Parenthood was a series that followed the lives of the Braverman family, from the matriarch and patriarch to their four children and their families. It detailed the struggles and triumphs of each family and individual, going through the highs and lows of life while being there for one another.

They had their moments, but they always came through for one another, tight-knit and unbreakable. Cancer, divorce, absentee parents, lost directions and so much more were just some of the topics covered. That said, some couples were just meant to be, where others were clearly mismatches. Here are 5 couples from Parenthood that are perfect together and 5 that make no sense at all

10 Crosby & Jasmine (No Sense)

Crosby and Jasmine’s relationship was always tumultuous. They had many ups and downs, but when it came to their downs, they were serious. Crosby cheated on her, and she didn’t introduce him to his son until Jabbar was five years old. They resented each other for different things and it usually came out in unpleasant ways.

They did have good times, but we have a feeling that, despite the flash-forward ending, they would’ve ended up apart anyway sooner or later down the line. Perhaps they were better friends than a couple.

9 Haddie & Lauren (Perfect)

Haddie went from Berkeley to Cornell University, and when she comes back to visit in Season 5, she brings back her “best friend” Lauren with her. The best friend story shatters when Haddie’s brother Max walks in on Haddie and Lauren kissing. Haddie comes out to her parents, and immediately they accept her and assure her they love her.

Haddie and Lauren appeared incredibly happy together, and clearly Haddie was comfortable with exploring her relationship opportunities in college, which led her to Lauren. Though we don’t know if these two lasted, it’s nice to think they had a happy ending.


8 Haddie & Alex (No Sense)

Haddie began a relationship with Alex that had too many problems going into it. Her parents didn’t approve, and it led to a fall-out with them. In many ways, Haddie’s relationship with Alex resembled an act of rebellion, but she did truly care for him and see the good in him, despite his troubled past as an alcoholic.

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Still, Alex had been through a lot more life experiences than Haddie had, and the two were definitely mismatched and not meant to be. Unfortunately, it took Alex being arrested for the two to break up, realizing they are too different. Heartbreaking as that revelation is, they were free to move on for the best.

7 Drew & Natalie (Perfect)

Drew and Natalie didn’t have the most romantic beginning, as they started out as friends with benefits, having lived on the same floor at college. Drew tells her he wants more, which Natalie declines at first. It’s not until Drew’s ex-girlfriend Amy shows up and stays with him for a bit that Natalie becomes jealous and realizes just how much she cares for Drew.

Sometimes the best relationships have unlikely beginnings, and these two seemed promising. Drew even followed her back to Portland at the end of the school year.

6 Amber & Ryan (No Sense)

Amber and Ryan were too different from the start, coming from completely different backgrounds and families. Ryan is a soldier and Amber was working in the music business. She couldn’t understand some of the things he was going through, much as she wanted to, and it posed several problems in their relationship. He even beat up a member of a band Amber was working with out of jealousy.

Though it didn’t work out for them, we see in a flash-forward that the two remain friends and co-parent their son together amicably.

5 Camille & Zeek (Perfect)

Camille and Zeek are good examples of the age-old “opposites attract” aspect. Zeek is an ex-soldier, having served in the Vietnam War, and has carried that military perspective to his family, tossing out orders and having a firm hand. Camille is softer, more easy-going, and creative, making her the primary parent when their kids are seeking out a more understanding point of view.

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Though different, the two work well together, balancing each other out. Having been together for years, they’ve overcome so much, and audiences saw them get through Zeek’s affair and financial strain, as well as Zeek’s health struggles. No matter what, they were a united front, they communicated with each other regarding what they needed, and they always loved and forgave each other.

4 Julia & Joel (No Sense)

Joel and Julia’s relationship appeared unbalanced, as Julia seemed to be the taker and Joel the giver. Julia was a working mom and Joel a stay-at-home dad when we first met them, and the arrangement worked for them. When obstacles came their way, neither handled those obstacles well, especially Julia.

They struggled to have another child and ended up adopting a boy who was difficult initially, and then Julia quit her job while Joel went to work. She struggled with domestic life and unwittingly engages in an emotional affair with another man, and doesn’t come clean immediately. Despite all that, they still seemed to work, though it’s not always obvious as to what makes their relationship work to begin with.

3 Sarah & Hank (Perfect)

Hank and Sarah were so obviously perfect for each other. It wasn’t always smooth sailing, but it turned into something beautiful, and audiences got to see them marry in the series finale. Both are creative and have so much in common, and they wanted the same things.

They helped each other out with their kids from their previous relationships and made things ultimately work in their favor. Hank bettered himself for Sarah and vice versa, showing that they were willing to do the work on both sides to acquire the happy ending they wanted.

2 Sarah & Mark (No Sense)

This relationship was doomed from the start. Mark Cyr was not only younger than Sarah, but he was also her daughter Amber’s teacher, and Amber harbored a crush on him at the time. The first time that Sarah breaks up with him, it’s because she’s worried her relationship with him is affecting her relationship with Amber.

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They’re on and off for some time before she ultimately chooses Hank over him, which was the better choice for the both of them. Mark wanted kids and Sarah was content with the two she had already; they weren’t headed in the same direction and it seems something was always throwing them off-course. We’re glad this relationship didn’t last.

1 Adam & Kristina (Perfect)

Audiences loved this couple from day one. Adam and Kristina support each other equally and are great co-parents, especially towards their son Max, who has Asperger’s. They have overcome so much that there’s nothing they can’t take on.

Adam was there for Kristina while she battled cancer, and Kristina was always his rock. Adam and Kristina loved their family very much and did whatever they could to make their dreams a reality. They are a powerful yet loving couple, an inspiration to audiences everywhere.

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