’s birthday party. Unfortunately, the Prince ended up getting lost in the night’s darkness.

Elsewhere, Claire tried persuading Randall to marry the pregnant Mary since Alex was dying. Colum was ready to die too so he asked Claire to assist him in ending his life without much pain. Colum goes on to tell Claire that Geillis’ sentence was not carried out until she had given birth.

4 Prestonpans (9.1)

In the tenth episode, Jamie’s matched to Charles Stuart’s camp where Jamie was put in charge after Stuart’s men couldn’t agree on a proper strategy. With the help of a local, Jamie found a secret path that allowed his men to ambush the English army.

The Highlanders emerged victorious in the Battle Of Prestonpans. However, there were plenty of casualties, including a good number of Jamie’s trusted men. Claire who had predicted the victory also tells Jamie that her prediction about Culloden will be right too.

3 Vengeance Is Mine (9.1)

Claire, Jamie and their men were ambushed by redcoats in the eleventh episode. Claire had to pretend to be a hostage of English origin so that they could be allowed to pass. She was later taken to the Duke of Sandringham who sent word out to Jamie to come and rescue her.

However, Claire discovered that the duke might be playing game so she attempted to use his god-daughter Mary Hawkins to send a warning to Jamie. Later on Jamie snuck into the duke’s battle and this leads to a brief duel that ends with the duke dead.

2 Faith (9.4)

In the seventh episode, Claire woke up in the hospital to the sad news that her baby was still-born. She also had a near-death experience due to her fever. Shortly after, she discovered that Jamie was arrested for fighting Randall. Jamie had found the psychotic Randall raping Fergus.

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Claire tried to negotiate for Jamie’s release from the king and he agreed to do so on condition that she slept with him. The king also made her deliver judgment to Monsieur Raymond and St. Germain who had been accused of sorcery.

1 Dragonfly in Amber (9.6)

The thirteenth episode was definitely one of the very best in the series. The episode flashing forward to 1968 and we saw an older Claire visiting Scotland with Brianna getting to meet Roger Wakefield. Claire also made visits to Jamie’s home in Lallybroch as well as Culloden Moor.

It was also in this episode that Claire confessed to Brianna about her history of time-traveling as well as Brianna’s real lineage. There was also a flashback to the Battle of Culloden in the 18th century where it was all mayhem as Jamie tried to save those he loved.

NextThe 10 Best TV Horror Miniseries, Ranked By IMDb

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