Players who are sick and tired of playing Assault/2CP, or two capture-point rounds in Overwatch may be breathing a sigh of relief when Overwatch 2 finally releases – the highly anticipated sequel might be doing away with 2CP maps in Competitive mode for good. At this year’s Blizzcon, game director Jeff Kaplan delivered a lofty offhand comment about the future of 2CP, or the lack thereof in Overwatch 2. Of course, that isn’t to say that 2CP is dead and buried — it’ll likely still crop up in Arcade and Custom mode, but the competitive career of Assault maps is likely entirely over. Cue the sigh of relief.


Assault, or 2CP maps are slightly more complex than escort missions or control maps, in that the attacking team is charged with capturing a first point within four minutes, and then has an additional three minutes to capture a second point (hence, two capture point). But 2CP wasn’t warmly received by competitive players, who often complained about being stuck in endless games, or games that were over in a flash, although Blizzard took some measures to nerf certain maps and reconfigure others. There were originally three Assault maps; Temple of Anubis, Volskaya Industries, and Hanamura, with Paris and Horizon: Lunar Colony joining the ranks sometime later. But fan backlash against the latter two maps led to them being taken out of the competitive rotation. It was the first sign that Blizzard was finally starting to understand that there was no way it could make 2CP maps work in Competitive mode, and that understanding might have carried over into Overwatch 2′s production.

At this year’s Blizzcon, which was formatted much differently than previous cons thanks to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Blizzard’s developers and key figures were given the chance to give some real updates on their upcoming releases, including some anticipated news about Overwatch 2. While the sequel is still, admittedly, a long way off, the game’s director, Jeff Kaplan, nevertheless had some juicy updates to dole out, even if most of them were admittedly more allusions than verified facts. He discussed, among other potential features for the sequel, that the time has come to put 2CP to bed, with the rather elusive comment, “We’re in the mindset maybe 2CP doesn’t exist in Overwatch 2 and maybe there’s a cool new game mode that replaces it.” Check out Kaplan’s interview below, courtesy of the PlayOverwatch YouTube Channel.

The comment, and Kaplan’s delivery, isn’t exactly what one would call direct confirmation of the fact, but it’s pretty likely that Blizzard intends to not go forward with 2CP in Overwatch 2. In the first place, there would be no point in alluding to that idea if Kaplan didn’t intend to deliver, and in the second, Overwatch and its fanbase have already thoroughly demonstrated that 2CP is impossible to successfully implement in Competitive mode to a high enough level of overall satisfaction. Besides, no one buys a sequel hoping that it will deliver the exact same experience as the first, especially when the first already has such a massive library of content and characters, and is already available for play.

What’s more exciting than seeing the back end of Assault maps in Competitive mode for good is the “cool new game mode” that Kaplan remarked on. He’s keeping mum on that for now, but has promised more updates about Overwatch 2 now that Blizzcon is over. Hopefully, one of those updates will be an actual release date, sooner rather than later, but more information about that new mode would be just fine too.

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Source: PlayOverwatch

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