“Aren’t you a little young” is the question asked in nearly every episode of Phineas and Ferb, and yet in each episode, the brothers vacantly respond “yes, yes we are” as they go about their incredible invention of the week. Although both brothers are smart, and prodigy-level engineers, Phineas acts as the vocal leader of the two. Ferb, on the other hand, is much more of the strong and silent type, choosing his words very carefully, sometimes saying almost as little as the voice actor for his pet platypus, Perry.

Ferb may only say one or two lines in an episode, but those lines are filled with as much wit, timing, and knowledge as a British step-brother can cultivate. Over time, the show began to lean into how to use Ferb’s few-and-far-between lines for the biggest laugh possible, subverting expectations over and over again.


Ferb’s In The Know

“But The Internet Is Forever.”

In true Ferb fashion, his smarts result in a surprisingly poignant quote. After a heavily edited video of Candace is released online, Phineas responds “Enjoy it while it lasts, Candace. Fame is fleeting” before Ferb chimes in. The episode, televised in 2008, was in the midst of a real awakening for the internet, with edits and parody videos gaining traction.

Ferb has a tendency to have lines that feel “before their time” as if he knew what would come. It wouldn’t be a reach to think that with the extensive knowledge he has, Ferb could’ve predicted meme culture or the Metaverse. The world may never know.

Heart over Brains

“I Was Weak.”

It is rare that Ferb’s head is swayed from the task at hand. Regardless of the distraction or problem, he is known to be on the straight and narrow keeping to himself and his work. That is until the episode “I Scream, You Scream” where he meets Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s daughter Vanessa.

Though Perry and Dr. Doofenshmirtz have the best battles, this time, Ferb was thrown into a battle between his brain and his heart. This one moment of hormonal confusion sets up the romance between Ferb and Vanessa that builds through the seasons. Ferb’s response to why he mixed everything up perfectly sums it up.

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No Guts, No Glory

“Um, Hello? Entire Lower Half Of Amazing Super Hero Here. I Guess There’s No Glory In The Thighs.”

After battling a super-villain level threat in which Phineas fights as the top half and Ferb as the lower half, Phineas is congratulated for his bravery by Isabella and a crowd. They walk away, leaving Ferb alone with his thoughts.

Ferb rarely acts jealous, or even leaves his silent, humble nature, but here he can’t believe it. It is a funny, out-of-character moment that is capped with Ferb’s important note on the lack of thigh appreciation in the world.

Boy, Interrupted

“Actually, I–“

It is no secret to anyone in the Tri-State Area that Ferb is purposeful with his additions to the conversation. However, there are many times throughout the show in which someone asks Ferb, “You don’t talk much do you?”

The repeated gag where Ferb immediately tries to explain himself, and his nature, before being interrupted results in a big laugh. If only fans could know Ferb’s personal justification.

A Man Of The Streets

“You’re Not Very Street.”

Though he may not seem that way, Ferb has always belonged to the streets. Whether it be making modifications on a car that aren’t “street legal” or flirting with Vanessa, Ferb knows his way around a culdesac.

This becomes quite the laugh, though when Phineas tries to inspire the masses with a speech including a lot of “dangs” in it during the episode “At The Car Wash.” Phineas knows he can’t pull it off and Ferb solidifies that. His matter-of-fact and dry humor here being juxtaposed by telling the audience he is street has the perfect amount of surprise.

Finally Stumped

“I’ll Never Understand Fashion.”

Over the seasons, Phineas and Ferb have created some of the best inventions with just their smarts. Because of this, it is rare to see them stumped by anything. Yet there is always one thing no one can fully understand: fashion.

Ferb’s line after seeing Candace and Stacy in Sherlock Holmes clothing is something that has been and will keep being said for all time. Fashion is an ever-changing field; once something is in, it’s out. If Ferb doesn’t understand it, there’s not much luck for anyone else.

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A Soapbox Awaits

“Give up? Give up?! The day may come when we’ll give up on fruitless searches after a mere 11 minutes, but that day is NOT today! The day may come when our favorite reptile may be lost from our memories and his enduring love of mushrooms forgotten, but that day is not today! Today we search! […] We shall not cease ’till he is found!”

Ferb, a man of very few words, was finally given the chance to shine. In the episode “The Lizard Whisperer,” the boys find a lost reptile in the backyard before losing it themselves. After searching to no avail, they consider giving up before Ferb has his longest line in the series.

His speech, similar to Winston Churchill’s famous speech in 1940, finally gives the character a chance to lead. Ferb’s whip-smart mind even includes a meta-reference to the 11-minute runtime of the episode. It makes fans wonder, if he just spoke up a little bit more, how much effect Ferb could have.

The Brainiest of Jokesters

“While ice cream is made from dairy products and turned vigorously with air, sorbet is made entirely out of fancy people.”

Ferb is known to spout a random but related fact as his one line in an episode. He is filled with knowledge, but sometimes he likes to use that knowledge to his advantage (much like the Hogwarts house Ferb would fit into).

Because he is so often the voice of fact and reason, people tend to believe what he says. Therefore, Ferb chooses to make himself laugh by himself by making taking other characters for the ride on a fact that is merely a lie. It is just another example of how above Ferb is from his peers.

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What’s It Short For?

“Well, It’s Short For– Oh, Here It Is.”

Ferb is a man of many mysteries. Specifically, his name. In the episode “Vanessessary Roughness,” Vanessa first hears his name. She asks, “You’re name is Ferb?” to which Ferb tries to tell her what it is a nickname for. It is a throwaway moment that left many fans wondering.

Viewers recently began discussing it all over TikTok and co-creator Dan Povenmire finally answered the burning question with his own TikTok. He tells fans that Ferb is just short for Ferbs, which Vanessa calls Ferb in the episode “Act Your Age,” which takes place in the future.

The Comeback King

“At The Yorkshire Athletic School For In-Your-Face”

Ferb is not one to flaunt. A humble brag often seems too much for him. However, in the episode “Sleepwalk Surprise” where Phineas and Ferb invent the game of Jetpack Volleyball, Jeremy can’t believe how good Ferb is at serving.

Ferb’s response is said with such dry humor that the viewer is stunned such a response even came out of his mouth. Ferb is a humble man, but when he decides to crack a joke at another character’s expense it is always a big laugh. His lines are always a surprise and waiting for what knowledge, wit, or philosophy he will spout in each episode is half of the fun.

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