Pathfinder Kingmaker is very faithful to the pen and paper role-playing game system it is based on. While the main focus is on exploring dungeons and battling monsters, another key aspect is building a kingdom to improve the land and help residents. The main character is just a single individual, and it takes a whole team to properly govern a nation. That is why Pathfinder Kingmaker is filled with many advisers that can help guide the domestic and foreign policy of the Stolen Lands.

Pathfinder Kingmaker builds off concepts first established in the third edition of Dungeons and Dragons. This has led to the Pathfinder system being referred to as “Dungeons and Dragons 3.75” by fans. Ability scores, alignment, classes, and other aspects should be very familiar to people who have experienced either role-playing game. However, Pathfinder Kingmaker has some nuances and big differences compared to Pathfinder second edition or the fourth and fifth editions of Dungeons and Dragons. When planning and managing territory in Pathfinder Kingmaker, it is important to keep an open mind about mechanics.


Recruiting Advisers in Pathfinder Kingmaker

Pathfinder Kingmaker has 21 unique potential advisers to help manage the Stolen Lands. However, not all of them may best suit your realm and leader. First, each adviser position gains bonuses from a particular ability score. For example, a Wizard with their high Intelligence would work best as a Magister or Treasurer. Next, advisers advocate for choices that correspond to their alignment. If you have a Lawful Evil adviser, but enact only Chaotic Good policies you will lose favor. Characters with extremely bad relations will eventually quit and abandon the party. This means you could not only lose a kingdom adviser, but also a member of your combat team. Here are the advisers, their alignment, and how to recruit them:

Combat Party Members

  • Amiri, Chaotic Neutral: joins during the Prologue regardless of choices
  • Valerie, Lawful Neutral: joins at the end of the Prologue, if you give Jamandi a Lawful answer. Otherwise can be found at Ancient Tomb or Old Sycamore
  • Harrim Chaotic Neutral: joins at the end of the Prologue, if you give Jamandi a Chaotic answer. Otherwise can be found at Ancient Tomb or Old Sycamore
  • Linzi, Chaotic Good: joins at the end of the Prologue if you give Jamandi a Good answer. Otherwise can be found at Ancient Tomb or Old Sycamore
  • Jaethal, Neutral Evil: joins at the end of the Prologue if you give Jamandi an Evil answer. Otherwise can be found at Ancient Tomb or Old Sycamore
  • Tristian, Neutral Good: found during Chapter 1 at Temple of the Elk if you do not have all four of Valerie, Harrim, Linzi, and Jaethal. Otherwise joins at the start of Chapter 2
  • Octavia, Chaotic Good: joins during Chapter 1 if you complete the Technic Camp side quest
  • Regongar, Chaotic Evil: joins during Chapter 1 if you complete the Technic Camp side quest
  • Kanerah, Lawful Evil: found in the capital at the start of Chapter 2, but only with The Wildcard DLC
  • Jubilost, Chaotic Neutral: found at Skunk Ford during the Chapter 2 Troll Trouble main quest
  • Ekundayo, Lawful Good: found at Ruined Watchtower during the Chapter 2 Troll Trouble main quest

Non-Player Advisers

  • Jhod Kavken, Lawful Good: joins during Chapter 1 main story after being rescued at Thorn Ford
  • Kassil Aldori, Lawful Good: joins at the start of Chapter 2, but only if you pick him over Shandra and Lander at your coronation
  • Shandra Mervey, Lawful Neutral: joins at the start of Chapter 2, but only if you pick her over Kassil and Lander at your coronation
  • Lander Lebeda, Chaotic Evil: joins at the start of Chapter 2, but only if you pick him over Kassil and Shandra at your coronation
  • Kesten Garess, Lawful Neutral: joins at the start of Chapter 2, regardless of choices
  • Storyteller, True Neutral: joins at the start of Chapter 2, regardless of choices
  • Bartholomew Delgado, Lawful Evil: found at his Lone House during the Chapter 2 Troll Trouble main quest
  • Tsanna, Chaotic Evil: pardon her during the Chapter 2 Witch Hunt main quest and then head to the Shrine of Lamashtu
  • Maeger Varn, Chaotic Good: joins during Chapter 3 at Varnhold if you defeat Vordakai
  • Vordakai, Neutral Evil: joins during Chapter 3 at Vordakai’s Tomb if you sacrifice Maeger

As noted, you can’t have every adviser at once. You will have to make important choices when recruiting. Additionally, story options later in the game could cause advisers to perish or leave. As a backup, you can recruit mercenaries from your capital pub to fill any role (and have possibly better stats). But, all mercenaries take a -4 penalty on their assignments and have a preference for True Neutral actions.

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Adviser Positions in Pathfinder Kingmaker

During Chapter 2 you will be crowned master of the Stolen Lands. When at your capital’s throne room you can start assigning advisers to various positions. Each job can only be filled by certain characters, and you cannot give anyone more than one role at a time. If you are unhappy with an adviser you can always replace them (unless they are currently on assignment). You can only manage your kingdom within a controlled territory. If you venture to foreign lands, you will need to return to your borders.

Treasurer and Economy

The Treasurer oversees the kingdom’s wealth and taxation. This means that they can help raise Build Points (BP) and spend it to make national improvements. While the Treasurer directly interacts with the Economy, their policies can have indirect effects on Relations, Stability, and Loyalty. The Treasurer role can be filled by Jubilost (CN), Kanerah (LE), Bartholomew Delgado (LE), or Maeger Varn (CG) and receives a bonus from Intelligence.

As an Alchemist, Jubilost has great Intelligence for the job, but his Chaotic nature can be detrimental when forming a Lawful kingdom. Kanerah is special as she can be recruited far sooner than any other Treasurer, but only when owning The Wildcard expansion. Bartholomew can be a good back up if you decide to play without the DLC.

Oddly, the Economy stat does not directly boost the monthly BP supply. Instead, it raises the BP threshold for every other kingdom stat. For example, having Rank III in Military, Arcane, and Relations but Rank II Economy may reward 6 BP, while having them all at Rank III could give 9 BP. This means that focusing on Economy early can be very important in the long term.

Regent and Community

The Regent focuses on the needs of the common people. Their primary concern is of the kingdom Community stat, but their actions can also tilt Economy, Loyalty, Stability, and Culture. The Regent also helps renovate the size of the capital. The Regent role can be taken by Valerie (LN), Octavia (CG), or Lander Lebeda (CE) and is powered by Charisma. Despite having the Fighter class, Valerie has remarkably high Charisma. But, her shrewdness for Lawful answers may make Chaotic leaders prefer Octavia. Lander is a very cautious choice, as his Evil nature can result in an unhappy kingdom. Recruiting Lander also locks you out of having either Shandra or Kassil, both of whom may be more helpful for your kingdom structure.

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Once you achieve Rank IV Community, the Regent will help unlock the Diplomat role and support it until it levels.

Diplomat and Relations

The Diplomat is responsible for international affairs, particularly with allied locations like Brevoy and Varnhold. Their focus is on improving Relations, but can also form policies on Economy, Espionage, Military, and Culture. Possible Diplomats include Valerie (LN), Linzi (CG), or Bartholomew Delgado (LE) and gets a bonus for Charisma. As a gifted Bard, Linzi’s high Charisma makes her perfect for this role. However, she is also a prime candidate for Curator. Plus, since she prefers Chaotic and Good selections, both Valerie and Bartholomew are suitable backups.

Once you achieve Rank IV Relations, the Diplomat will help unlock the Minister role and support it until it levels.

Minister and Espionage

The Minister acts as spymaster and supplies the kingdom with forbidden knowledge. The Minister rarely conducts projects in the open, preferring to approach the lord in direct one-on-one meetings. The Minister oversees the Espionage stat but can form policies that affect Relations, Military, and Arcane. Candidates include Jaethal (NE), Jubilost (CN), or Ekundayo (LG) and gains a bonus from Dexterity. As an archery-focused Ranger, Ekundayo has great stats as a Minister. As expected he prefers Lawful actions, to the point of sometimes advocating for Lawful Evil instead of Chaotic Good. Jubilost makes a fine replacement as Alchemists favor medium to high Dexterity as well. Jaethal is a bit less desirable, mostly because her talents may be better as Curator instead of Minister.

Councilor and Loyalty

The Councilor brokers trust with nobles, merchants, and other very important people. They see first to the Loyalty of the kingdom but can also affect Community, Stability, and Military. Possible Councilors include Tristian (NG), Shandra Mervey (LN), or Tsanna (CE) and gains a bonus from Wisdom. As a Cleric, Tristian has the best stats for this role. However, as one of the characters most central to the plot, he will often be unavailable to see to his duties. Shandra can actually be a more ideal Councilor, especially as she has advantages over the other two coronation advisers, Kassil and Lander.

Once you achieve Rank IV Loyalty, the Councilor will help unlock the Curator role and support it until it levels.

Curator and Culture

The Curator maintains the Stolen Lands’ art, literature, and historical archives. They produce the Kingdom’s Culture, but can also improve Relations, Stability, and Economy. Be warned, many of their ideas cost huge amounts of BP, and can leave the kingdom in financial ruin if not properly budgeted. Possible Curators are Linzi (CG), Jaethal (NE), or Storyteller (TN) and utilize Charisma. Both Linzi and Jaethal are great fits for the job; the Bard class needs Charisma for their features, and as an undead Jaethal uses the ability score for her HP instead of Constitution. But the two of them favor either Good or Evil actions, leaving Storyteller a good alternative if you want to have a morally balanced nation.

General and Military

The General bolsters the army for possible conflict with rival countries. They are the main person in charge of Military, but can also have lasting effect on Stability, Divine, and Relations. The General’s projects tend to have moderate monthly or weekly BP costs, which can cause a small burden on income. The role can be filled by Amiri (CN), Regongar (CE), or Kassil Aldori (LG) and is improved with Strength. As a raging Barbarian, Amiri is statically best for the job. However, her leadership will lead to a path of pure Chaos, making Kassil a suitable alternative. However, recruiting him does mean missing out on both Shandra and Lander.

Once you achieve Rank IV Military, the General will help unlock the Warden role and support it until it levels.

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Warden and Stability

The Warden sees to the Stolen Lands’ police and national security. They are critical to maintaining Stability, but can also help Community and Loyalty. Stability is a very important stat, as entering negative values for too long can result in a game over. This makes the Warden important to stop your kingdom from collapsing into anarchy.

Possible Warden candidates include Regongar (CE), Ekundayo (LG), or Kesten Garess (LN) and relies on Constitution. As a hearty frontline Magus, Regongar will have good stats. Ekundayo is still great if you want a more Lawful option, even if Constitution isn’t as needed on an archer. But, both may already be in other jobs, like General or Minister, to take the role. Kesten will always be serviceable, though maybe not an outstanding Warden.

High Priest and Divine

The High Priest acts as religious adviser. While the Divine stat is their main duty, they can also influence Arcane, Community, and Relations. The High Priest can also recommend temples of a major deity like Abadar, Gorum, Asmodeus, and Cayden Cailean. Most importantly, they have a series of extremely long and pricey assignments that are necessary to gain background lore or unlock certain endings.

High Priest candidates are Harrim (CN), Jhod Kavken (LG), or Tsanna (CE) and uses Wisdom. Despite being of the Cleric class, Harrim doesn’t have remarkably high stats for the job. Jhod can be great for a Lawful nation, but as a story important character there will be times when he is unavailable to act as High Priest. Tsanna is of course the right option for making the Stolen Lands worship Evil gods.

Once you achieve Rank IV Divine, the High Priest will help unlock the Magister role and support it until it levels.

Magister and Arcane

The Magister acts as court mage and spell expert. They directly improve Arcane and may also help Divine and Community. Many of their projects result in magical effects that can support the party or change aspects of the world map. Like the High Priest, the Magister’s work may be needed to research the full story and unlock alternate endings.

Possible Magisters include Octavia (CG), Storyteller (TN), or Vordakai (NE) and makes use of Intelligence. As the team’s Wizard, Octavia is a great option unless she is busy as a Regent. Vordakai is an interesting choice, as his mere presence in the capital can unsettle certain characters and situations. Still, he will be ideal if you want more Evil within the Stolen Lands.

Overall, choose advisers that agree with your lord’s moral and social stance. A trusted but inadequate staff tends to function better than one filled with superb, yet angry advisers. Your kingdoms’ Treasurer, Warden, and High Priest should be your top priority. And remember, sometimes your choices may mean having only one (or even zero) available candidates. Plan ahead, save often in multiple slots, and you can create an ideal and thriving region.

Pathfinder Kingmaker is available on PC.

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