Paul Bettany would love to reprise his Solo: A Star Wars Story character Dryden Vos if the opportunity arose. Over the years, Bettany has come to play a vital part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He began as the voice of J.A.R.V.I.S., Tony Stark’s (Robert Downey Jr.) AI assistant. However, 2015’s Avengers: Age of Ultron brought a major change for the actor, as he stepped into the role of android Vision. This week will see Bettany take a co-leading role in WandaVision, the first MCU-set series to premiere on Disney+.

With Bettany being such a large part of the MCU, it’s easy to forget he also had a hand in the Star Wars franchise. In 2018, Bettany played Dryden Vos in Solo, the second Star Wars anthology movie. Focusing on a young Han Solo’s (Alden Ehrenreich) adventures, Solo introduced audiences to Dryden, who served as a crime boss operating under Darth Maul (who was revealed in a surprising cameo). Though Solo featured Dryden’s untimely demise, the character later made a cameo on Star Wars: The Clone Wars, hinting at a bigger story.


While being interviewed by Jake’s Takes for WandaVision, Bettany was asked if there are any other past characters of his he would be interested in playing in a episodic manner similar to the Marvel series. Bettany didn’t have to think too long before he picked Dryden as his answer. “Oh, I would love to mess around with Dryden Vos,” Bettany said. “I love that idea.”

Though Solo earned generally positive reviews, its seemingly disappointing box office total appeared to squash any hopes of a sequel. However, last fall saw director Ron Howard hinting there could be more in store for Solo. While nothing is in active development right now, Howard said he’s noticed an interest in the characters, which could eventually lead to some kind of new project. Clearly, Bettany is one of those interested in continuing the stories of those found in Solo.

As Solo told the end of Dryden Vos’ story, perhaps there could be a way to delve into his backstory. When it comes to the characters of Star Wars, there’s rarely a stretch of their lives that doesn’t get explored in some form. If Lucasfilm was interested in telling Dryden’s story, Bettany would certainly be on board, and it might be safe to say there are fans who would be too. A project like a Disney+ show could explore how Dryden Vos rose up within the criminal underworld, which would make for a compelling story. Right now, nothing is happening just yet, but who knows? With Star Wars, anything can happen.

Source: Jake’s Takes

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