Ron Swanson is one of the most loved characters in Parks and Recreation. He provided some of the most iconic moments during the show’s 7 seasons and was there through all the ups and downs. He’s the classic case of a hard exterior with a marshmallow center who can’t help but show his soft side to those he cares for.

He gave great advice and used his craftsmanship skills whenever the occasion called for his handiwork. He was everyone’s eggs and bacon-eating, bushy mustache wearing, stern-faced, and sly smiling man.

10 Comforting Leslie With Breakfast Food

When Ann, Leslie’s beautiful tropical fish, poetic noble land mermaid, and perfect sunflower of a friend left Pawnee with Chris, it was one of the worst moments of Leslie’s life.

But Leslie had all of her friends around to soften the blow, and Ron knew exactly what she needed. Waffles are there in sickness and health, in joyous occasions, and devasting situations. “There has never been a sadness that can’t be cured by breakfast food.”

9 Helping April Forgive Andy

Andy has a big heart, but he doesn’t always know how to use it, especially when there’s a new love interest and a confused love interest in the mix. So things get messed up, and he tries to make amends with April. But April isn’t exactly a people person. And so, enter Ron Swanson, the wisest and most caring man who wins the award for appearing not to care at all. He gave April relationship advice hidden in a fishing anecdote. “When you have a fish on the line, you don’t just drag it behind the boat. You either reel it in, or you cut it loose. Especially if he’s a nice fish, with a big, lovable fish heart.”


8 Giving The Eulogy For Li’l Sebastian

Ron isn’t a man who approves of public displays of affection or tears. At the beginning of the series, he was a lone man with no friends working at a job that he despised and lacked any respect for. But throughout the show, he became a family man, had his own building company, had caring friendships, and made investments in things he was interested in. One of earlier displays of his growth was his eulogy for Li’l Sebastian as he proudly stood on stage to show his affection. “I have cried twice in my life. Once when I was seven and I was hit by a school bus. And then again when I heard that Li’l Sebastian had passed.”

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7 Eating A Banana

Eating a banana might not seem like such a grand gesture to some, but for Ron Swanson, it’s a symbol of his devotion to his family. He accepted change, understanding that he needs to take care of himself for the people he loves. Ron Swanson is a man who loves his meat and won’t eat the food his food eats. He’ll eat a party platter that serves 12 people and eat numerous steaks in one sitting. He hides his gold in the woods, his bacon in the air vents of his office, and considers ice as an acceptable intake of water to keep him hydrated. But when he is given a banana by Ann to help his potassium levels, he eats it despite the struggle, even if he did end up putting it inside a burger.

6 Helping Leslie Overcome Her Guilt

Ron and Leslie’s friendship is one of support and understanding, and Ron’s wisdom is precious when it comes to Leslie’s highs and lows. When Leslie feels that her job is in jeopardy because of her relationship with Ben and the things they have done to keep it a secret, Ron proves sage advice. He tells her that it’s okay to admit what she’s done and face the music. “You know what makes a good person good? When a good person does something bad, they own up to it. They try to learn something from it and move on.”

5 The Ron Swanson Scholarship

Throughout the series, Ron makes it clear that he’s sitting pretty comfortably money wise. He isn’t one to be frivolous with his spending and uses his money wisely, including investing in people he cares for. When he and April help Andy find a college course he’s interested in, Andy lands on Women’s studies. When Ron learns that Andy and April can’t afford the college fee, he offers to pay. “You’ve just won a Ron Swanson Scholarship.”

4 Giving Chris His Crib

Ron Swanson has many talents, and among them is his masterful woodworking. Chris Traeger was lucky enough to be blessed with two of Ron’s beautiful handiworks. In the season 6 episode “Fluoride,” Ron is making a crib for his unborn child, while Chris buys his from a store.

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When Chris discovers that the crib he believed was the “safest crib in the explored universe” has been recalled because of a hazardous chemical found in the glue, Ron gives him the handmade crib intended for his own child. Ron also makes a gorgeous wooden box as part of a group sentiment for Chris’s going away gift.

3 Making Ben & Leslie’s Wedding Rings

When Ben and Leslie decide to get married on a whim, putting all wedding plans aside, they don’t have rings ready for the occasion. But Ron Swanson isn’t a man who buys things because “people who buy things are suckers.” He breaks off the sconce wall light and crafts his own rings with a process he says isn’t rocket science. “Any moron with a crucible, an acetylene torch, and a cast iron waffle maker could have done the same. The whole thing only took me about 20 minutes.”

2 Helping Tom With His Business Ventures

Whether it was investing in Rent-A-Swag, providing partnership advice, helping with the set up of Tom’s shop, or crafting chairs for Tommy’s Bistro, Ron Swanson was always supportive of Tom’s newest idea, unless it was ridiculous.

He never dimmed the enthusiastic light that shone from the business savvy employee he had working in the Parks and Recreation Department.

1 His Reunion Gift For Leslie

One of the most heartbreaking storylines on the final season of the show was that Leslie and Ron had stopped speaking and that Leslie borderline loathed Ron. This was caused by a simple misunderstanding and the two later reunited after they were lured and locked into a room together until they talked it out. Ron knew that tearing down Ann’s house broke Leslie’s heart, so he kept a piece for her. “The frame is the gift. When my company took on the Morningstar development and I realized it meant bulldozing Ann’s old house I salvaged her front door. I stripped off all the terrible paint and lacquer, people don’t really know how to finish wood properly, then I made it into this frame for you in the event that you and I ever…”

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