Pacific Rim: The Black expands the franchise mythology in multiple ways, including the introduction of Boy and the idea of a Kaiju Messiah. The latest expansion of the Pacific Rim franchise is an anime-inspired series on Netflix. Set after the events of both movies, Pacific Rim: The Black follows Taylor and Hayley Travis as they travel across the post-apocalyptic and Kaiju-infested landscape of Australia in search of their missing parents.

Their journey leads them to encounter multiple new additions to the Pacific Rim mythology, and some of the more substantial discoveries come with a mysterious child only known to them as Boy. Hayley found Boy in a secret containment chamber in the basement of a recruitment center for the Pan Pacific Defense Corps. The Travis siblings originally have no idea who Boy is or why he was in the PPDC center, but they eventually see firsthand just how special he is. Boy is a Kaiju-human hybrid who the Travis siblings believe was created by the Precursors.


Boy has several incredible abilities and uses them primarily in the back-half of Pacific Rim: The Black season 1. When he is in his human form, Boy has a frail physical appearance of a kid or teenager. This physical form is not an accurate representation of his power. Boy is incredibly strong, as evinced by his ability to stop the punch of a Kaiju-Jaeger hybrid. His skin is also strong enough that normal weapons and bullets cannot hurt him. Boy’s greatest ability, though, comes in the form of his physical transformation to become a Kaiju. All of his abilities are amplified in this state, allowing Boy to take on dangerous threats, such as a Category IV Kaiju.

The end of Pacific Rim: The Black season 1 adds another intriguing layer to Boy’s story. A trio of sisters appears on a nearby rooftop after Boy defeats Copperhead. The hooded females observe Boy in his Kaiju state and declare that he is the Kaiju Messiah. Pacific Rim: The Black doesn’t elaborate on what this means, as the tease sets up what will come in season 2. But, the title of the Kaiju Messiah should indicate an important role for Boy moving forward. The Messiah title points to Boy being the savior or leader of the Kaiju, possibly giving him command over the rest.

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Boy and his Kaiju Messiah future will undoubtedly factor into the story of Pacific Rim: The Black season 2. This will allow the series to continue building upon the franchise’s great mythology and adding new twists throughout. In addition to Boy and the Kaiju Messiah prophecy, Pacific Rim: The Black introduced smaller Kaiju that have been referred to as Kaiju dogs. They hunt down the Travis siblings and Boy during season one and are also shown to be with the mysterious sisters at the end. The show also built on Pacific Rim: Uprising‘s idea of Kaiju controlling Jaegers and featured the first true Kaiju-Jaeger hybrid with Apex. Both of these concepts can be further explored as Pacific Rim: The Black continues and sheds more light on how the world has continued to change.

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