A decidedly creepier version of Old Saint Nick has been added to ghost hunter simulator Phasmophobia. This holiday-themed add-on follows the recent Cursed Possesions update, which added tarot cards and other spooky essentials to the terrifying multiplayer game.

Phasmophobia tasks players with filling the role of paranormal investigators who get sent out on contracts to identify malevolent spirits in various locations. Rather than providing players with weaponry like similar contemporary survival horror titles, Phasmophobia instead offers up ghost hunting tools like journals, flashlights, and cameras, making for a gaming experience defined by intense vulnerability and fear. Gamers can tackle each challenge solo or with up to four other players, and the game features VR support for those who are truly fearless. Like with many modern viral video games, Phasmophobia is getting constant updates and content drops, with a particularly notable example being October’s Slenderman update.


Slenderman is an icon of modern horror, but developer Kinetic Games recently made the decision to add a more unorthodox monster to the game: Santa Claus. According to Eurogamer, players can spot this jolly ghost around the Maple Campsite, an area covered in a blanket of fresh snow. This spooky Santa will arrive to the tune of jingle bells and forces players to flee from him. This new addition has been surprising players like streamer Otter Lady since the update dropped, as there was never any specific mention of Santa Claus being introduced to the game; the patch notes for the update simply state that a “new ghost type” will be making an appearance.

Adding Kris Kringle to the game is sure to be seen as a cute detail by players, but it is far from the only (or scariest) new integration that came by way of this most recent update; the holiday patch added summoning circles to Phasmophobia, along with a voodoo doll and additional questions for the in-game Ouija Board. The patch notes hinted at even more new secrets, features, and Easter eggs, so players might end up discovering additional spooky seasonal details in the coming weeks.

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Phasmophobia has garnered a lot of affection and respect since its release back in 2020, even winning the award for Best Debut Game at last year’s The Game Awards. This praise is mostly attributed to the solid, experimental gameplay, but the regular support from Kinetic Games likely helps keep the game in the spotlight. Gamers will have to wait and see what the future holds for the breakout indie title.

Phasmophobia is currently available on PC.

Source: Eurogamer, Otter Lady/Twitter

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