Parks and Recreation introduced fans to some of the funniest friendships television has have seen, and with those friendships, came the friendship expert herself, Leslie Knope. Leslie, the beloved main character of Parks, captured fans’ hearts with her stubborn, yet incredibly thoughtful personality.

She kept the characters of Pawnee, Indiana in line, and was the glue that held the Parks department together. This character had her fair share of comical moments that proved to be quite relatable on many occasions. Keep reading to see the most hysterically relatable Leslie Knope memes that any fan of this comedy series will absolutely love.

10 The Pit

The Pit behind Ann Perkin’s house was the topic of discussion in the pilot episode, and also became the reason that Ann and Leslie got to be such close friends.

This meme jokes about one of the funnier moments that the pit injured someone, as Leslie fell down into the pit in the first season. The meme compares her fall to “how my life is going so far” and is definitely relatable.

9 Priorities

Part of what made Leslie Knope so laughable was her odd quirks, like, as this meme references, her obsession with waffles. The quote from Leslie Knope shown in this meme is one that represents Leslie and everything she cares about: work, friends, and waffles, with work coming last in this list’s ranking, though.

This meme is for those who share those same priorities proudly, writing “in case you wondered about my priorities”.


8 Opposites Attract

One of the most endearing friendships in Parks and Recreation was, by far, Ron Swanson and Leslie Knope. This friendship was proof that sometimes, opposites do, indeed, attract, because these two friends couldn’t have been more different.

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Many fans of the show related to the dynamic between Ron and Leslie, and this funny meme jokes about their differences with two photos, one of Grumpy Cat, shown as Ron, and one of a much happier looking cat, as Leslie.

7 A Mood

Leslie Knope was definitely a character that didn’t shy away from showing her true feelings, as she was incredibly easy to read and very upfront with her emotions.

This meme jokes about Leslie being a “full mood” because many of her different reactions to situations were extremely relatable. The meme shows Leslie in four scenarios, during each of which, she is displaying her feelings incredibly well, which some relate to on a deep level.

6 Joe Biden

The running joke that Leslie Knope was in love with Joe Biden aged quite well considering where we are in 2020.

This meme jokes about finding someone who loves you like Leslie loves Joe Biden, writing, “Find someone that looks at you the way Leslie Knope looks at Joe Biden.” This storyline was one of the most comical in the show.

5 Group Project

One of the qualities that Leslie Knope possessed was definitely the ability to work hard, and often alone. Leslie, though she had a team of close employees, often picked up their slack, taking on the roles of multiple people to complete a task that she felt was up to her standards, and done the correct way.

This meme jokes about one of those times, as she credited herself fully for a project she worked solo on.

4 Be The Leslie Knope

While Leslie Knope had her fair share of flaws, like stubbornness and pride, she was usually only exhibiting those traits because she cared so deeply.

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Leslie’s passion for everything in her life is what made her so good at her job, and such an amazing friend and wife. The meme shown here nods to her ability to do everything with 100% percent effort and is one that Leslie Knope fans will appreciate.

3 April And Leslie

One of the sweetest friendships on the show was the friendship between Leslie Knope and April Ludgate, which grew stronger and stronger throughout each season. These two characters were an unlikely pair, as they were opposites in most ways.

This fun meme points out their differences in a way that all fans of Parks and Recreation will appreciate, writing, “Be April in your brain, and Leslie in your face.” These two characters really knew how to balance each other out.

2 Everything Hurts And I’m Dying

Leslie Knope was quite used to getting complaints from the citizens of Pawnee, Indiana, and after a while, she was able to make light of them, often not even feeling phased by their oddness.

The meme shown here points out her habit of doing so as it shows a line of Leslie’s from season four of the show, saying, “Everything hurts and I’m dying,” quoting the seniors of Pawnee’s complaints about Pawnee.

1 Binder

What made Leslie Knope so iconic was her preparedness. Leslie was always prepared for whatever she faced, whether that meant doing research, scrapbooking, or, in this meme’s case, making binders.

Leslie was famous for her binders, which would usually include every single piece of information about whatever project she was working on. This meme jokes about the rough year that 2020 has been, stating, “Leslie Knope would have had a binder for this.”

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