Parks & Recreation is not safe from weird fan theories, and among those is one that suggests Andy Dwyer is actually Toy Story’s Andy. Created by Greg Daniels and Michael Schur, Parks & Recreation debuted on NBC in 2009, and even though it had a rough start, as the writers struggled a bit to find the right tone for the series, it lived on for six more seasons, coming to an end in 2015.

Parks & Recreation followed the daily lives of eternal optimist Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) and her friends and coworkers from the Parks Department in Pawnee, Indiana. Over the course of seven seasons, viewers got to know Leslie and friends quite well, and one that became an instant favorite was Andy Dwyer (Chris Pratt). Andy was originally planned to be just a guest character, appearing only in the first season, but Pratt’s performance won the producers over, and he ended up being part of the series until the very end. What made Andy so popular with viewers was his goofy, dim-witted but lovable nature, which some fans have tried to explain through a strange theory connecting Pawnee with one of Pixar’s most famous movies.


A fan theory shared on Reddit suggests that Toy Story’s Andy shares a lot more than just a name with Chris Pratt’s character in Parks & Recreation. The author begins by pointing out that Andy Dwyer wanted to be a cop, and even took the tests to become one but didn’t pass because he has a very good heart. Toy Story’s Andy had two favorite toys: a crime-stopping cowboy (good old Woody) and a space ranger (Buzz), which could have sparked his desire to become a cop one day. Burt Macklin, then, was Andy’s way to encapsulate that “love of law enforcement” he had as a child, and even more after he couldn’t be a real cop.

The theory also points out how 18-year-old Andy in Toy Story 3 was so reluctant to give up his toys (especially Woody and Buzz), showing that he still had a childish side. Last but not least, the author explains that Toy Story’s Andy has an affinity for guitars, having various guitar posters and even an electric guitar, and Parks & Recreation’s Andy was the guitarist (and singer) of the unforgettable band Mouse Rat. While these might be some fun coincidences or a big stretch (depending on everyone’s perspective, really), it’s simply not possible or believable for Andy Dwyer to be the same Andy seen in Toy Story. As mentioned above, Andy was very goofy and dim-witted, something never seen in Pixar’s very own Andy. Teenage Andy actually seemed quite mature, and his reluctancy to give up his toys wasn’t a childish gesture, but one out of nostalgia.

Andy Dwyer being the same Andy from Toy Story is nothing more than a theory, and it’s up to every Parks & Recreation fan to decide if it holds up or not, depending on their own perspective of both characters – and if they are the same person, the biggest question would be how Toy Story’s Andy ended up in Pawnee, falling into a huge pit and breaking both legs.

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