The 2000 sci-fi classic Pitch Black introduced audiences to an entirely new kind of anti-hero who wasn’t a cop, a grizzled FBI agent, or a street thug with a heart of gold. No, this character was Riddick, a convict with a rap sheet for murder and a reputation that was ten times worse.

Pitch Black found Riddick and a crew of travelers crash-landing on Planet Number Two, one of the most inhospitable lumps of dirt in the entire galaxy. What they find is a world that fades into a state of perpetual night for an extended period which awakens something far more terrifying under the surface. Here are 10 of Riddick’s most badass quotes from the original Pitch Black. 

10 “They Say Most Of Your Brain Shuts Down In Cryosleep. All But The Primitive Side. The Animal Side. No Wonder I’m Still Awake!”

Riddick narrated the introduction to the original Pitch Black, which only seemed fitting given his status as the most mysterious character of the entire bunch. The beginning is a series of shots of the characters in status, with only Riddick seemingly still aware of what’s going on.

This quote helps to set up the character of Riddick so that audiences were unsure whether he would turn out to be a nightmarish villain or a misunderstood anti-hero. By the end of the film, it’s still relatively hard to tell.

9 “All You People Are So Scared Of Me. Most Days, I Take That As A Compliment. But It Ain’t Me You Gotta’ Worry About Now.”

When Riddick escaped his bindings, the rest of the crew become increasingly paranoid of just how/when he might strike. Riddick attempted to use this to his advantage in order to separate them off and gain the upper hand.

His plan would have come to fruition had Riddick not become aware that lurking under the surface of the barren desolate planet was a life form far more dangerous than himself. He came clean to the rest of the crew with this quote in an attempt to get them to understand the danger that was lurking close.


8 “Finally Found Something Worse Than Me.”

At first, the crew believed that Riddick was the principal threat to their survival on an already harsh and desolate world. When Johns learned that they were up against something far more deadly, he decided to strike a deal with Riddick – cooperation in return for letting him go free.

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Riddick took it as a sign that times were getting testy, and uttered this quote that Johns wasn’t willing to admit. He knew that without Riddick’s help, their chances of survival would plunge. In the end, Riddick played along knowing full well that Johns would undoubtedly betray him, Game of Thrones style.

7 “You’re Not Afraid Of The Dark, Are You?”

Riddick had the advantage of a shine-job on his eyes that allowed him to see in the dark with perception far greater than that of normal humans. The downside was an oversensitivity to bright light, the same when one wears night vision goggles during the daytime.

This quote became something of a catch phrase not only for Pitch Black, but also the franchise sequel The Chronicles of Riddick that made his eyesight a key component of the character. When uttered by Riddick, it takes on a whole new spine-tingling meaning.

6 “I Don’t Truly Know What’s Gonna’ Happen When The Lights Go Out. But I Do Know Once The Dying Starts, This Little Psycho-F*** Family Of Ours Is Gonna’ Rip Itself Apart.”

When Riddick was released, he began noticing that tensions were fraying among the crew. Johns began having withdrawal symptoms from drug abuse which Riddick knew would put the team in jeopardy once he came apart at the seams.

Riddick cornered Carolyn in the ship to have a little talk with her in an attempt to sow the seeds of doubt. He also did it as a warning for Carolyn to adhere to once the inevitable deaths began to occur. Sure enough, when perma-night fell, the crew fell apart faster than a soggy biscuit.

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5 “You Got It All Wrong, Holy Man. I Absolutely Believe In God…And I Absolutely Hate The F*****.”

Muslim preacher Abu ‘Imam’ al-Walid was forced to deal with the deaths of two of his beloved boys on the way to New Mecca, yet he never doubted his own faith. Riddick however, was quick to point out what he felt was the futility of faith in a supernatural deity.

At first, Abu thought Riddick might simply be an Atheist, but Riddick was quick to correct him with this quote. The backstory involved Riddick describing being born in a trash can with an umbilical cord around his neck, which would later serve as part of a prophecy Riddick himself was meant to fulfill.

4 “Don’t You Cry For Johns. Don’t You Dare!”

When it became obvious that the chances for survival were dwindling, Johns tried to proposition Riddick with a filthy premise – kill young Jack and trail her body behind to lure the creatures away from them, thereby granting them relative safe passage to the shuttle.

It was a line that even Riddick, for all his ruthlessness was unwilling to cross. He turned on Johns and the two engaged in a fight that left him wounded. As Riddick faded silently back into the darkness, Johns was left in the open to be slaughtered by the alien creatures. Jack felt remorse for Johns’ death, but Riddick uttered this quote while simultaneously choosing not to divulge the horrible plan to her.

3 “One Rule. Stay In The Light!”

The frightening alien creatures native to the hostile desert planet were severely vulnerable to any form of light. Any contact would produce immense physical damage, which meant they spent their time in perpetual darkness. When the planet descended into perma-night, the crew began constructing makeshift light sources in order to keep themselves bathed in luminescence.

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This quote from Riddick became a signature phrase to remind everyone of the dangers of setting even one foot into the darkness. He uttered it during the final showdown with Johns before the light sources went out, leaving him defenseless.

2 “I Told You To Ghost Me!”

Riddick and Johns went toe-to-toe in brutal fashion while the rest of the crew scattered, knowing full well that trouble was about to brew. Little did they suspect that Riddick was acting in their defense. After gaining the upper hand against Johns, he sliced him in the back with a shiv, putting the smell of his blood in the air.

As Riddick backed away and allowed the creatures to zero Johns, he spoke this quote from the darkness which is a direct reference to an earlier scene in the film when he advised Johns to kill him right there on the spot. Johns’ initial shady deal came back to haunt him in the end.

1 “You Gotta Kill A Few People.”

When Carolyn first confronted a chained Riddick, he lunged at her in an attempt to scare her. This revealed his glowing shine-job eyes that were capable of seeing in the dark with excellent clarity. Little did both realize that young Jack was watching from the side, and was clearly impressed by Riddick’s peepers.

“Where the Hell can I get eyes like that?” she asked. Riddick replied, “You gotta’ kill a few people,” before recollecting a quick rundown of his time in prison and the procedure that afforded him this excellent hunter’s trait. It would prove invaluable for the challenges to come.

Next10 Best Movie Characters That Went From Villain To Friend

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