STARZ’s hit television drama Outlander is full of dramatic moments, heartfelt monologues, and endearing quips between Claire Randall Fraser and her husband James Fraser.

The redheaded Scot, played by Sam Heughan, has some astounding and jaw-dropping lines in this series that leave audiences breathless and wishing their significant others would take note. Here is a look at the top ten quotes James Fraser has said throughout the series.

10 “I Don’t Understand It. Not Yet. But I Trust You. I Trust Your Word. Your Heart. I Trust There Is A Truth Between Us. So. Whatever You Tell Me. I Will Believe Ye.”

Couples can only hope their significant other is as understanding as James Fraser is when they admit they are time travelers from the future. Because he loves Claire with every fiber of his being, he believes her word. Surely, he does not fully comprehend time travel, but he is a Scot that grew up in the highlands where druids, faeries, and changelings were cultural fact. Perhaps, this even aided in his belief of Claire.

9 “I Am Your Master & You’re Mine. It Seems I Canna Possess Your Soul Without Losing My Own.”

In an era where gender equality is not very prominent, it’s rather refreshing to hear James Fraser proclaim equality with his wife, Claire. When a couple is married, it is commonly thought that their souls become one, and James Fraser lives this belief.


8 “You Are My Home Now, Claire.”

The two lovers struggled to settle in a physical home due to Jamie struggling with the oppressive English law and being a wanted man. Between running from Blackjack Randall, being imprisoned post-Colluden, and leaving Helwater, James hasn’t had the most secure home situation, but in his love of Claire, he finds solitude. He finds his home.

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It just goes to show that the age-old saying rings true; home is where the heart is.

7 “… The Truth Is I’d Forgiven Everything She’d Done & Everything She Could Do Long Before That Day. For Me, That Was No Choice, That Was Falling In Love.”

Love is forgiveness and compassion. Without either, love cannot exist. This monologue shows how Jamie’s love for Claire had blossomed into an all-encompassing devotion and knight-like loyalty.

This heartfelt monologue shows the deep compassion James felt for his wife and how he has grown since their union. The flowered, romantic tone also leaves audiences swooning.

6 “Every Day Every Man Has A Choice Between Right & Wrong, Between Love & Hate… The Day I Realized That Is The Day That I Became A Man.”

This line is one of the only monologues James Fraser recites in the show. And it is by far one of the most impactful lines in the whole series. Viewers often forget how young Jamie was when he fell in love with Claire. Barely a young adult, Jamie did not know what it meant to be a man, but once he realized that choices were mostly black or white, good or bad, right or wrong, he began to grow into the character that audiences admire.

5 “You’re A Kind Woman. With A Good Touch. And Your Husband Is A Lucky Man.”

James Fraser recognizes Claire for the person she is and the blessing he regards her to be. Nearly every wife would hope to be recognized for their efforts by their husband, whether it be in the 1700s, the 1900s, or the present day. This quote shows the appreciation James has for Claire and how he is open to reminding her whenever he feels she needs reminding.

4 “I Take It Back! I Do Not Release You From Your Oath. You Canna Leave Me! You Canna Leave Me.”

This heartbreaking line shows the desperation James Fraser felt as he pleaded for Murtagh to not perish from his battle wound. Unfortunately, his plea was not heard.

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Losing a loved one is hard, but losing such a loyal friend and father figure is absolutely gut-wrenching for James Fraser. Surely, there will be some drastic character development as Jamie navigates life without Murtagh.

3 “War Is Killing. That’s It. Think Of Anything Less Than Your Own Skin, You’ll Be Dead By Nightfall. Ye Canna Waver.”

This is an apt reality check that foreshadows the fatal wounds struck to Murtagh. This unfortunate truth behind war is the gravity of the situation. It is quite literally life or death on the battlefield, and no person knows this better than Colonel James Fraser. Keeping this in mind is what has kept the Scot alive throughout many battles.

2 “You’re A Woman Like No Other, Sassenach. But Don’t Forget, You’re Still A Woman.”

In an era where gender equality is not very prominent, audiences know James Fraser holds his wife with high regard, but unfortunately not all people of the 1770s do. This line is important because while he firmly believes in his wife, there are moments when he needs to ground her perspective because the 1770s colonies are arguably not as progressive as the 1970s New England era Claire was used to. This reality check could even save Mrs. Fraser’s life.

1 “The Frasers Of The Ridge Are Here!”

With such a joyous proclamation, James Fraser is not only starting the wedding ceremony for his daughter as she steps into the next phase of life, but he is also claiming pride over his new life he’s started in the colonies. No longer is James Fraser a Highland criminal that must hide his life from the redcoats. Now, he is a settler that is making a life with those he loves.

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