Content Warning: The following article contains spoilers for the Netflix series Ozark.

There are countless horrific twists and turns in Netflix’s Ozark, what with its main characters being made up mostly of thieves and murderers. Some of their decisions have been better than others, with the best ones often becoming beneficial down the line.

The best things the characters have done in the series often highlight how strategic and, sometimes, selfless they can be. These bold actions can lead to crucial alliances or even directly save lives. With the recent release of the first half of season four of the show, it’s the ideal time to look back at some of the best things each main character has done.


Ben Davis: Followed Ruth Langmore

Ben may have had a heartbreaking death in the series, but he made sure that Ruth wouldn’t suffer the same fate when he followed her to the Cosgrove’s cash drop. He knew how dangerous it would be for her to go alone, as Frank Jr. has shown what he’s capable of.

Although it was irresponsible to bring Jonah along, their decision ultimately led to Ruth being able to successfully hide from the Lagunas’ assassins. What’s more, the footage Jonah captured was used to bring down Navarro’s competitor, which is likely why he chose to side with the Byrdes instead of with Helen. None of these would have been possible without Ben’s insistence to watch Ruth from afar.

Helen Pierce: Introduced Omar Navarro And Wendy Byrde

For a long time, Helen was the only way the Byrdes could communicate with Navarro, but Wendy decided to change this arrangement when she asked to be introduced to the cartel’s leader. Helen may have not known it then, but the same partnership she was setting up would end up dooming her eventually.

If Helen had refused to introduce Wendy to Navarro, there’s no telling how things would’ve turned out. Wendy would’ve never been able to pitch the idea of legitimizing businesses and Helen might have successfully gotten rid of the Byrdes without Navarro’s intervention. It may have been a bad decision for her, but it was a great turning point for the Byrdes.

Omar Navarro: Surrendered To The FBI

Navarro’s complicated relationship with the FBI is something a lot of fans likely never saw coming. The drug lord wants out, and his decision to collaborate with the authorities finally gives the Byrdes a real shot at freedom. Fans won’t soon forget how he repeatedly reminds Marty that until he wins, the Byrdes don’t.

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While things don’t exactly go as planned thanks to Agent Maya’s stunt, Navarro’s surrender to the FBI still opens the doors for Javi’s 10-year deal. This could have far-reaching implications on the future of the Byrdes – that is if Ruth doesn’t get to him first.

Darlene Snell: Shot Frank Cosgrove Jr.

It was frustrating to see Frank Jr. get away with attacking Ruth, as Marty didn’t have it in him to exact revenge on the mobster. The fan-favorite would get her payback from an unusual source soon, however, as Darlene decides to take matters into her own hands.

Darlene’s decision to shoot Frank Jr. does more than get Ruth on her side, as it also inadvertently allows her to broker a deal with the KC mob. It’s a great situation for everyone involved for quite a while, except for the Cosgrove heir, who most viewers would agree got what he deserved all thanks to Darlene’s bold action.

Wyatt Langmore: Defended Jonah Byrde In School

Wyatt just picked one bad choice after another leading up to his death, due to his insecurities, anger, and lack of common sense. If he had one remarkable moment that highlighted the good person underneath all that nastiness, it was when he decided to defend Jonah in school.

After Wyatt saw how Jonah was being bullied by an older kid, he didn’t hesitate to step in to defend him despite his history with the Byrdes. If he had just found a way back to that version of himself – the smart, studious, and ambitious one – thing may have turned out differently for the “cursed Langmore.”

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Ruth Langmore: Killed Russ And Boyd Langmore

There’s no denying that Ruth is one of the bravest characters in the series, as she shows audiences early on how much she’s willing to sacrifice when she believes she’s doing the right thing. She has done a lot of useful things for Marty, but none of them has been as important as the night she chose to murder her own uncles to save his life.

When Ruth found out that Russ and Boyd had the terrible idea of robbing and killing Marty, she knew that she had to stop them. Not only would she likely be blamed for Marty’s murder if they got away with it, but it would also ruin her long-term plan with the Byrdes.

Charlotte Byrde: Told Erin The Truth About Helen Pierce

Charlotte has transformed throughout the series, as she went from being an angry teen who wanted emancipation to a helpful assistant who wants her family to succeed. A scene that underscores how much she has changed is her interaction with Erin after Helen’s death.

She warns Erin not to poke around, as it could endanger her and her entire family. While Charlotte makes it seem like she’s just trying to protect her friend, a veiled threat confirms that she’s actually mostly making sure that Mel stops digging into the Byrdes’ role in Helen’s death.

Jonah Byrde: Helped Wendy Byrde Launder Money

As Charlotte points out in the latest season, Jonah wasn’t always against what his parents were doing. In fact, the best thing he has ever done on the show was to help his mom blackmail Charles Wilkes by donating laundered cartel money through his fake identity. Charles never saw Wendy’s threat coming thanks to Jonah’s clean donation.

The casino project would have never pushed through without Jonah’s impressive money laundering ability, so whether he likes it or not, he played an active part in expanding Navarro’s (and his family’s) empire.

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Marty Byrde: Decided To Keep Wendy Byrde Alive

Marty and Wendy are the best characters in the series, but fans may recall how Wendy wouldn’t even be around today if not for Marty’s critical decision in the first season. Del gave him the choice to get rid of Wendy right after Del and his goons murdered her lover.

If Marty had decided then to get rid of Wendy, none of what they have accomplished together would’ve happened. He hopefully knows now that he needs her ambition to match his practicality (and vice versa). It’s wild to think how far they have both come since that chaotic day in Chicago.

Wendy Byrde: Expanded Omar Navarro’s Legitimate Businesses

Wendy is an ambitious character, and while that sometimes puts her family in danger, it can also yield some incredible results in some circumstances. Without her brilliant idea to expand Navarro’s empire into legitimate businesses like hotels and another casino, their family would likely be dead already.

Navarro’s choice to spare the Byrdes and kill Helen was largely influenced by Wendy’s large-scale plans. Lawyers are replaceable, but Wendy’s vision and drive are not. Thanks to her promise of giving Navarro a way out, she has given her family a chance to eventually be free of the cartel, even if it does mean having to sacrifice some things along the way.

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