One of the things that makes Phasmophobiasuch a terrifying experience for players is the lack of direction they receive at the start. Most of the time, players use trial and error to figure out how the equipment works, how to stay alive against the ghost, and how to complete 0bjectives and gather enough evidence to identify the ghosts. Players get access to equipment similar to that of professional ghost hunters, like EMF readers, thermometers, and night-vision cameras, and more occult-like equipment like Ouija Boards, spirit boxes, Crucifixes, and a ghost writing book. Players can use some of this equipment as a way to gather evidence and the rest of it as a way to communicate directly with the ghost.


One piece of equipment players can use to temporarily cleanse an area and prevent the ghost from entering the hunting phase for a little while. This can buy players some time once they find the ghost’s room so they can collect more evidence and possibly identify the ghost prior to the start of the hunting phase so all the players make it out of the house alive. Smudge sticks can be confusing to use at first because players need to have both the smudge sticks and a lighter and will need to know how to combine the two. Here’s how to use smudge sticks in Phasmophobia.

How to Use Smudge Sticks in Phasmophobia

Because smudge sticks burn up quickly, players will want to save them until the team has entered the ghost room. Smudge sticks will be most effective at preventing a hunting phase where the ghost spends the most time.

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Smudge sticks will prevent a ghost from entering a hunt for about 90 seconds. For Spirits, this is doubled, and the smudge sticks will prevent the ghost from entering the hunt for 180 seconds. Players can light and use smudge sticks after a hunting phase has already begun, but it will only stop the ghost for about six seconds. This can still give players some time to run and hide if needed. The exception to this is the Yurei, which will be stopped for 90 seconds during the hunting phase.

To use smudge sticks, players will need to have both smudge sticks and a lighter in their inventory or their friends’ inventory. To light it, players will need to switch to the lighter during the game and use the left trigger or right click to turn it on. Then, they will need to switch over to the smudge sticks and press F or the left trigger to light them. Players can also have a friend hold the lighter or light the smudge stick, though this can be more difficult to coordinate appropriately.

Once players light the stick, they can either hold it or they can toss it onto the ground of the room. If they choose to hold it, they can still equip other equipment while it burns. The smoke will spread around the room, and the ghost will be halted for a time. Once the smoke disappears, it means the smudge sticks have run out. They’ll need to light another one, or they’ll be fair game for a restless and angry ghost.

Phasmophobiais available for PC.

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